I'm back!
This time around I'm not going to correct your mistakes any more
So feel free to write how you please!
. having heard of the PS3 hack, I took it with a pinch of salt, but as time went by the story turned
out to be authentic.
The method, at its beginning stage, seems much easier than xbox's, but as the same time much more expensive.
First of all, you have to purchase at least a 500 gb 2.5 inch HDD.
Then you have to buy all the games one by one and copy them into your hard drive.
So What difference it makes if you have to buy the original games.
Yes it would be interesting to have your games archived but at what cost?
buying and selling games would be much cheaper and you wodn't have to worry about getting banned from PSN.
The prcoss of copying, by itself,is so laborious
It take at least 90 mins for each game to copy into HDD
To be honest with you I'm not that exited about recent developments regarding PS's hack at its
current stage. Maybe I will If you can have the games for 15 bucks a piece
What about you guys?