I have to disagree.You see games like Rage & etc which belong to nextgens but most of the games even now can run well in previous consoles so by sacrificing the majority we

shall see disappointing & disgusting games and have to live in memory of valuable old games
.So I would like the generation to remain for eternity
u r right , next generation S*cks
old games old memories .... i want them back ...old stories and ofcours (SILENT HILL) was on of them
i am so sad and depressed about what happaned to this beauty ,incredible games

but as others said this summer really really s*cked ,God I wish we had better times this summer , me,personaly hadnt played a really good game this summer ...i think last summer was better at least we had Mafia 2 which was a good game to play
---------- نوشته در 09:43 PM اضافه شد ---------- نوشته قبلی در 08:16 PM ارسال شده بود ----------
I wrote a story about Sparda may I put it here
When the devil cries….
When the Darkness come along and the heart of the earth beats as its pains rise like a horrible scream… it’s the time to the birth of a man from darkness who believed to be a knight of the dark and one standing man against the humanity.
He never saw his mother or father…THEY told him he was born from fire of anxious and anger. Chaos was his last name and his first name referred to Demonic worlds. Sparda , he was called. As a child he show himself a good fighter that can served demonic world and believed to be a key of demon gate .
As he become as a young devil, everybody had much respect for him and worship him as a god of the darkness. He was the one who Mundos, the other son of darkness, really jealous of him. No matter how much Mundos tried but he couldn’t show himself as a better one… as the one who can serves the Darkness who can be the Lord of the darkness.
Times pasts , and Sparda became more trustworthy than ever . Prince of darkness trust in his abilities and made him as the top of his army against mankind. He could kill and he could destroy, he had no feelings , he was a devil, he didn’t give a damn care about others even his own kind. Even crying babies for their parents death , couldn’t stop him from his horrid actions. Mankind was as depressed as they could , they had no hope they need someone … someone who could stop Sparda , someone who could save them.
And here’s the question “what did change Sparda that deeply that he turned against his own kind and sealed the demon gate which had been opened once by Darkness?” was that Love? Love of a person, a human? How could that cruel Sparda fall in love? Is that love so powerfull that made a demon A human?
There’s still these question remains … no one knows … how Sparad fell in love with Eva, and sacrifices his life for her, was that a human that worthy?
Loving Eva and seeing her every time made Sparda unreliable to the others and it was Munos who was a huge threat against Sparda, he called darkness and told him about what Sparda is doing …(Seeing a Homan woman every night…) Mundos laughed . and from that night Sparda couldn’t back to them…why? They would kill him immediately and it wasn’t only him it was Eva that he cared about now.
(Nowhere to go, no place to live ) Sparda, the legendry knight, thought. But he had a hope Eva was with him . Somehow he felt a little bit comfortable . and that was a big night for him when he made his last decision ( I’m gonna go stand against them and save mankind) he said to Eva . Eva was crying if Sparda dies what will happen to her … he really loved Sparda and cared about him.
Sparda went and Stands against demons all alone , he sealed the gate and get back to his family. But as he was a demon ,still?!!! Is there any hope that he can carry out in human world? Is love that powerful to make him a human
I know it was too short and got no point of being a real story but it talked about a Devil feelings and a good way for me to practice my english writing and ofcourse for u to practice ur reading skills...so that was worthy...don't u think?