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خوب اینم معلوم نیست ترسناک باشه خو :d اون I Am Alive هم فکر کنم زامبی اینا داره(شکلشون شبیه زامبی بود :d ) من بیشتر فکر میکنم همچین چیزیه تا چیزی تو مایه های DS یا RE که از ترس نتونی جلو بری :d حالا اگر اون دخترک نبود میشد گفت ترسناک خواهد بود! ولی اینجوری به نظر من نیست :d (اون مرحله ای هم که U1 ترسناک بود تنها بودیم :d )
به شدت با این قسمت نوشته ـت موافقمدر آخر سیاست خوبی بود که بازی بخش مالتی پلیر نداره، هر قدر بیشتر رو بخش سینگل کار کنند بازی زیباتر و جذاب تر خواهد شد.
غلط میکننحالا ماها اینقد خودمون رو به در و دیوار کوبیدیم یهو فردا اعلام میکنن بازی فقط روی PSN عرضه میشه :d وای چه حالگیریه افتضی بشه :d
ظاهرا سایت usatoday گفته بازی سوم شخصه.گذشته از شوخی هنوز اعلام نکردن TPS هست یا FPS هست یا RTS یا نقش افرینی ؟ :d حداقل 2 ثانیه گیم پلی نشون میدادین دلمون خوش میشد :d
این Quote از Evan Wells کفایت میکنه برات نیماحالا ماها اینقد خودمون رو به در و دیوار کوبیدیم یهو فردا اعلام میکنن بازی فقط روی PSN عرضه میشه :d وای چه حالگیریه افتضی بشه :d
گذشته از شوخی هنوز اعلام نکردن TPS هست یا FPS هست یا RTS یا نقش افرینی ؟ :d حداقل 2 ثانیه گیم پلی نشون میدادین دلمون خوش میشد :d
We are excited to finally unveil The Last of Us, a project the team has been working hard on for some time. Naughty Dog’s mission is to change the way people experience videogames. We are confident The Last of Us will take a leap forward in cinematic gaming and storytelling, providing gamers with an experience unlike anything else in the industry.
اینم هست::dاین Quote از Evan Wells کفایت میکنه برات نیما:
Like the Uncharted games, The Last of Us has a third-person perspective, in which you see the character on-screen, but it has a more realistic, cinematic look. "We're trying to move the medium of video games into an area elevated in the same manner of respect of film," Balestra says. "We want to redefine what our medium is even called. 'Video game' is not an accurate name anymore. It is not necessarily a game with rules and a winner and a loser. It's an experience."
خب بهانه های یه سری از دوستان برای کوبیدن توی سر بازی میتونه از همین الآن شروع بشه !Like the Uncharted games, The Last of Us has a third-person perspective, in which you see the character on-screen, but it has a more realistic, cinematic look. "We're trying to move the medium of video games into an area elevated in the same manner of respect of film," Balestra says. "We want to redefine what our medium is even called. 'Video game' is not an accurate name anymore. It is not necessarily a game with rules and a winner and a loser. It's an experience
Always Hater Gona Hate :dخب بهانه های یه سری از دوستان برای کوبیدن توی سر بازی میتونه از همین الآن شروع بشه !اینکه بازی نیست ،این فیلمه. ما بازی میخوایم یالا ! ما بازی میخوایم یالا ! اگه فیلم میخواستیم میرفتیم سینما والا !![]()
Naughty Dog has revealed that double Oscar-winner Gustavo Santaolalla is composing the music for upcoming PS3-exclusive The Last Of Us.
"With this music we're trying to get emotion. We're not going for horror," Druckmann explained.
"There's going to be horrific things happening in this game, but that's not the focus of it. The monsters aren't the focus of it, it's the relationship between Joel and Ellie."
No Move support.
Expected for PS3 in late 2012 or early 2013
The Last of Us is a rare new intellectual property in an era when publishers rely heavily on trusted franchises. "The team at Naughty Dog is known for incredible storytelling, and what excites me most about The Last of Us is the potential of a grittier and more mature story," says Geoff Keighley of Spike's GameTrailers TV. "If Uncharted is the video-game version of Indiana Jones, The Last of Us has the potential to be a video-game version of Cormac McCarthy's The Road."
Although the designers don't want to give away the entire story line, the development team recently gave an exclusive inside look into the project. At the start of the game, the lead character, Joel, finds Ellie, and they team up. Joel is "a vicious survivor. When he meets this girl, she is his one chance at redemption," says Neil Druckmann, the game's creative director. "That kind of arc has always been intriguing."
Like the Uncharted games, The Last of Us has a third-person perspective, in which you see the character on-screen, but it has a more realistic, cinematic look. "We're trying to move the medium of video games into an area elevated in the same manner of respect of film," Balestra says. "We want to redefine what our medium is even called. 'Video game' is not an accurate name anymore. It is not necessarily a game with rules and a winner and a loser. It's an experience."
And yet, defying the odds, news of two-years-in-the-making The Last of Us, created by an 80-strong Naughty Dog team no-one knew existed, was met with that rarest of emotions when it broke cover at the weekend: genuine surprise. But, oh, how close it all came to unravelling as the big day approached.
Major artistic inspirations, meanwhile, include the movies No Country For Old Men and The Road, comic The Walking Dead and WWII novel City of Thieves.
Contrary to evidence in the trailer, however, The Last of Us is "not a zombie game," insists Staley. Druckmann explains: "If the game was about the monsters, we would have not showed them. The story's not about them, so [we thought] let's get it out of the way."
Instead, he wants us to consider the relationship between its two lead characters. Joel is a survivor and anti-hero (played by Troy Baker), and Ellie is a 14 year-old girl (played by 28 year-old Ashley Johnson) with no memory of the world pre-apocalypse.
The game will play out across various US cities and it's suggested that survival will involve both killing and scavenging. Do you control Joel alone? Ellie? Both? Is it co-op? Naughty Dog isn't saying.
"It's story-driven, [but] the whole triangle is story, gameplay and art," says Staley. "As a gamer it's all about strategy and giving the player enough tools in their toolkit so that they can come upon something and choose and have the consequences play out within their choices."
How those choices play out remains unclear, but don't expect any kind of Heavy Rain-esque branching narrative. "We're telling it the way we've been developing this method at Naughty Dog," explains Druckmann. "We're evolving it, but I can't say anymore."
And that's because he'd rather talk about story. And not just any old story, but one Druckmann wants to "change the f***ing industry" with - "because we feel like storytelling is so poor right now". Aside from the all too few likes of Valve, Irrational and Rockstar, it's hard to disagree.
Take the "no network play" note on the official PlayStation website. "We don't know where that came from," says Druckmann. "That's TBD," says Staley.
With that in mind, imagine the shockwaves that reverberated around the Naughty Dog office when they saw that Dead Island trailer.
"We saw it and we thought, wait a minute, someone else is doing this - it's really moving, there's this family that's been torn apart," says Druckmann. But, as we now know, it bore little relation to the finished article.
"You saw the game and it wasn't that," he adds. "I'm not saying whether it was a good or bad game, but it wasn't that. And we feel our trailer is very representative of what we're going for." Not least because the footage is all in-engine.
So if not a horror game, what is it? "This is going to sound corny and it might not appeal to gamers, but I would say it's a love story," he says. "It's not a romantic love story, it's a love story about a father-daughter-like relationship."
This was in part influenced by the memorable sequence between Nathan Drake and Tenzin, his Tibetan guide, in Uncharted 2. "We kept joking, wouldn't it be intriguing to develop a whole game where you're building this relationship, not just a level," he says.
When the fruits of this labour of love will be shared with gamers, no-one is saying. And, in the wake of the brutal crunch endured by the Uncharted 3 team in order to meet a release date it recklessly announced a year in advance, that should come as no surprise.
"We will never do that again, not a year out," sighs co-president Christophe Balestra. Wells agrees: "The minute we saw [the date] on screen we were like, oh god, I really regret that."
So, while the game has already been in development for two years, with the team not yet ready even to discuss gameplay let alone show it, don't be surprised if The Last of Us fails to materialise before 2013. It'll be done when it's done, as the saying goes.