Free Discussion About Games

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I wanted to mention BF3 as my favorite but I thought to myself:
wait a minute
The only thing that has made this game on everbody's tongue is its polished graphics

And yeah,

The first Batman was realy cool
I liked its stealth elements a lot more than those of some heavyweights in this genre, dare I say, MGS4​
actually i'm always excited about blizzard upcoming games . this year we had two very good games from blizzard ent . starcraft was so amazing , just what i expected and of course the latest world of warcraft expansion pack the cataclysm and the next year is going to be legendary for me and of course all the blizzard's fans if blizzard's god damn ceo show up in this year's gamescom and give us the game release date.
تاپیک حوبیه واسه بچه هایی که میخوان زبانشون بهتر بشه . خجالت نکشین و هر چی دوست دارین بگین . ایرادی هم داشت نوشتتون مشکلی نیست.بازم بگین .
So friends

Don't get carried away

:xHappy to see you back in this thread

So this the question you have to answer

What is the game you are looking forward to the most this year?
please explain why

hello there!

My dear ol' friend Abbas,
First of all,thanks for kinda reviving this thread again,mostly I'm happy to see you back at the helm again.

Second of all,let me just get something off my chest right here and right now!BF3 is destined to be mind blowing.I can't stress that enough.WE have to believe the fact that right now in our industry we need someone with a lot of guts to kinda challenge ACTIVISION and their Call of Duty franchise,and yes I'm looking at you EA and specially at you DICE.Bring on the the COD Killer we're ready.:x

And last but not least,the games I'm most excited for this year are the new Batman game as you mentioned earlier.Couldn't describe it better myself.And of course SKYRIM and Gears 3 and Uncharted 3 for obvious reasons!But there are also games like From Dust and the new Deus Ex game that make this year the best year in gaming history...period.

Actually with so many games coming out this year,i say it's better to just go out there and and call it What is the game you are looking forward to the most this month?Don't you think?>:)

I can't wait to play Deus Ex:Human Revolution.I've been waiting for this game for a very long time.To me the Deus Ex series are one of the best examples of "gaming at it's best".Let us keep our fingers crossed for another masterpiece.
I have a lot to say about this year releases but suffice to say that We'll all be happy and without any money left to spend on other things of course!

Thank you again Mr. Abbas
Nice to see you again, Sadegh:x.

Having somebody like you around wiil fore sure come in handy

I have to say I really like your writing style

let's cut to the chase

Yeah this is going to be a great year for gamers

Uncharted 3, gears 3 , BF3 , Batman 2 and.........

Ofcourse I have to gear up my PC for BF3 or all I will be doing is drooling over its trailers

I think the advent of games like BF3 with all those eyecandys heralds a new era in PC gaming which has long been held back by lackluster console ports.

I do hope other companies follow suit and come up with games which exploit the real potential of monster graphics cards from ATI and Nvidia​

---------- نوشته در 10:47 AM اضافه شد ---------- نوشته قبلی در 10:39 AM ارسال شده بود ----------

And Atusa how are things for you?

But I wouldn't pin that much hope on the next Max Payne. I feel, deep down, it's not going to satisfy the fans of the series
Honestly Im going insane for new AC . COD and obviously Serious Sam 3 I had nice memories with S.S many years ago & I hope the new one make them live again .
about deus * ex I didnt play the last series before but as I see in trailers the story is going to be awsome . and thats what makes Deus ex brilliant .
I'm looking forward to play my avatar picture as soon as possible .

let's talk about ME3 . who is your most prefered charchter in ME World ? except shepard .

i like thane ! he is some kind of mysterious staff that always help others when the hope is dying .
?hi everybody how u doin today
for this year i like to play battlefield 3 ,mw3,uncharted 3 and batman arkham city specially MODERN WARFARE 3.I like this game because it has cinematic thems and best game play and best,perfect second game i really really surprised because of music composed by hans felorian zimmer and one of best games for this year i think is uncharted 3

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