دمو قابل بازی Pes 2008 برای Pc هم منتشر شد

Reza Modanloo

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خوش به حالتون که تونستید بازی کنید . من که اصلا شانس ندارم دیروز رفتم دنبالش تو پاساژ ولیصر ولی هیچ جا نداشت :((:((:(( فقط یکی گفت دارم و گفت باید رایت کنم ولی وقتی نگاه کرد دید Image بازی پاک شده :(:(:(:( :((:((:((:((:((:((:((
خوش به حالتون که تونستید بازی کنید . من که اصلا شانس ندارم دیروز رفتم دنبالش تو پاساژ ولیصر ولی هیچ جا نداشت :((:((:(( فقط یکی گفت دارم و گفت باید رایت کنم ولی وقتی نگاه کرد دید Image بازی پاک شده :(:(:(:( :((:((:((:((:((:((:((

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Ruliweb Exclusive Interview With SEABASS Translated 

I would like to start off first by thanking out main man Sam Yoo, our Korean Representative for translating this interview for us. Here at W.E.N.B. we prefer official translations from people who speak both languages! But without further ado, here is the SEABASS interview in English.

Ruliweb: Interview with Takatsuka "Seabass" Shingo, the Producer behind Winning Eleven Series

Ruliweb Seabass Interview

Ruliweb: It could be said that now is sort of a transition period to the next-gen consoles. With all the changes in game development environment (for the next-gen), were there any difficulties in developing the game?
Takatsuka "Seabass" Shingo: As you mentioned, there were numerous difficulties during the transition from PS1 to PS2. This time is no different, for there are many technical aspects that were not present before. It's not as hard as it used to be, because we've amassed know-hows for a long time. Still, there are some difficult parts due to the switch to the next-gen.

Ruliweb: Unlike previous series, this year's title includes the year. Would the forthcoming series all include years in the title?
Seabass: Opinions in Konami seem to advocate the change to include the years. So we plan on sticking to this change.

Ruliweb: Winning Eleven 2008 will be released both for PS3 and Xbox360. Since both consoles differ in hardwares, we'd presume that there should be some differences in any form between the two versions. What do you say?
Seabass: It will be released not only for PS3 and Xbox360, but for PS2 as well. The graphics for each version might differ, for each console has its own video power. AI for PS2 is not completely the same. But we've studied and tried hard, so that the gameplay won't be vastly different. These differences aside, however, there are no other differences among all versions.

Ruliweb: In online play, would you be able to watch a match of other players?
Seabass: No. We'll try to get it implemented for next installment.

Ruliweb: Winning Eleven 2008 seems quite different from previous series in terms of overall atmosphere and interface. What is the biggest change?
Seabass: We had designed the series so far from a Japanese' point of view. For this version, we developed the game, with more international, universal views in the back of our mind.

Ruliweb: This is the 11th installment of the series. But it has become more and more popular over time. Why do you think it is?
Seabass: I think the fact that it's a game you can play together with people is the reason behind its popularity. Also, improvements in AI and graphics with each new series were probably why.

Ruliweb: We saw some of the newly-added motions. How many more were added?
Seabass: It's tough to give you an exact number but quite a few more were added. I also think with more motions in, game balance has gotten better and there are more to enjoy in the game. Also, with the addition of motions, we developed the game based on the principle that football is not something you play alone but also something that you have to consider opponents' movements. 

Ruliweb: We'd like to know why not all the national and Premiership teams are licensed.
Seabass: I'm sorry, but it's something I cannot directly talk about. But I'd like you to understand that it is never a financial reason. (laugh)

Ruliweb: Would you consider implementing Sega's Football Manager-style in the Master League?
Seabass: We plan to do so, little by little. I reckon it'll end up turning into something like it ultimately.

Ruliweb: How many teams are there in a league in Master League Mode?
Seabass: It might later be possible to add many kinds of leagues, like how it's done with European Champions League, but there are 20 teams in a league this time around. As the series goes on, I think it'd become closer and closer to the reality.

Ruliweb: During the gameplay in previous installments, when the radar was placed on the bottom of the screen, it was sometimes hard to see what's going on under the radar. Would this be improved?
Seabass: It got improved a bit, but if it is still not satisfactory, I'm very sorry.

Ruliweb: I was told that AI was also improved. Would you be able to give specific examples on how much of an improvement has been made?
Seabass: For example, in a match against computer, one-pass (?) won't work. So where passes are made or how they are made changed a lot, in order to reflect the reality.

Ruliweb: The one AI that was rather disappointing has been goalkeeper's AI. How much better is it?
Seabass: Goalkeeper's motions evolved a lot. We adjusted goalkeeper's AI. I think gamers would find it be quite satisfying this time around. If keepers are too good, game would become too difficult.

Ruliweb: Do you plan to add coach's appearances or his goal celebrations?
Seabass: You can see a coach and subs in the bench in 2008. There are no coach's goal celebrations but in a (normal) goal celebration, you can sometimes see a child in the stand.

Ruliweb: In previous versions, the time when you make a shot and a goal seemed to be a bit out-of-sync, would they be in sync on this one?
Seabass: They are.

Ruliweb: Would there be a diving?
Seabass: There is, on this Winning Eleven 2008. For example, if you press L1, L2 during dribble, player will roll down on the pitch. But it won't just trigger it by pressing on it randomly. Refs are also designed to factor in the overall flow of the game and the situation when diving happens. 

Ruliweb: When deciding stats of a player, what do you consider the most?
Seabass: We don't decide based on one match. We look at many matches and get the averages and apply justly.

Ruliweb: Have you received any complaints from a player or national football association due to stats set for some players and teams?
Seabass: So far, we haven't received any. (laugh)

Ruliweb: Do you plan on adding a ball sound in sound settings? When turning up the volume to the max to get the real-match feel, the ball sound has been louder than crowd's noise, like... say, volleyball.
Seabass: We improved on that part. Just because you record a real ball kicking sound and put it in the game doesn't make it sound real. You have to find the sound that is closest to the ball. We've tried to match the reality as closely as we could. Also, there is an option where you can control the ball sound. 

Ruliweb: Are you satisfied with the ball physics? I heard that you were even studying physics circa Winning Eleven 7. How did you apply the ball physics in the game?
Seabass: I'm still not satisfied. We plan to tune up the ball physics even more to match the reality in the future. I've been steadily studying physics. Right now, I'm focusing more on movements of players. With books and videos, I'm studying human vision movement. As of now, instead of completely applying real human movements to the game, we're concentrating more on improved controls, in order to make it more game-like, or finding a right mix of game and the reality. We're trying to pursue the path where controlling feels like NES and smoothness of screen flows like PS3. 

Ruliweb: Demo version seems to have a bit long a loading time. Since PS3 could let users install the game on the hard drive, how much can loading time be shorten? And if PS3 version allows installation on the hard drive, how would you shorten the loading time for Xbox 360 version?
Seabass: Since the game is not complete yet, I wouldn't be able to tell you exactly. But loading time is something that we try to make it as short as possible. As for PS3, game can be partially installed on the hard drive for a quicker loading time. As for Xbox 360, partial install wouldn't be possible due to the policy. However, since it's the second installment for the console, we can't say for sure that it will necessarily have a longer loading time than PS3 at the moment.

Ruliweb: The game will be released in almost any platform possible. Is there any difficulty in doing so?
Seabass: To be frank, there isn't any specially-added difficulty just because we're releasing it for all the platforms. The game is being developed on a PC and and we port it to each different console. So there is not too much trouble in doing it.

Ruliweb: Would Winning Eleven 2008 be the last one for PS2?
Seabass: It won't be the last one. When PS2 was out, for 2-3 years we had PS1 versions. Just like it, we'll have more PS2 versions in the future. I think this time, it will be longer than 2-3 years.

Ruliweb: New and improved PSP just got released. Will the PSP version in the future include the voice commentary?
Seabass: Our team got to see the new PSP just yesterday. So we can't say it for sure. However, AI and online mode have been improved to the standard of PS2.

Ruliweb: Wii version was also announced. Would a user put the controller around the foot? Or just use the classic controller?
Seabass: It won't be put around the foot just yet. Since Wii version is being developed by a different producer, I can't say anything in detail. We plan to announce more details on it this winter.

Ruliweb: We'd like to know the release date on the Korean version.
Seabass: I can't tell you right now, but I know that it will be simultaneously released as the Japanese version. But for Korean users, we included subtitles, players' names and commentary in English in Japanese version.

Ruliweb: Do all versions (PS3, Xbox 360, PS2) include English?
Seabass: All include English. As for Blu-Ray, since it has a lot of room, we think it's a good idea to release the multi-language version in the future.

Ruliweb: Like Fifa Online, is there any plan to make it available online-only?
Seabass: Our team is thinking about it a lot, but I can't disclose anything on that here yet.

Ruliweb: Please leave a message to Ruliweb visitors.
Seabass: I sincerely thank you all for enjoying Winning Eleven. I think with this year's new version, it will be more fun. Enjoy it with your friends.
So there we go my friends. Yess!! The Japanese version will have the English option! That makes my life so much easier. Interesting that the Wii version has a different producer!?! So many interesting points unveiled in that interview with regards to the game and what to expect. I hope you enjoyed that and don't forget to send in your questions for our main man Erik Hansson from Level7 who is gonna meet Seabass on Thursday!

Best Regards,
این یه تیکه اش جالبه
Ruliweb: Do all versions (PS3, Xbox 360, PS2) include English?
Seabass: All include English. As for Blu-Ray, since it has a lot of room, we think it's a good idea to release the multi-language version in the future.
خب بالاخره منم تونستم بازیش کنم :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::cheesygri:cheesygri:cheesygri
خوبه ولی کنترلش خیلی افتضاحه :sick::sick::sick::sick::sick:
البته از نسخه پورت شده بیشتر از این انتظار نمیره :-":-":-":-":-"
حالا یه سوال : وقتی من کنترل 360 رو به PC وصل میکنم نمیشناسه کنترل رو درایور میخواد . من این درایورش رو ازکجا گیر بیارم :confused::confused::confused::confused:
بازی سگا رالی نسخه PC هم مثل همین فوتباله پورت شده است و کنترلش افتضاحه . من چطوری کنترل 360 رو به PC بشناسونم :confused::confused::confused:
For Win XP
اگر پورت از 360 پورت شده پس چطور یه هفته زودتر از نسخه 360 میاد؟

این نسخه پورت شده هست کاملا مشخصه . در منو و قسمت تنظیمات تصویر دسته 360 و معرفی دکمه هاش هست . حتی کونامی به خودش زحمت نداده دکمه ها رو مثل نسخه های قبلی برای کیبور تنظیم کنه .
در ضمن تاریخ انتشار ای بازی 26 اکتبر برای PC و 22 نوامبر برای 360 و PS3 و PS2 هست . بنابر این نزدیک یک ماه نسخه کنسول دیر تر میاد .
آخرین ویرایش:
در ضمن تاریخ انتشار ای بازی 26 اکتبر برای Pc و 22 نوامبر برای 360 و Ps3 و Ps2 هست . بنابر این نزدیک یک ماه نسخه کنسول دیر تر میاد .
تاریخ عرضه بازی برای نسخه Pc .ps3 .360 با هم یکی هست اون هم تو 16 اکتبر شما منبع اتون چیه من منبع ام سایت خود کونامی هست خواستین لینک بدم

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