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Early Assassin's Creed Mirage Previews #Ubisoft
Eurogamer : AC Mirage feels a clear-sighted return to the series' roots
VGC : AC Mirage fulfils the promise of the original
PC Gamer : Don't mean to get ahead of myself, but I think Assassin's Creed is finally back.
Assassin's Creed Mirage hands-on previews:
• Game will take 20 hours to beat for completionists
• Missions, combat, story, and more all took direct inspiration from AC1
• Stealth is back. Eagle vision, instant assassinations, etc.
• A target's location will not always be marked on the map. Get info by helping people around town or scoping out the area.
• Tools are crucial for stealth and combat (throwing knives, smoke bombs, etc).
• Assassinations can be completed in multiple ways or failed altogether. VGC compares one mission to Hitman trilogy.
• High praise for the Baghdad setting
• Parkour; corner jump is back, new pole climb mechanic, faster speed overall
• Some complaints about controls
• More Hidden Ones involvement including visiting the temple of Alamut
• Combat is more engaging but still accessible overall. Basim is quicker and more agile with tighter parry windows for an instakill
اون 20ساعته امیدوارم و احتمالا اشتباهه، چون قبلا خود یوبی فکر کنم 35~40 گفته بود، انقور تفاوت برای 100% زیاده
مقایسه با هیتمن حرکت بسیار خوبیست! یعنی اون بازیی که باید AC ازش ایده میگرفت هیتمن و MGS V بودن، نه RPGجات!
ایراد از کنترلم اگر به معنی پارکور خوب باشه، مثل یونیتی من راضیم

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از بین نمایش ها و صحبتا و ... تنها چیزی که من از بازی خوشم نیمده تا الان، فقط اون chain killه!