مود جدید برای بخش Legends. کاملا مجانی بدون نیاز به آپگرید کردن به نسخهی PS5
۲تا تیم ۲نفره مقابل هم قرار میگیرن که باید با کشتن انمیها که همون AI باشن چیزی به اسم Magatama جمع کنن و باهاش دهن تیم مقابل رو سرویس کنن مثلا اجازه ندن چیزی بخرن یا Hwacha شلیک بشه به سمتشون و ... . سوم سپتامبر ریلیز میشه
First, today we’re excited to reveal Rivals, an all-new mode coming to Ghost of Tsushima: Legends on September 3 (including new Trophies and cosmetics!). In Rivals, two teams of two will compete to defeat waves of enemies. With each defeated foe, you’ll collect Magatama that you can use to harm the other team. For example, you can spend Magatama on Shades to block your opponents’ purchases, Curses (health drain, exploding bodies, etc), Hwacha fire, and more. Once you’ve spent enough Magatama, you’ll unlock Final Stand waves. Complete these before the opposing team to win!
Gear Mastery هم اضافه میکنن برای کسانی که پاورشون ۱۱۰ هستش
This is a new expansion of the progression systems and rewards for Legends. Players who’ve earned 110-level gear will now be able to bind it to a class and activate “Mastery Challenges.” This will allow a piece of gear’s Ki level to be upgraded to 120 and eventually unlock a second perk slot! As you activate Mastery Challenges, you can also unlock a new Ability and new Techniques for each class.
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