دمو قابل بازی Pes 2008 برای Pc هم منتشر شد

Reza Modanloo

کاربر سایت

خوب اين خبر منبع نداره و يکی از دوستان به اطلاع بنده رسوند!!

چند روز پيش برای XBOX360 دمو منتشر شده که مطمئناً خيلی ها به XBOX Live دسترسی ندارند
حالا دمو قابل بازی رو برای PC ميتونيد دانلود و بازی کنيد
الان من هرچی سعی کردم همه Source هايی که بر اساس Region هستند Full هستند و اجازه DL نميده
احتمالاً بايد يه چند ساعتی تلاش کنيد ..

بعد از اینکه KitServer 700a_1 رو اکسترکت کردی یه پوشه هست توش به اسم kitserver همین پوشه رو مستقیم بریز تو شاخه بازی (نه فایلهای داخلشو) بعد اجراش کن اینستال فعاله :biggrin1: (نگرفتی تصویری توضیح میدم)
چطوری جواد ؟ :cheesygri
بعد از اینکه KitServer 700a_1 رو اکسترکت کردی یه پوشه هست توش به اسم kitserver همین پوشه رو مستقیم بریز تو شاخه بازی (نه فایلهای داخلشو) بعد اجراش کن اینستال فعاله :biggrin1: (نگرفتی تصویری توضیح میدم)
چطوری جواد ؟ :cheesygri
هاااا..الان فهمیدم...قبلا یه فلدر اضافه میریختم :دی
من خوبم تو خوبی؟؟؟ نه مثل اینکه خیلی بهتری :biggrin1:
اگه کسی زحمت ترجمه را بکشه ممنون میشم فکر مکینم در مورد تفاوت های نسخه ps3 با 360 هست
WENBs very own Mr Adam was today at a trade show in Birmingham of all places and got to play a near final build of the game that we are all patiently waiting for, here are the main points that I managed to translate during the phone call we have just had

* The game actually plays slower than the 360 demo that we have been playing for a few weeks
* In saying that the 360 version plays a slightly quicker game than the PS3 version

(Yeah, that confused me as well. Lets move on though eh)

* The PS3 version looks a bit more washed out but is still graphically sound
* The 360 version looks crisper but with it a bit more cartoony. The colours seem a lot more vivid
* Edit mode on the next gen has been drastically reduced as expected:
* Only 9 sets of boots to choose from and kits styles are also limited to a set number of patterns

Adam was really impressed with how the game played on both consoles, there seemed a more realistic pace to it. He couldnt stop waffling on about how nice it felt to play and how superb everything was! I had to cut him off before the call turned into one I would have to pay £1.50 a minute for!

The version played by Ad is as close to the final version of the game available. Issues regarding gameplay and graphics could easily be resolved before release, whereas the content (teams, features etc) will be the same in the final version.
PS3 PES 2008 Demo Update

As you all know, the PES 2008 demo has been in Sony's hand for quite some time now. Yet there has been no verification as to whether it will be available to download on the PSN tomorrow. We have attempted to find out news from Konami however they are not sure what the status of the demo is at this moment in time.

We will be updating the blog in about 10 hours time once we get some clarification on this highly debated and anticipated arrival. Check back in a few hours people. The PSN updates at 6pm GMT every Thursday. Fingers crossed the demo will go live, we'll let you know as soon as we know!
آخرین ویرایش:
وقت ندارم به خدا :دی... اگر امشب جایی نرفتم تا ساعت 2 نصفه شب ترجمش میکنم و میزارمش ;) البته ترجمش انقدر طول نمیکشه ولی زود تر اون موقع نمیتونم
منم حوصله ندارم 1 ساعت الان بنويسم زياده:biggrin1:
من فقط خط اول رو خوندم ميگه تو 360 سريع تر و روون تره و تو اون يکی کنسول کنده
راستی جواد اينم اموزش واسه 2 نفره بازی کردن

پس از UNZIP کردن فایل یه پوشه به نام kitserver هستش که باید اونو در پوشه ی بازی PASTE کنید.(پوشه بازی من اینه:
G:\Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 DEMO
و اینم آدرس پوشه کپی شده:
G:\Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 DEMO\kitserver)
بعد از تو پوشه kitserver فایل setup رو اجرا میکنید و روی install کلیک میکنید.
تنظیمات دسته هم که تو فایل setting بازی هست که دیگه خودتون حتما میدونید.
منم حوصله ندارم 1 ساعت الان بنويسم زياده:biggrin1:
من فقط خط اول رو خوندم ميگه تو 360 سريع تر و روون تره و تو اون يکی کنسول کنده

تا الان که برعکس اینو میگفتن ! میگفتن توی PS3 روونتره ...
توی leipzig GC هم به عنوان بهترین عنوان PS3 انتخاب شد !

منبعش کجاست ؟
من الان 2روزه نخوابیدم..اگر چرت و پرت ترجمه میکنم ببخشید و بگید تا اصلاح بشه /:)

تو این متن نوشته شده:
امروز توی نمایشگاه داد و ستد بیرمنگام بازی به نمایش گذاشته شد و چیزی که ما دیدم بسیار به نسخه نهایی نزدیک خواهد بود که همگی ما بیصبرانه متظر آن هستیم.در اینجا به نکات مهمی که در مکالمه تلفنی داشتیم اشاره میکنم( حالا نگفته با چه کسی !)

*بازی از نسخه دمو x360 کمی کند تر اجرا میشه که ما چند هفته ای داریم بازی میکنم

*داره میگه نسخه 360 کمی از نسخه ps3 روان تر اجرا میشه.
(آره،این منو خیلی سردرگم کرد....ولی بگذریم)

*The PS3 version looks a bit more washed out but is still graphically sound (اینو دقیقا نفهمیدم ولی مثل اینکه میگه در نسخه ps3 بازی از لحاظ گرافیکی مشکل داره...Washed out : ساییده شده..از کار افتاده)

*نسخه 360 بهتره ولی کمی تم کارتونی داره و رنگ ها زنده تر هستند.

*قسمت edit همونطور که انتظار میرفت افت کرده.

*فقط 9 نوع کفش برای انتخاب وجود داره و استایل های انتخابی محدود هستند.

*adam (منظورش از adam چیه؟؟؟ من که نفهمیدم)خیلی از بازی کردن این بازی در هر 2 کنسول تحت تاثیر قرار گرفته.به نظر میاد میشه سرعت بازی رو بیشتر کرد.نمیتونه خودشو کنترل کنه و نمیتونه احاسا خوبی رو که در موقع بازی کردن داشت رو وصف کنه و بگه چقدر همه چیز عالی بوده.من باید زودتر قیچیش میکردم تا1.5 پوند براش هزینه نکنم :biggrin1:

بازی به ورژن نهایی خیلی نزدیکه.کلا مشکلات بازی از لحاظ گیم پلی و گرافیک به راحتی تا موقع ریلیز رفع میشن.
ps3 pes 2008 UPDATE
همانطور که همه میدونید،دموی pes 2008 برای مدتی در دستان سونی بوده.و واقعا معلوم نیست فردا برای دانلود روی psn خواهد رفت.ما تلاش خودمون رو میکنم تا از کونامی خبر موثقی بگیریم ولی چیزی که معلوم نیست وضعیت دمو در حال حاضر هست!

این یه تیکش هم تقریبا ارجیف هست: We will be updating the blog in about 10 hours time once we get some clarification on this highly debated and anticipated arrival. Check back in a few hours people. The PSN updates at 6pm GMT every Thursday. Fingers crossed the demo will go live, we'll let you know as soon as we know

اگه سوتی،اشتباهی،چیزی دیدن ببخشید و بذارین به حساب 2 روز نخوابیدن :biggrin1: برم دیگه بخوابم :biggrin1:
از تاخیر هم عذز میخام قرار بود ساعت 2 بیام الان ساعت 3.27 دقیقه هست :biggrin1:
وقتی که گزاشتی خودش ارزش داشت :biggrin1:
اينجاشو درست نفهميدی
ميگه چهره بازی به F*ck رفته امّا کيفيت صدا و گرافيکش هنوز خوبه
نتيجه کلی: ميگه بازی گرافيک و صدا خوب و قوی داره امّا هنوز يکمی مشکل داره

*The PS3 version looks a bit more washed out but is still graphically sound (اینو دقیقا نفهمیدم ولی مثل اینکه میگه در نسخه ps3 بازی از لحاظ گرافیکی مشکل داره...Washed out : ساییده شده..از کار افتاده)
اقا رضاي گل درباره ي ليگ هاي موجود چيزي ننوشته
مثل پارسال كه گفتن ليگ المان هست ولي نبود
اگه اطلاعاتي داري ممنون ميشم اگه بگي
جواد جان دست گلت درد نكنه
آمان از مسلط نبودن به زبان انگلیسی یکی زحمت اینا هم بکشه
W.E.N.B. : PES 2008 Impressions

Just got back from a few fun days at a trade event in Birmingham, and boy have I got a lot to talk about! After taking in the delights on offer (Call of Duty 4, Mario Galaxy, Assassins Creed etc.), I was treated to an extremely up-to-date code of PES 2008!

This was mainly thanks to both Michael Rotchell and Gareth Evans, senior members of the Konami sales team. Not an event where they were supposed to be showing off a near final version, but were kind enough to let me have a look for the benefit of the blog.

I was like a kid in a candy store when Michael booted up the game on a PS3, connected to a nice 40inch Sharpe TV. After seeing him (and me for a bit) getting beaten by Germany playing as England, I took the opportunity to take a look through the menu's and familiarise myself with the new look. My main interest, like many viewers, was to check out the editing functions available this year. Unfortunately it wasn't what it was lived up to be, editing wasn't a step up from the current gen options. Sure there's the ability to scan your own face in and pop in logo's & sponsors of your favourite unlicensed teams, but the basic functionality just wasn't there.

First off the 9 boots that we've seen are all whats on offer. Along with that the preset boots can't be edited. In PE6 on the PS2 you could at least create boots that resembled other brands, not this year on next gen I'm afraid. Then when checking through kit editing options I realised that the amount of preset designs to choose from have dramatically been decreased. Lets hope the new sponsor/logo import feature makes up for this.

Feeling a little bemused by the editing, or lack of, I started a match. Choosing the mighty Milan vs the not so mighty Tottenham, I was greeted with a new option allowing you to change the grass patterns on the stadiums. As previously rumoured, there is absolutely no option to edit stadiums any further than the design of the playing surface. Ranging from diamond, squares and circles shapes, there were around 5 different looks you could create to the 15 stadiums on offer. Yes you read right, just 15 stadiums!

After having a mixed first 5 mins with the game I was ready to kick off. Choosing 3 guys to always go up for corners (Nesta, Inzaghi and Ronaldo should do it) the match started. Quickly popping the game into wide cam I was treated to one of the best experiences I've had with a Pro Evo game...EVER. Gone was the frustration regarding the underwhelming front end, the gameplay is where its at and PES 2008 has it in abundance.

The first thing to hit me was the slow pace. It's been a while since playing an advanced version in Leipzig, so it was much clearer for me compare the two versions. All I can say is that it's very close to the speed of Fifa 08. The X360 version was a little quicker and a little brighter in its colours, but it was pretty much the same. Gone were the players zipping around at an alarming pace in the demo, everything seemed more considered and lifelike. It was great to be passing the ball about, creating some beautiful moves and scoring some special (and meaningful) goals. I even managed to dive and grab a penalty! At first I also found it difficult to score, the 'keepers are certainly miles better than the demo. They are fantastic on 1-on-1 situations, closing down the angles very quickly.

The feeling of playing PES was there. Whether that's a good thing or bad remains to be seen with some of the fans, as perhaps its a sign of the series not really moving on. It certainly feels familiar. In my eyes though that's a good thing, it was a pleasure to play, and left me with the feeling that I'd just played a game that I'll be playing for many months to come.

The build that I played was around 3 weeks old, and had some issues that I was assured will be fixed in the final versions. I noticed slowdown on replays and corners, as well as some loss of detail when in wide cam - the boots all went to black, and you couldn't even see the rain!

Overall though it was a great experience, I certainly feel honoured to have had time with the game. It's going to be keeping many people occupied when its hits on the 26TH October! Thanks again to Gareth and Michael for letting me have a bash, make sure you keep in touch guys!

More on the final version in the coming weeks, we should have them very soon.

The Wait Continues...

I really feel bad as a PS3 owner right now. Sony have again unveiled the update list for the PSN for today. No surprises and PES 2008 is missing again! This is the second week running that the demo has been anticipated highly only to not be included.

I know many fans of the game aim their frustration towards Konami, but the blame is all on Sony guys.

Best Regards,
دوستان تو این فروم ها داشتم میگشتم سیستم بازی اصلی گذاشته بودن حالا خبر ندارم fake یا نه :
Windows XP
Pentium 4 3.0GHz /AMD Athlon 64 or better
6.5GB free memory
8x DVD-ROM drive
DirectX 9.0c video card

256MB Pixel Shader 3.0 (ATI x1600 / NVidia 6800 GT/GS or better)
DirectX 9.0c Soundcard
DirectX 9.0c or higher
Windows USB Gamepad
1280 x 720 resolution

supported chipsets

NVIDIA - GeForce 6600, 6800, 7300, 7600, 7800, 7900, GeForce FX (5950, 5900, 5800, 5600, 5200), GeForce4 Ti, GeForce3
ATI - Radeon x1600, x1800, x1900, x800, 9800, 9700, 9600, 9500, 9200, 9000, 8500

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

تبلیغات متنی

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن