این یه مصاحبه جالب در مورد روند ساخت سری Ori هست.
Ori And The Evolution Of A Studio | CGMagazine
این تیکه از مصاحبه نشون میده رویه ساخت بازی زیر نظر مایکروسافت تو چند سال اخیر خیلی تغییر کرده.
CGMagazine: Now I want to wrap up just talking about the Microsoft connection and how the studio is very connected to Xbox as a brand. How does it feel as a studio to connect to a single console and do you think it helps you or hurts you with development and bringing in new fans?
Thomas Mahler: Well, Microsoft has always been a good publisher to us. We started from nothing, right? We started with two people, making little prototypes and showing it to publishers, and Microsoft, honestly, was the partner who believed in us. They’re the ones who said, “Hey, we’re gonna pay you guys so that you can make your dream projects.” That is something that I’m extremely appreciative of. We never expected that kind of level of love coming from Microsoft. They’ve always just been a great partner and I’ll be completely honest with you, we had those fears, about if they will tell us what games we have to make or come in with kind of a creative decision that needs to be followed. And it just never happened. They are extremely supportive. They give us feedback all the time. They love the stuff that we’re doing. They’re just really a great publisher and we’re extremely happy to be working with them.
این بخش هم خیلی جالب توجه هست!
CGMagazine: I want to talk about the success of Ori and the Blind Forest up to this point and why the studio decided to make a sequel?
Thomas Mahler: We never expected
Ori to sell as many copies as it did, no one expected it. I mean even Microsoft never thought it would sell those numbers. So why don’t we do a sequel? I’ll be honest with you, I didn’t immediately want to do a sequel. I was the one person in the team who was really against it. Because I’m an artist, I want to do something completely different and new but two things happened. First of all, we got such amazing fan emails, from people who just played through Blind Forest, and it was touching. For example, we got emails from a father with a daughter whose wife just died and he used Blind Forest as a way of showing her what death means. That was so touching and it moved me. There was just so much positive fan feedback and people just asking for a sequel.
بازی بعدیشون Action RPG هست و موسس استودیو به صورت ضمنی تمایل خودش به مولتی پلتفرم شدن استودیو رو اعلام کرده. حداقل امیدوارم سری Ori رو هم ادامه بدن