نسخه Review تمام پلتفورم ها خدمت منتقدها بوده و برای همین نقدهای بازی برای همه پلتفورم ها (از جمله PS4) منتشر شده. فقط این وسط مایکروسافت به دلایلی که خودش میدونه ، اجازه انتشار نقدهای نسخه X1 رو نداده و زمان انتشار نقدهای این نسخه رو دیرتر اعلام کرده !
حالا یا میخواسته کمتر با نسخه PS4 مقایسه بشه ، یا سورپرایز عظیمی در راه هست و میخواد یه دفعه در روز آخر با انتشار نقدها به همه نشون بده که بازی به صورت 1080p/60fps بدون افت فریم و با IQ خفن روی X1 منتشر میشه !
توضیحات Eurogamer در مورد نقدها :
Battlefield 4 was played for review at an event in Stockholm, Sweden. Eurogamer made separate travel and accommodation arrangements and paid our own costs.
PC, PS4 and Xbox One versions were available to try at the event, but Xbox One reviews are embargoed until a later date, so that version is not associated with this review. We were able to complete the campaign and take part in extensive multiplayer sessions at the event. In addition, we played the Xbox 360 version at home in the UK under normal conditions
توضیحات GameSpot در این مورد :
So with five versions of the game spread across two generations of consoles, which is the best Battlefield? Unsurprisingly, the PC version remains on top with excellent visuals and sprawling 64-player matches that make the most of the great maps and incredible combat diversity. The PlayStation 4 version joins the PC in the top tier, with comparable visuals and 64-player matches to boot. The Xbox One version, however, remains under review embargo for another two weeks, so we can't evaluate it until then