Giovanni Martinez, senior environment artist since September following 4.5 years as environment artist at Insomniac -
Hawar Doghramachi, senior graphics engineer since October, having most recently spent almost four years as a graphics programmer at Naughty Dog -
Jaime Molina, environment artist since August, following over two years in the same role at Infinity Ward -
Jolyon Myers, principal world builder since October, having previously spent over a decade at Infinity Ward as expert designer -
Joseph Than, a producer who has just joined following almost three years as a producer at Blizzard -
Lauren Manuel Garcia Carro, senior shader tech artist since October, having most recently spent three years as a character shading TD at Naughty Dog -
Lee Davis, lead gameplay animator since October following over a decade as an animator at Naughty Dog -
Maxwell Morrison, QA lead since August who is the owner of his own QA consulting firm and has held roles at Id Software, Riot and Gearbox -
Nigel Loster, gameplay designer since October who previously held the same role for five years at The Coalition -
Pasquale Scionti, senior environment/lighting artist since August who has freelanced for Epic Games and has extensive Unreal Engine experience -
Sarah Swenson, environment artist since October, having held the same role at Santa Monica Studio and before that at Naughty Dog -
Stephen Clayburn, principal lead online services engineer since September, having spent over three years in engineering roles at Blizzard -
Victor Chavez, senior animator, who most recently spent over four years as an animator at Amazon Game Studios -