Free Discussion About Games

so i found this topic..!!!
i want to talk about Portal 2 , Portal 2 is a First Person Creative Game that will challenge your mind , the puzzles in this game are very hard and will make you go mental...
this game is developing and publishing by Valve , The Company that created the Original Portal and Half Life and L4D series
i think Portal 2 would be the Game Of The Year for 2011 because i have watched all of it's trailers and interviews so i believed that game would be realy Great and mindblower...!


Well,after what Gabe did at E3......I wasn't expecting that.I wasn't a big fan of Portal at first but after playing it for a few hours I was blown away by it's beauty and Fresh game play.

It's a bit too early to talk about TGOTY title...but I believe in Valve.They always come up with something new and with a lot of creativity.

i have an idea for this topic maybe we can invite non-persian people to this topic to make it warmer so what do you think
Do you know anyone with such

The moment they realize We Support Piracy!!!!OMFG

oh man ... i'm disappointed of mafia II because of it's review scores ... i dont wanna see mafia ii has became the most hyped game in the history of the pc games:D

You don't have to rely on review scores...or let's say you don't need to.All of these scores Represent the reviewer's opinion over the subject.

Tommorrow I will go to store and buy Mafia2!
I cant wait!

You read my mind friend.Good luck
I played mafia II I think it is just a simple game that its only asset is its rich story after thaat my respect to gta increased more than before of course gta does not have a good story but the freedom that you have in gta you dont have in any other game and I understood that rockstar is the master of creating open world games there is no doubt in it
It is my opinion (dont start fighting like the war withch is going on in the persian topic
the only advantage of the mafia is its story and it has disadvantages like ending playing after finishing chapter 15 poor control of vehicle some bugs that are really on nerve and ...
the problem is some of the gamers have become blinded by prejudice and they dont see the reality and that is the reason of the fight in mafia2 topic
this gamespot god damn contest is fu cked up . they put two movie villain and they eat the whole blizzard. Argh!!!. god damn it i dont know what these people are thinking.its about games for god sake!! .i hope keriggan shot these movie villain out of the contest and show the world that blizzard is the best game developer.
آخرین ویرایش:
this gamespot god damn contest is fu cked up . they put two movie villain and they eat the whole blizzard. Argh!!!. god damn it i dont know what these people are thinking.its about games for god sake!! .i hope keriggan shot these movie villain out of the contest and show the world that blizzard is the best game developer.


really ????

can u give me a link??
hi guys
i'm start playing battlefield : Bad company 2 multiplayer again since last week

my favorite mode is rush

my favorite map is africa harbor

if some of u want to join my squad just add me in psn : xbehix

see you on the battlefield , Soldier .
آخرین ویرایش:
Hey guys! howdy? hope you to be fine.
but i've got a problem which is this:
What the heck is this topic's aim?!
i looked over the posts but couldn't find nothing!
what are we up to? improve our english?!
thanks in advance.
Edit #1: So won't you help me with the question?!
however if it's just about improving our language, it would be cool!
but if it's just to show ourselves off, won't be much pleasant, will it?!
best regards
آخرین ویرایش:
Hi again!
beg your pardon for posting twice!
in my humble opinion there were some absolutely tiny problems which i thout to tell them.
maybe they are not real problems! (I think language won't be a problem ANYHOW!)
but others care about it.
so i apologize in advance.
hi guys
i'm start playing battlefield : Bad company 2 multiplayer again since last week

my favorite mode is rush

my favorite map is africa harbor

if some of u want to join my squad just add me in psn : xbehix

see you on the battlefield , Soldier .
you know, because of 2 reasons you must have used Present Perfect form.
one is that you've started playing in past and still it's takin' place in present and the other one is since!
so hereon it was better to use present perfect (continous) form.
it means "I've started playing"
and even if there was a possibility to use present simple continous you had to do that in this form: "I'm starting to play", that's it.
Accept my apologies again
Hey guys! howdy? hope you to be fine.
but i've got a problem which is this:
What the heck is this topic's aim?!
i looked over the posts but couldn't find nothing!
what are we up to? improve our english?!
thanks in advance.
Edit #1: So won't you help me with the question?!
however if it's just about improving our language, it would be cool!
but if it's just to show ourselves off, won't be much pleasant, will it?!
best regards

Well,howdy Mister!
First thing first,why do you even bother?Huh,bringing up a very old topic that has seen its days will only get you in trouble.But I do appreciate the thought.
To answer you question,I must say ,on behalf of other guys of course,that this topic was made for pure fun and just sharing the ideas and things like that.I don't call it showing off whatsoever.

One more thing,for God's sake,stop correcting each other fellas,we're not in school and we're not taking exams!I remember back in college,some of our so called teachers would go on and on about this endless timeline.I'm talking about that past present perfect crap and other tenses for that matter.Y'know,in everyday talk we usually use simple present tense,so don't sweat it :)
Your English is awesome by the way.

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i'm very happy that Christmas is near , so 2011 will finally begin and after that we will be faced with a lot of good games , i think the first one is Dead Space 2 which is one of the Most Anticipated games of 2011 , after that the others will come
i'm not so happy because i should study hard for Konkur and i think i won't have time to play all of the good games of 2011
i think i could just play this games:
The Last Guardian
Portal 2
Trine II
and The Journey
i wish you the best things and moments in life in the new year
bye all


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