اخبار و شایعات مربوط به کنسول بعدی Nintendo Switch

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نزدیک به شش سال و نیم از عرضه کنسول محبوب نینتندو سوییچ می گذرد.
قابلیت های جالب، قیمت به صرفه و کاتالوگ شگفت انگیز بازی های متنوع و با کیفیت عواملی بودند که باعث شدند نینتندو سوییچ علی رغم عرضه در اوج عملکرد کنسول های نسل هشتمی سونی و مایکروسافت، سریعترین فروش بین کنسول های هم نسل خود را داشته باشد.

نینتندو بعد از عرضه Switch Lite در سال 2019 از سوییچ به عنوان «خانواده سوییچ» یاد می کند که تا حد زیادی بیانگر این است که احتمالا این خانواده اعضای دیگری نیز به غیر از سوییچ عادی و لایت در آینده داشته باشد.

کنجکاوی پیرامون کنسول بعدی خانواده سوییچ دو سه سالی است که باعث انتشار شایعات و اخبار متفاوتی در مورد دستگاه بعدی نینتندو می شود.

هدف این تاپیک جمع آوری، آرشیو، اشتراک و بحث در مورد اخبار و شایعات پیرامون کنسول بعدی خانواده نینتندو سوییچ یا کنسول نسل بعدی نینتندو به صورت کلی است


لیست اخبار، شایعات و اطلاعات منتشر شده

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اطلاعات لیک شده توسط Nate The Hate (عرضه 2021 و مشخصات کلی دستگاه)

گزارش سایت Sina از تولید کننده های مربوط

گزارش بلومبرگ از سفارشات نینتندو به سامسونگ جهت تولید صفحات OLED جدید

شایعات مربوط به توقف تولید چیپ های Tegra +X1 و Tegra X1 از طرف انویدیا

گزارش سوم بلومبرگ (غیرقابل دسترس از طرف عموم) در رابطه با تاریخ عرضه، قیمت و پیش بینی فروش + تکمیلی

شایعه استفاده از تکنولوژی معماری Ada Lovelace انویدیا در ورژن بعدی سوییچ

گزارش Nikkei از برنامه نینتندو برای سال مالی 2021 و تایید وجود کنسول قویتر از طرف نینتندو برای عرضه در این بازه زمانی

معرفی کنسول جدید سوییچ قبل از E3 2021 به گزارش تاکاشی موچیزوکی، یوروگیمر و امیلی راجرز

گزارش Vandal از تولید کننده چینی و مشخصات ظاهری کنسول جدید سوییچ + تکمیلی

اطلاعات در مورد خروجی تصویر سوییچ از تایوان (1440p/30FPS داک - 720p/120FPS دستی)

معرفی رسمی مدل OLED سوییچ توسط نینتندو + اطلاعات تکمیلی

11 دولوپر مختلف کامل به کیت 4K ـی سوییچ دسترسی داشته اند

4K ready بودن داک جدید مدل OLED

لو رفتن ویژگی های تراشه سوییچ بعدی (معماری Ampere، پشتیبانی از Ray Tracing و DLSS) براساس لیک های انویدیا

غیر قابل مشاهده شدن ویدیوهای معرفی مدل OLED و Lite و آغاز دوباره گمانه زنی ها

گزارش Nikkei از برنامه های نینتندو و مذاکرات این شرکت با کارخانه ها جهت تولید انبوه کنسول بعدی

گزارش VGC از برنامه نینتندو برای عرضه کنسول بعدی خود در سال 2024

گزارش VGC از نمایش نینتندو از کنسول نسل بعدی نینتندو با سازندگان در گیمزکام 2023 + امکان اجرای Matrix Awakens روی کنسول

لیک Nate the Hate از نمایش پشت پرده گیمزکام، اجرای Zelda: Breath of the Wild به صورت 4K60 بدون هیچ گونه لودینگ

گزارش یوروگیمر و دیجیتال فاندری از چیپ T239 (گرافیک احتمالی نسل بعد نینتندو) و توانایی های آن

لیک شدن تصاویر مادربورد کنسول نسل بعدی نینتندو و تایید وجود چیپ انویدیا و بردهای سامسونگ روی آن

لیک شدن تصاویر جویکان و تایید افزایش سایز، مغناطیسی بودن (عدم وجود ریل) و بزرگ تر شدن دکمه های SL و SR

معرفی رسمی Nintendo Switch 2 از طرف نینتندو با تریلری کوتاه از ظاهر سخت افزار

پست اول به مرور زمان با اخبار مختلف بروزرسانی می شود.​
آخرین ویرایش:
Note: A lot of reading ahead -->Hey, so there's been a lot of excitement with Switch successor information over the last week and now I want to put out some of my information. Just enough to clarify bits of outdated information and corroborate some of what's been said already. In summary, is the excitement warranted? Is Nintendo returning to being competitive? The answer to both of these questions is actually... yes, shockingly! I believe we are in for an interesting console generation like we used to have 20 years ago. Sony and Microsoft are just barely starting to release real generationally-bound games for their hardware. This is where the next-gen truly starts.

So first of all, the claim of the Switch successor's SoC still being that "T239" were true, but that was back in 2019 before Nintendo was forced to cut the Switch Pro. In fact Nvidia was already hesitant to provide this to Nintendo by the time the T239 got leaked. It was going to be used for the Pro, and simply put that's been off the table for well over a year. Besides Nintendo's attitude change in the last two years, Nvidia themselves were pressuring Nintendo to move beyond Ampere. As many people feared, as evident by the supposed "Samsung 8nm reconfirmation" yesterday and its response, Samsung's process node is simply terrible. Additionally, developers have pressured Nintendo a lot lately. They want their games available on the huge Switch market. And finally Nintendo started to crack when Nvidia joined in that conversation from their corner of the room. It took a lot of convincing but Nvidia-mostly finally, and successfully, got Nintendo leadership to accept that the T239 was not the right choice. It could not hit the battery life targets Nintendo desired while also providing the feature set they want.

So what does that leave you with? No, it's not a Mediatek SoC, Nintendo genuinely enjoys their partnership with Nvidia due to similar business philosophies. The newer SoC has the model name T254. If you're on top of your Nvidia silicon, you might deduce what this is already from those numbers. But I'll spell it out regardless. This SoC is the cut-down remnant of what was going to be Atlan, the "cancelled" SoC made for Nvidia Drive. What's funny is there's a subtle hint this design would show up again in Jensen's announcement of Thor. All he says is that Atlan is "no more" and he's talking specifically about their automotive products. The main improvements from Thor are all related to features those companies want. The Atlan-based Drive module is no more. What Nvidia did, instead of sweeping all of the design work into the bin, was pass it on to Nintendo. After all of the pressure I mentioned above, Nintendo finally bit on it.Why is this exciting? T254 is much better than what T239 was going to be. Ada Lovelace scales remarkably at lower power. Another advantage is that Nintendo is actually *saving* money at-scale because of the amount of dies they are getting per-wafer from TSMC (this was a huge factor, obviously, for Nintendo). They would have had to bin a lot of Samsung's production to even come close to the efficiency requirement they set.The 4K Breath of the Wild presentation showed at Gamescom? That was running without DLSS. The presenters were meant to be vague about DLSS because people were expected to talk, and talk they did. That's why there were immediate disagreements with the version/features supported. People incorrectly making assumptions. The software stack isn't complete and the goal is to get Ray Reconstruction into the SDK by launch (this will easily happen). The Matrix presentation was running internally at 1440p and upscaling to 4K and actually was on DLSS 3.0. None of the publications got that correct.

I myself am excited for Nintendo to once again care about core gamers.Why now? The bottom line is they believe that because the Switch already established such a large market, they can obtain more third-party game sales for the successor which they missed out on. They already know consumers will buy anything first-party, for almost any price, and the post-Covid market and PS5 proved to them expensive hardware will too. Something that surprised me, based on my own interpretation, is that I think Nintendo leadership is excited themselves to surprise everyone. It has been quite invigorating for them lately. There are a couple other pieces of generic hardware information I can provide. Storage will be a basic PCI Express 4.0-based NVME SSD. Nintendo is saving on cost here because this is cheap and performant enough today, without overengineering. Storage quantity is an unknown for me except for one detail. I'll get to that in a second. The USB support is either USB4 20Gbps or USB4 40Gbps. This is kind of funny, to me at least, that the deciding factor here is going to be the cables. They haven't decided if they want to deal with the added expense of higher quality cable validation for 40Gbps. Electronically it will work but 40Gbps is likely getting soft-locked out - I would put my money on that. There's hardly a reason to need faster speeds. The expandable storage that will be possible over USB4 either way will be plenty fast. And that's how Nintendo is going to manage large game sizes this time around without requiring them to put in a huge internal storage capacity, so they get to keep the initial console price more reasonable.

There was another feature set demo planned for Gamescom that didn't make it. A Mario 64-style Peach's castle stage. It was/is (might come later still) going to show what the Switch successor will be capable of with native rendering versus DLSS-enhanced rendering for both docked and handheld performance profile. So that's 4 comparisons in total. It has geometric grass, denser than Breath of the Wild's but shorter, and with much further draw distance. Most impressive here is each individual blade casts a shadow. The castle moat obviously has path traced reflections but the reflective depth is impressive. There are window reflections coming through the water's own reflections. Every detail represented in this sandbox is meticulous. Very high resolution textures, dense tree canopy and foliage. All the works. It's not realistic for a game, but that's why it's a developer demo. This didn't make it to Germany because of the software stack not being ready yet. It doesn't run well at the moment but it's expected to get it to a stable 30 frames per second as-is once preproduction-ready.Thanks for reading!

دو حالت داره یا قراره سوپرایز بشیم یا موتوری محل طرف بدجور حلال خور بوده

لینک ردیت:Reddit - Dive into anything

پ.ن: دلم خواست اون دموی SM64 رو ببینم


در نهایت به نظرم فعلاً همون دریک رو برای سویچ 2 در نظر بگیریم که خب اونم در نوع خودش کولاک هست اما با این وجود حتی اگر فن فیکشن باشه خیلی خوبه

آخرین ویرایش:
Note: A lot of reading ahead -->Hey, so there's been a lot of excitement with Switch successor information over the last week and now I want to put out some of my information. Just enough to clarify bits of outdated information and corroborate some of what's been said already. In summary, is the excitement warranted? Is Nintendo returning to being competitive? The answer to both of these questions is actually... yes, shockingly! I believe we are in for an interesting console generation like we used to have 20 years ago. Sony and Microsoft are just barely starting to release real generationally-bound games for their hardware. This is where the next-gen truly starts.

So first of all, the claim of the Switch successor's SoC still being that "T239" were true, but that was back in 2019 before Nintendo was forced to cut the Switch Pro. In fact Nvidia was already hesitant to provide this to Nintendo by the time the T239 got leaked. It was going to be used for the Pro, and simply put that's been off the table for well over a year. Besides Nintendo's attitude change in the last two years, Nvidia themselves were pressuring Nintendo to move beyond Ampere. As many people feared, as evident by the supposed "Samsung 8nm reconfirmation" yesterday and its response, Samsung's process node is simply terrible. Additionally, developers have pressured Nintendo a lot lately. They want their games available on the huge Switch market. And finally Nintendo started to crack when Nvidia joined in that conversation from their corner of the room. It took a lot of convincing but Nvidia-mostly finally, and successfully, got Nintendo leadership to accept that the T239 was not the right choice. It could not hit the battery life targets Nintendo desired while also providing the feature set they want.

So what does that leave you with? No, it's not a Mediatek SoC, Nintendo genuinely enjoys their partnership with Nvidia due to similar business philosophies. The newer SoC has the model name T254. If you're on top of your Nvidia silicon, you might deduce what this is already from those numbers. But I'll spell it out regardless. This SoC is the cut-down remnant of what was going to be Atlan, the "cancelled" SoC made for Nvidia Drive. What's funny is there's a subtle hint this design would show up again in Jensen's announcement of Thor. All he says is that Atlan is "no more" and he's talking specifically about their automotive products. The main improvements from Thor are all related to features those companies want. The Atlan-based Drive module is no more. What Nvidia did, instead of sweeping all of the design work into the bin, was pass it on to Nintendo. After all of the pressure I mentioned above, Nintendo finally bit on it.Why is this exciting? T254 is much better than what T239 was going to be. Ada Lovelace scales remarkably at lower power. Another advantage is that Nintendo is actually *saving* money at-scale because of the amount of dies they are getting per-wafer from TSMC (this was a huge factor, obviously, for Nintendo). They would have had to bin a lot of Samsung's production to even come close to the efficiency requirement they set.The 4K Breath of the Wild presentation showed at Gamescom? That was running without DLSS. The presenters were meant to be vague about DLSS because people were expected to talk, and talk they did. That's why there were immediate disagreements with the version/features supported. People incorrectly making assumptions. The software stack isn't complete and the goal is to get Ray Reconstruction into the SDK by launch (this will easily happen). The Matrix presentation was running internally at 1440p and upscaling to 4K and actually was on DLSS 3.0. None of the publications got that correct.

I myself am excited for Nintendo to once again care about core gamers.Why now? The bottom line is they believe that because the Switch already established such a large market, they can obtain more third-party game sales for the successor which they missed out on. They already know consumers will buy anything first-party, for almost any price, and the post-Covid market and PS5 proved to them expensive hardware will too. Something that surprised me, based on my own interpretation, is that I think Nintendo leadership is excited themselves to surprise everyone. It has been quite invigorating for them lately. There are a couple other pieces of generic hardware information I can provide. Storage will be a basic PCI Express 4.0-based NVME SSD. Nintendo is saving on cost here because this is cheap and performant enough today, without overengineering. Storage quantity is an unknown for me except for one detail. I'll get to that in a second. The USB support is either USB4 20Gbps or USB4 40Gbps. This is kind of funny, to me at least, that the deciding factor here is going to be the cables. They haven't decided if they want to deal with the added expense of higher quality cable validation for 40Gbps. Electronically it will work but 40Gbps is likely getting soft-locked out - I would put my money on that. There's hardly a reason to need faster speeds. The expandable storage that will be possible over USB4 either way will be plenty fast. And that's how Nintendo is going to manage large game sizes this time around without requiring them to put in a huge internal storage capacity, so they get to keep the initial console price more reasonable.

There was another feature set demo planned for Gamescom that didn't make it. A Mario 64-style Peach's castle stage. It was/is (might come later still) going to show what the Switch successor will be capable of with native rendering versus DLSS-enhanced rendering for both docked and handheld performance profile. So that's 4 comparisons in total. It has geometric grass, denser than Breath of the Wild's but shorter, and with much further draw distance. Most impressive here is each individual blade casts a shadow. The castle moat obviously has path traced reflections but the reflective depth is impressive. There are window reflections coming through the water's own reflections. Every detail represented in this sandbox is meticulous. Very high resolution textures, dense tree canopy and foliage. All the works. It's not realistic for a game, but that's why it's a developer demo. This didn't make it to Germany because of the software stack not being ready yet. It doesn't run well at the moment but it's expected to get it to a stable 30 frames per second as-is once preproduction-ready.Thanks for reading!

دو حالت داره یا قراره سوپرایز بشیم یا موتوری محل طرف بدجور حلال خور بوده

لینک ردیت:Reddit - Dive into anything

پ.ن: دلم خواست اون دموی SM64 رو ببینم

View attachment 309541

در نهایت به نظرم فعلاً همون دریک رو برای سویچ 2 در نظر بگیریم که خب اونم در نوع خودش کولاک هست اما با این وجود حتی اگر فن فیکشن باشه خیلی خوبه
نه داداش موتوری در کار نیست
احتمال زیاد واقعیت داره
الان وقتی گوشی موبایل (آیفون ۱۵) میخواد براش رزیدنت ۴ ریمیک رلیز بشه اصلا جای تعجب چندانی نداره دمو ماتریکس 2k نیتیو رندر بشه روی این کنسول

با این مشخصات بنظرم کنسول زیر ۳۹۹ دلار قیمت نمیخوره
Note: A lot of reading ahead -->Hey, so there's been a lot of excitement with Switch successor information over the last week and now I want to put out some of my information. Just enough to clarify bits of outdated information and corroborate some of what's been said already. In summary, is the excitement warranted? Is Nintendo returning to being competitive? The answer to both of these questions is actually... yes, shockingly! I believe we are in for an interesting console generation like we used to have 20 years ago. Sony and Microsoft are just barely starting to release real generationally-bound games for their hardware. This is where the next-gen truly starts.

So first of all, the claim of the Switch successor's SoC still being that "T239" were true, but that was back in 2019 before Nintendo was forced to cut the Switch Pro. In fact Nvidia was already hesitant to provide this to Nintendo by the time the T239 got leaked. It was going to be used for the Pro, and simply put that's been off the table for well over a year. Besides Nintendo's attitude change in the last two years, Nvidia themselves were pressuring Nintendo to move beyond Ampere. As many people feared, as evident by the supposed "Samsung 8nm reconfirmation" yesterday and its response, Samsung's process node is simply terrible. Additionally, developers have pressured Nintendo a lot lately. They want their games available on the huge Switch market. And finally Nintendo started to crack when Nvidia joined in that conversation from their corner of the room. It took a lot of convincing but Nvidia-mostly finally, and successfully, got Nintendo leadership to accept that the T239 was not the right choice. It could not hit the battery life targets Nintendo desired while also providing the feature set they want.

So what does that leave you with? No, it's not a Mediatek SoC, Nintendo genuinely enjoys their partnership with Nvidia due to similar business philosophies. The newer SoC has the model name T254. If you're on top of your Nvidia silicon, you might deduce what this is already from those numbers. But I'll spell it out regardless. This SoC is the cut-down remnant of what was going to be Atlan, the "cancelled" SoC made for Nvidia Drive. What's funny is there's a subtle hint this design would show up again in Jensen's announcement of Thor. All he says is that Atlan is "no more" and he's talking specifically about their automotive products. The main improvements from Thor are all related to features those companies want. The Atlan-based Drive module is no more. What Nvidia did, instead of sweeping all of the design work into the bin, was pass it on to Nintendo. After all of the pressure I mentioned above, Nintendo finally bit on it.Why is this exciting? T254 is much better than what T239 was going to be. Ada Lovelace scales remarkably at lower power. Another advantage is that Nintendo is actually *saving* money at-scale because of the amount of dies they are getting per-wafer from TSMC (this was a huge factor, obviously, for Nintendo). They would have had to bin a lot of Samsung's production to even come close to the efficiency requirement they set.The 4K Breath of the Wild presentation showed at Gamescom? That was running without DLSS. The presenters were meant to be vague about DLSS because people were expected to talk, and talk they did. That's why there were immediate disagreements with the version/features supported. People incorrectly making assumptions. The software stack isn't complete and the goal is to get Ray Reconstruction into the SDK by launch (this will easily happen). The Matrix presentation was running internally at 1440p and upscaling to 4K and actually was on DLSS 3.0. None of the publications got that correct.

I myself am excited for Nintendo to once again care about core gamers.Why now? The bottom line is they believe that because the Switch already established such a large market, they can obtain more third-party game sales for the successor which they missed out on. They already know consumers will buy anything first-party, for almost any price, and the post-Covid market and PS5 proved to them expensive hardware will too. Something that surprised me, based on my own interpretation, is that I think Nintendo leadership is excited themselves to surprise everyone. It has been quite invigorating for them lately. There are a couple other pieces of generic hardware information I can provide. Storage will be a basic PCI Express 4.0-based NVME SSD. Nintendo is saving on cost here because this is cheap and performant enough today, without overengineering. Storage quantity is an unknown for me except for one detail. I'll get to that in a second. The USB support is either USB4 20Gbps or USB4 40Gbps. This is kind of funny, to me at least, that the deciding factor here is going to be the cables. They haven't decided if they want to deal with the added expense of higher quality cable validation for 40Gbps. Electronically it will work but 40Gbps is likely getting soft-locked out - I would put my money on that. There's hardly a reason to need faster speeds. The expandable storage that will be possible over USB4 either way will be plenty fast. And that's how Nintendo is going to manage large game sizes this time around without requiring them to put in a huge internal storage capacity, so they get to keep the initial console price more reasonable.

There was another feature set demo planned for Gamescom that didn't make it. A Mario 64-style Peach's castle stage. It was/is (might come later still) going to show what the Switch successor will be capable of with native rendering versus DLSS-enhanced rendering for both docked and handheld performance profile. So that's 4 comparisons in total. It has geometric grass, denser than Breath of the Wild's but shorter, and with much further draw distance. Most impressive here is each individual blade casts a shadow. The castle moat obviously has path traced reflections but the reflective depth is impressive. There are window reflections coming through the water's own reflections. Every detail represented in this sandbox is meticulous. Very high resolution textures, dense tree canopy and foliage. All the works. It's not realistic for a game, but that's why it's a developer demo. This didn't make it to Germany because of the software stack not being ready yet. It doesn't run well at the moment but it's expected to get it to a stable 30 frames per second as-is once preproduction-ready.Thanks for reading!

دو حالت داره یا قراره سوپرایز بشیم یا موتوری محل طرف بدجور حلال خور بوده

لینک ردیت:Reddit - Dive into anything

پ.ن: دلم خواست اون دموی SM64 رو ببینم

View attachment 309541

در نهایت به نظرم فعلاً همون دریک رو برای سویچ 2 در نظر بگیریم که خب اونم در نوع خودش کولاک هست اما با این وجود حتی اگر فن فیکشن باشه خیلی خوبه

اوه اوه این همه تیک های لیک های هیجانی فورچن رو میزنه :D
من میگم از جنسی که به این یارو دادن مصرف نکنیم و انتظارات رو پایین نگه داریم :D
بیشترین ردفلگ اش هم به نظرم SSD گذاشتن تو کنسول دستیه... امیدوارم اشتباه کنم

ببندیم رو T239 هر چی بهتر بود بادا باد :D
نه داداش موتوری در کار نیست
احتمال زیاد واقعیت داره
الان وقتی گوشی موبایل (آیفون ۱۵) میخواد براش رزیدنت ۴ ریمیک رلیز بشه اصلا جای تعجب چندانی نداره دمو ماتریکس 2k نیتیو رندر بشه روی این کنسول

با این مشخصات بنظرم کنسول زیر ۳۹۹ دلار قیمت نمیخوره
امیدوارم قدرت بیشتر =بازیهای خفن تر
اوه اوه این همه تیک های لیک های هیجانی فورچن رو میزنه :D
من میگم از جنسی که به این یارو دادن مصرف نکنیم و انتظارات رو پایین نگه داریم :D
بیشترین ردفلگ اش هم به نظرم SSD گذاشتن تو کنسول دستیه... امیدوارم اشتباه کنم

ببندیم رو T239 هر چی بهتر بود بادا باد :D
ولی خدایش وقت گذاشته رو متنش مخصوصاً وقتی در مورد دموی قلعه پیچ نوشته بود یک لحظه تو ذهنم مجسم شد 8-> 8-> 8->
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Reactions: Z-fan
امیدوارم قدرت بیشتر =بازیهای خفن تر

ولی خدایش وقت گذاشته رو متنش مخصوصاً وقتی در مورد دموی قلعه پیچ نوشته بود یک لحظه تو ذهنم مجسم شد 8-> 8-> 8->

اینا به قول این اجنبی ها Recipe for Disaster اند :D

من که از خدامه درست باشن ولی ما هم کم زخم خورده نیستیم. در حالت عادی من از هر نوع نمایش قدرت استثنایی از طرف نینتندو بدبین ام

منتها دو تا لیک به شدت معتبر داشتیم این وسط
یکی همون لیک T239 بود که برای یکی مثل نینتندو واقع گرایانه میزنه
یکی هم لیک گیمزکام بود که همه گردن اش گرفتن

خارج از اینا من بازم به همه چی بدبینم. همین دو تا لیک هم خیلی افسانه ای اند و خیلی از هیترهای ریست ارا و نئوگف باورش ندارن و به نظرم نشون میده نینتندو هنوز خیلی هوشمندانه داره عمل می کنه
امیدوارم قدرت بیشتر =بازیهای خفن تر

ولی خدایش وقت گذاشته رو متنش مخصوصاً وقتی در مورد دموی قلعه پیچ نوشته بود یک لحظه تو ذهنم مجسم شد 8-> 8-> 8->
احتمال زیاد نینتندو میخواد مولتی پلتفرمهای نسل ۹ همزمان با ps5 و سری اس و ایکس برای کنسولش رلیز بشن
یه طورایی دیگه نمیخواد عقب بی افته تو این موضوع از رقبا
انویدیا هم روی سوئیچ خوب عمل کرد
رو این یکی بنظرم میخواد رو کم کنه و پوز رقبا رو به خاک بماله
درسته که از 4chan خیلی چیزا در میاد ولی به نظرم سر این کنسول نسل بعدی نینتندو انتظارات رو معقول نگه دارید.
اون ترد 4chan خیلی چیزای ماورایی توشه از جمله این که کنسول هم اندازه 3080 قدرت داره و ...

اون دمو ماترکیس که براش هایپ درست کردن گویا 720P/30 FPS اجرا می شه.
در کل به نظرم انتظارات باید منطقی باشه. حالا اگر چیز فرای انتظار نینتندو معرفی کرد که چه بهتر اگر هم نکرد کماکان ما می دونیم که 1st Party های نینتندو می ترکونن.
نینتندو حتی روی فیل ترین کنسولشم بهترین 1st Party ها رو عرضه کرده.
اون دمو ماترکیس که براش هایپ درست کردن گویا 720P/30 FPS اجرا می شه.

البته اینم غلطه. اگه اینا Frame Generation نداشته باشن یعنی یحتمل 720/60 اجرا میشده. نمیتونه DLSS فریم ایجاد کنه. حتی برای DLSS 3.0 هم فریم جرنیشن عموما برای تبدیل بازی های 60 فریم به 120 فریمه.
که اگه اون جور هم در نظر بگیریم باز اجرای 60 فریم اون دمو به اون سنگینی خودش خیلی حرفه
البته اینم غلطه. اگه اینا Frame Generation نداشته باشن یعنی یحتمل 720/60 اجرا میشده. نمیتونه DLSS فریم ایجاد کنه. حتی برای DLSS 3.0 هم فریم جرنیشن عموما برای تبدیل بازی های 60 فریم به 120 فریمه.
که اگه اون جور هم در نظر بگیریم باز اجرای 60 فریم اون دمو به اون سنگینی خودش خیلی حرفه
اصلا FG برای کنسول دستی هیچ معنی نداره با TDP ای که داره، نبودن FG دلیلی بر 60 فریم بودنش نمیشه که حتی همون 30 فریم هم بتونه بده احتمالا به زور DLSS هستش

کلا حرف درست رو DF زد اگه زمان اومدن Switch به شما میگفتن قراره روش Witcher 3 و Doom اجرا بشه همه یه تصور دیگه میکردن ولی الان که نگاه کنین نسخه های کنسول های دیگه کجا و Switch کجا الانم همینه انتظارات رو معقول نگه دارین چون حتی اگه همون دمو ماتریکس رو هم اجرا کرده باشه اصلا معلوم نیست رو چه سطحی از تنظیماتش بوده باشه UE5 قابلیت اسکیل زیادی داره تا حد یه بازی موبایل
آخرین ویرایش:
اصلا FG برای کنسول دستی هیچ معنی نداره با TDP ای که داره، نبودن FG دلیلی بر 60 فریم بودنش نمیشه که حتی همون 30 فریم هم بتونه بده احتمالا به زور DLSS هستش

کلا حرف درست رو DF زد اگه زمان اومدن Switch به شما میگفتن قراره روش Witcher 3 و Doom اجرا بشه همه یه تصور دیگه میکردن ولی الان که نگاه کنین نسخه های کنسول های دیگه کجا و Switch کجا الانم همینه انتظارات رو معقول نگه دارین چون حتی اگه همون دمو ماتریکس رو هم اجرا کرده باشه اصلا معلوم نیست رو چه سطحی از تنظیماتش بوده باشه UE5 قابلیت اسکیل زیادی داره تا حد یه بازی موبایل

دقیقا. منم همین فکر رو دارم. البته فکر کنم این بار نینتندو اسکیل پذیری بازی ها رو بهتر کرده ولی بازم اون اختلافه هست
البته اینم غلطه. اگه اینا Frame Generation نداشته باشن یعنی یحتمل 720/60 اجرا میشده. نمیتونه DLSS فریم ایجاد کنه. حتی برای DLSS 3.0 هم فریم جرنیشن عموما برای تبدیل بازی های 60 فریم به 120 فریمه.
که اگه اون جور هم در نظر بگیریم باز اجرای 60 فریم اون دمو به اون سنگینی خودش خیلی حرفه
خوب چرا باید 720P60 اجرا شده باشه نه 720P30؟ :D

حالا این تراشه T239 خوبه بنظرتون؟
کسی نمی دونه.
فعلا اطلاعاتی ازش مشخص نیست.
سر Switch هم خیلی حرف ها می زدن از آخر خود Tegra X1 در اومد بدون هیچ تغییری :D
ولی خوب به هر حال سر نسل بعدی سویچ به طور قطع SoC کاستوم هست.
حالا این تراشه T239 خوبه بنظرتون؟

با توجه به اطلاعات خیلی کلی ای که از لیک ها داریم، آره خوبه

منتها بازم بستگی داره چقدر قدرت بکشه ازش نینتندو. چون کنسول دستیه و وابسته به باتریه و محدوده به اندازه کوچیکش باید دید چقدر به خاطر مصرف پایین قدرتش کم و زیاد میشه

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن