Free Discussion About Games

Well,howdy Mister!
First thing first,why do you even bother?Huh,bringing up a very old topic that has seen its days will only get you in trouble.But I do appreciate the thought.
To answer you question,I must say ,on behalf of other guys of course,that this topic was made for pure fun and just sharing the ideas and things like that.I don't call it showing off whatsoever.

One more thing,for God's sake,stop correcting each other fellas,we're not in school and we're not taking exams!I remember back in college,some of our so called teachers would go on and on about this endless timeline.I'm talking about that past present perfect crap and other tenses for that matter.Y'know,in everyday talk we usually use simple present tense,so don't sweat it :)
Your English is awesome by the way.

Bloody thanks for answering!
Things began when I saw sb's signature and i got curious about the topic.
but after entering, couldn't get the point of it, and i was confused kinda.
and as i read the first post i thought it insists on our english!
So if it's not about that I BEG YOUR PARDON that i annoyed you!
Thank you my dear pal, since i read the AC Trivia topic i've loved your way of thinking.
And at last
Thanks god for having some "Deep" people ,kinda around.
and I was forgetting to say that Your English is absolutely fascinating, good for you! (btw i'm not pulling your leg, i said seriously!)
Best wishes
آخرین ویرایش:
i'm very happy that Christmas is near , so 2011 will finally begin and after that we will be faced with a lot of good games , i think the first one is Dead Space 2 which is one of the Most Anticipated games of 2011 , after that the others will come
i'm not so happy because i should study hard for Konkur and i think i won't have time to play all of the good games of 2011
i think i could just play this games:
The Last Guardian
Portal 2
Trine II
and The Journey
i wish you the best things and moments in life in the new year
bye all

happy new christian year >:d<
Merry christmas everybody!
take care
New Deus Ex : human Revolution Comic by DC Comics .

Wanna See What will happen to Adam in this one

We're patriots ! :d
Only Shamsi :d
I don't believe if someone isn't eager to see what happens in the next part!
And one thing, "It's not important what we are! The thing is that HOW WE ARE!!"
Got it?
آخرین ویرایش:
My people. Sons and daughters of Sony. For the last few years, we have been a broken nation. Shunned, oppressed, and conquered by those we sought to dominate. Nearly four years ago, Sony asked for time, and that time was granted, by you. You, the strength in Sony's arm, the holders of Sony's dreams. Our forefathers embarked on the greatest exodus in the history of all mankind. An exodus for freedom. The PS3 became that freedom. Our new console changed our experiences. At first, it weakened us, but in fact, we were growing... stronger. In the time you have given Sony, they have rebuilt our nation, they have rebuilt out strength, and they have rebuilt our pride! Our enemies at home have been re-educated. We have given them new insights into our cause. On this day, we stand united once more. On this day, those driven to divide us will hear our verse. On this day, we shall act as one, and we shall be ignored NO MORE! Defenders of the Sony dream, NOW IS OUR TIME

My people... Sons and Daughters of Sony. This much I vow: The history of these days will be written in blood. By crushing the games of our enemy, by seizing the exclusives they thought to turn against us, we were fighting for our very existence. But if there are those who would try to steal our exclusives; refuse us our rightful place in the universe, then we will unleash such terrible vengeance that nextgens yet unborn will cry out in anguish![...]The hackers may shatter our bodies, but they cannot break our spirit. Even now they advance on our console, to seize by force what they cannot claim by right. They cannot imagine what awaits them. WE WILL SMITE them FROM OUR console Though they sweep over courts like the sands of winter, never again will we bow before them; never again endure their oppression; never again endure their tyranny. We will strike without warning and without mercy, fighting as one hand, one heart, one soul. We will shatter their dreams and haunt their nightmares, drenching our ancestors' graves(ps1,ps2) with their blood. And as our last breath tears at their lungs; as we rise again from the ruins of our cities... they will know: Game world belongs to sony
Howdy pals,

What do you think of starting over our discussion on games?

Ok, I'm going to break the ice
let's talk about this year's games.

Which one is your favorite ? I'm talking about just one game. The only one you are looking forward to the most.

Mine is Uncharted 3.

The previous one was one of my favorites of all time.

The variety of missions, graphics and story telling were all engrossing and dazzling?

I cant wait to see what Naughty dog has in store for us this time around.

What about you?​

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