Free Discussion About Games

hi yes it's true if you get banned you can never acces to xboxlive with your Console but you can use your Profile in another console expect the banned Console
Sry for my bad Englsh

... just wanted to say that JFK was not the president of the USA , but the president of the entire world
: it's one of his speeches
. And so , my fellow Americans : ask not what your country can do for you , ask what you can do for your country
. My fellow citizens of the world : ask not what America will do for you , but what together we can do for the freedom of man
that's why i call him prophet ! he was a president for every men or women , black men or white men , muslim or christian ... he was the president of every free men ... GOD BLESS HIM

: and of course for the memory of Martin Luther King
... i have dream that my 4 children will one day live in nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character
! free at last , free at last , thank god almighty we are free at last
Skyrim is just awesome, and so is Arkham City, let's wait and see which one wins more prizes! :dd

Unfortunately, I haven't played the first game (Arkham Asylum) because my DVDs didn't work. So maybe that's why I'm less excited than you about its release. I'll certainly play this one, because a lot of people praise it around here, and also because of the fantastic reviews.d

And about the firmware: thank you, you have no idea how good it feels when you finally get it done for the first time, knowing that it will be much easier in the future, because you have extracted your drive's DVD-Key file.:dd

Mate, let me hand you a piece of advice.Give it to stores so you can steer clear of all the worrying and the trouble that comes with updating to a new firmware.I know how to update, but I always give it to Console stores so they can save me the trouble.:d

let them have all the trouble!!! >:)
Mate, let me hand you a piece of advice.Give it to stores so you can steer clear of all the worrying and the trouble that comes with updating to a new firmware.I know how to update, but I always give it to Console stores so they can save me the trouble.:d

let them have all the trouble!!! >:)
Well, if I was in Tehran maybe it was easier to do so (although my trusted console maintenance shop was far from my home), but I'm not even in Tehran right now, and it's really hard to find someone skilled and trustworthy to do so. If you decide to upgrade the firmware yourself it's really hard to do so for the first time, but finally you'll be very happy to see it's being done all by yourself, and the process gets much easier next time. Besides, this way you can save money. How much money do you normally pay for the process?
i was thinking about this thread for sometime and fortunately found it.:d

if you wanted to buy a next-gen console, which console you would buy? why?

and sure don't be a prick and answer the question without getting sides.:d
.I chose my side earlier. I bought A PS4 System. It was just because of the amazing 7th gen experience
.I know there aren't many good games for it now، but I'm looking forward to the bright future

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