_چطوری میتونم کلاه یارو رو بزنم بدون اینکه بخوره به سرش اخه هر جای کلاه که میزنم یارو میمیره.
2_اسب مشکی رو کجا باید پیدا کنم یه روز کامل وقت گذاشتم پیدا نشد چشام دیگه جایی رو نمیبینه.
3_من اون نقابی رو که واسه پنهان کردن هویتش استفاده میکنه رو خریدم ولی فقط یه بار تو لیست وسایلم دیدمش اونم وقتی انتخابش کردم اصلا غیبش زد چرا؟اصلا تو وسایلم نمیبینمش
1- با دقت بزن ، و به اونایی که توی مکزیک کلاه گنده دارن راحتر میشه زد .
2 - میتونی از Beecher's Hope در west Elizabeth پیدا کنی .
3 . یه LB بزن بره صفحه بعد inventory میبینیش.
دوستان یه راهنمایی برای Sharpshooter Challenges
* Sharpshooter 1
Requirement: Shoot and Kill 5 Flying Birds
Strategy: Easy enough just watch the sky for some birds and then Dead Eye Aim them or take them out manually.
* Sharpshooter 2
Requirement: Shoot and Kill 5 Rabbits
Strategy: Rabbits can be more elusive, but you can get a bunch easily on Bonnie's first mission if you have already activated this level. If not they can be found all over.
* Sharpshooter 3
Requirement: Kill 5 Coyotes without taking any Coyote damage
Strategy: Easy enough as Coyotes wont generally get aggressive and attack you if you are on your horse.
* Sharpshooter 4
Requirement: Kill 5 flying birds from a moving train
Strategy: Board the train from either Armadillo or Bonnie's farm, climb the ladder to the top and ride the train to the next station dead Eye killing any birds on the way.
* Sharpshooter 5
Requirement: Kill any 2 different types of animals in 1 Dead Eye Meter
Strategy: Not as difficult as it sounds, when you see an animal look around for another, if you see one Dead Eye each one and shoot them. If they both die you win.
* Sharpshooter 6
Requirement: Shoot the hat's off 2 different people's heads
Strategy: This one can be a little difficult until you figure it out. For this you must shoot off their hats without them dieing. Get close to someone wearing a hat then Dead Eye aim and aim for the brim of their hat on the side to shoot it off.
* Sharpshooter 7
Requirement: Kill 3 Bears with a single head shot each
Strategy: Tricky Bears. For this one you need to let them get really close then Dead Eye aim and put a shot in their head from pointblank range. Use the Shotgun for more power.
* Sharpshooter 8
Requirement: Shoot the hats off two people's heads AND disarm 2 people
Strategy: See the steps above for shooting hats off heads. Use your Dead Eye aiming to aim for enemies hands to disarm them.
* Sharpshooter 9
Requirement: Kill any 6 wild animals including birds, without reloading or changing weapons
Strategy: For this one pick a weapon with a high power like a rifle that holds several bullets. Next find a bunch of easy animals like coyotes and rabbits and what not. Kill 6 in a row without changing guns or reloading to complete this.
* Sharpshooter 10
Requirement: Disarm 6 enemies without reloading or changing weapons
Strategy: Same as the last challenge but pick a Fort or something where there are enough enemies to get 6 without a problem.