Multi Platform Cyberpunk 2077

تاریخ انتشار
December 10, 2020
  1. PC
  2. PlayStation 4
  3. PlayStation 5
  4. Xbox One
  5. Xbox Series X|S





>>>>>Concept Art<<<<<

Cyberpunk-2077_2018_06-12-18_026.jpg Cyberpunk-2077_2018_06-12-18_027.jpg

http___images.gamersyde.com_image_cyberpunk_2077-39064-2618_0001.jpg http___images.gamersyde.com_image_cyberpunk_2077-39064-2618_0002.jpg http___images.gamersyde.com_image_cyberpunk_2077-39064-2618_0003.jpg

>>>>>Concept Art<<<<<





>>>>>Key Art<<<<<

در صورت لود نشدن تصاویر صفحه را Refresh کنید


>>>>>Concept Art<<<<<


>>>>>Key Art<<<<<



تاریخچه مختصر دنیای سایبرپانک 2077- بخش اول
تاریخچه مختصر دنیای سایبرپانک 2077- بخش دوم
تاریخچه مختصر دنیای سایبرپانک 2077- بخش سوم
تاریخچه مختصر دنیای سایبرپانک 2077- بخش چهارم
تاریخچه مختصر دنیای سایبرپانک 2077- بخش پنجم و آخر
تاریخچه تشکیل شهر نایت سیتی
افسانه جانی سیلورهند
تاریخچه شرکت آراساکا

با تشکر از @mobin.hb96

تاریخچه بازی بخش 1
تاریخچه بازی بخش 2
تاریخچه بازی بخش 3
تاریخچه بازی بخش 4
تاریخچه بازی بخش 5
تاریخچه بازی بخش 6
تاریخچه بازی بخش 7
تاریخچه بازی بخش 8
تاریخچه بازی بخش 9

با تشکر از @armin_shadow


نگاهی بر Cyberpunk 2077 بخش اول

با تشکر از @darksider666
Last edited by a moderator:
به نظرم بهتره بیخیال نسخه های این نسلی بشیم و رو کنسولهای نسل بعد بازی کنیم. مطمعنم ارزش صبر کردن رو داره . اگه هر چقدر هم تو این نسل کیفیت خوبی داشته باش باز باید این بازی رو با حداکثر کیفیت بازی کرد اونم وقتی سازنده اش CD PROJEKT باش که از نظر فنی جزو تاپ هاست . حتی اگه گرافیک نهایی بازی با گرافیک نمایش ها قبل ریلیز فرق داشته باش( منظورم witcher 3 هست ) . خود سازنده هم گفته سال 2021 نسخه های نسل بعدی(PS5_XBOX SERIES X) از نظر گرافیکی یک به روز رسانی گسترده دریافت میکنن . تا همون موقع هم کنسول های نسل بعدی به قیمت واقعی خودشون میرسن خیلیا ایشالله میتونن بگیرن
آخرین ویرایش:
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Reactions: masoud101
یـ سری هایلات از پیش نمایش های بازی :

• There are no loading screens aside from the initial load time
• You can kill civilians - both in and out of vehicles
• Waste someone near a cop or local gang - or cause enough trouble and the law/local gang will deal with you...harshly
• Movement is a lot smoother than in The Witcher 3
• The player is nearly always in control of the camera, even during dialogue scenes
• There is a lot of dialogue
• It is nothing like Grand Theft Auto
• There are a ton of customization options
• You can choose between circumsized and non-circumsized penis
• You can get through the entire game without killing anyone
• One of the quests has 7 different outcomes
• The more you use a weapon, the more you specialize in it
• You can skip time to pass time for quests
• 1 real time hour = 8 in-game hours
• There are no loading screens for fast-travel
• Combat feels more like Rage than Destiny
• It's not a first person shooter; it's an RPG
• Game ran smoothly, but bugs were present
• Quests had a lot of optional tasks that change the outcome
• You don't feel like the centre of the universe
• Companions are actually useful in combat
• Characters weren't heard speaking repeated lines of dialogue
• Your UI is determined by what enhancements you have equipped
• There are a lot of likeable characters in the game, definitely less edgy than previous demos
• The side characters are very interesting
• The open-world is stunning. Everyone gushes about the world design, atmosphere and lived-in look and feel of it
• The game doles out a lot of interesting lore while being very subtle and casual with it
• There are no lore dumps given to the player - everything is experienced or sought-out by the player
• The world is very well fleshed out and believable
• Due to the changing allegiances of characters; you feel suspicious about every single character you meet
• XBD's or illegal Braindances are found on the Black Market, or at certain Night Markets sold by seedy individuals
• There are a TON of cybernetics to equip and use
• Lot of focus on verticality
• There is fall damage
• There are children in the game. You cannot kill them
• When selecting Corpo as a Life Path, you begin the game at Arasaka Tower
• When the tutorial ends, it's 6 years later and it starts where the E3 2018 gameplay demo began; with the "No Future" elevator
• Trauma Team will tase/shock you if you do not comply with their orders
• Dialogue is delivered very well - nothing B-Movie like or cheesy
• There are animals - but very few of them. It is implied that they are all artificial
• You cannot pilot AV's [Aerodynes/flying cars]
• Some YouTube Influencers are in the game - both voice and face
• A humorous talk show is playing on a TV in V's apartment elevator
• You can talk to everyone - even NPC's
• You can get side-missions from NPC's
• Lots of NPC's in the Watson area - the city feels alive
• Parris didn't like the handling of the V-Tech Quadra - he said it was too sensitive. The dev said they are still working on that
• Misty and Jackie are an item
• The Life Path you choose has significant effects on your playthrough. Choices and characters are completely different depending on your selection
• Yorinobu Arasaka has the Johnny Silverhand chip
• Gun Shops can offer you missions
• Parris adored the Braindance mechanic. He did one to trace back through a woman's memory to locate an item in Yorinobu's penthouse
• Judy Alvarez is the Braindance tech at Lizzy's Bar
• The weather effects are stunning
• The lighting effects are next-level
• The Maelstrom Flathead mission played similar to the old demo - except that Royce isn't given the chip and he shot him in the head, so no boss fight since...he's dead. The original Maelstrom gang leader is in the building somewhere
• if you don't intervene when Jackie is arguing with the Maelstrom ganger, shit goes down early
• There is a roaming CyberPsycho NPC killing police with a high-powered sniper rifle
• The streaming hands-on had lag and streaming issues - which is to be expected
• Parris loved the hacking mechanic
• Night City is HUGE
• 4 hours is beyond barely scratching the surface
• Lots of reviewers just watched the world and found it mesmerizing
• The No-Tell Motel is in the game
• There are so many choices and options that it feels overwhelming; before you learn to take things in stride
• During melee - you have an attack button, a dodge button and a block button. If you time your block at the moment of impact, you will perform a counterattack. This applies to swords and knives as well
• The music is amazing - both the score and the radio stations
• It really feels like playing a tabletop RPG, in terms of the player's freedom of choice, character creation, options available, mission choices/consequences and stat management
• Choices feel meaningful and not just fluff. There is a palpable weight to your choices
• Character models are impressive - but nothing Earth-shatteringly next-level
• The world feels alive - living and breathing. This is due to the atmosphere, NPC animations/ chatter and the lighting & textures
• Most everything in the trailer was from the prologue of the game
• The devs took notes of bugs during play-sessions to add to the list of things to fix before release
• Blessing Adeoye Jr. thinks the game might get delayed again...?
• Driving feels great - slightly GTA-ish, but weighty
• At least 10 radio stations
• There is a Rock music station
• You can hear live police reports through the radio
• Side-quests are extremely varied
• The map is obscenely packed with things to see and do
• You can enter most every building
• Katanas aren't Pink by default?
• Lots of attribute perks with trees of upgrades attached to each one
• Corpo Life Path begins with your boss asking you to break the law
• Blessing Adeoye Jr. theorized that all 3 Life Paths may lead to 3 mostly different game types for the entirety of the game
یـ سری هایلات از پیش نمایش های بازی :

• There are no loading screens aside from the initial load time
• You can kill civilians - both in and out of vehicles
• Waste someone near a cop or local gang - or cause enough trouble and the law/local gang will deal with you...harshly
• Movement is a lot smoother than in The Witcher 3
• The player is nearly always in control of the camera, even during dialogue scenes
• There is a lot of dialogue
• It is nothing like Grand Theft Auto
• There are a ton of customization options
• You can choose between circumsized and non-circumsized penis
• You can get through the entire game without killing anyone
• One of the quests has 7 different outcomes
• The more you use a weapon, the more you specialize in it
• You can skip time to pass time for quests
• 1 real time hour = 8 in-game hours
• There are no loading screens for fast-travel
• Combat feels more like Rage than Destiny
• It's not a first person shooter; it's an RPG
• Game ran smoothly, but bugs were present
• Quests had a lot of optional tasks that change the outcome
• You don't feel like the centre of the universe
• Companions are actually useful in combat
• Characters weren't heard speaking repeated lines of dialogue
• Your UI is determined by what enhancements you have equipped
• There are a lot of likeable characters in the game, definitely less edgy than previous demos
• The side characters are very interesting
• The open-world is stunning. Everyone gushes about the world design, atmosphere and lived-in look and feel of it
• The game doles out a lot of interesting lore while being very subtle and casual with it
• There are no lore dumps given to the player - everything is experienced or sought-out by the player
• The world is very well fleshed out and believable
• Due to the changing allegiances of characters; you feel suspicious about every single character you meet
• XBD's or illegal Braindances are found on the Black Market, or at certain Night Markets sold by seedy individuals
• There are a TON of cybernetics to equip and use
• Lot of focus on verticality
• There is fall damage
• There are children in the game. You cannot kill them
• When selecting Corpo as a Life Path, you begin the game at Arasaka Tower
• When the tutorial ends, it's 6 years later and it starts where the E3 2018 gameplay demo began; with the "No Future" elevator
• Trauma Team will tase/shock you if you do not comply with their orders
• Dialogue is delivered very well - nothing B-Movie like or cheesy
• There are animals - but very few of them. It is implied that they are all artificial
• You cannot pilot AV's [Aerodynes/flying cars]
• Some YouTube Influencers are in the game - both voice and face
• A humorous talk show is playing on a TV in V's apartment elevator
• You can talk to everyone - even NPC's
• You can get side-missions from NPC's
• Lots of NPC's in the Watson area - the city feels alive
• Parris didn't like the handling of the V-Tech Quadra - he said it was too sensitive. The dev said they are still working on that
• Misty and Jackie are an item
• The Life Path you choose has significant effects on your playthrough. Choices and characters are completely different depending on your selection
• Yorinobu Arasaka has the Johnny Silverhand chip
• Gun Shops can offer you missions
• Parris adored the Braindance mechanic. He did one to trace back through a woman's memory to locate an item in Yorinobu's penthouse
• Judy Alvarez is the Braindance tech at Lizzy's Bar
• The weather effects are stunning
• The lighting effects are next-level
• The Maelstrom Flathead mission played similar to the old demo - except that Royce isn't given the chip and he shot him in the head, so no boss fight since...he's dead. The original Maelstrom gang leader is in the building somewhere
• if you don't intervene when Jackie is arguing with the Maelstrom ganger, shit goes down early
• There is a roaming CyberPsycho NPC killing police with a high-powered sniper rifle
• The streaming hands-on had lag and streaming issues - which is to be expected
• Parris loved the hacking mechanic
• Night City is HUGE
• 4 hours is beyond barely scratching the surface
• Lots of reviewers just watched the world and found it mesmerizing
• The No-Tell Motel is in the game
• There are so many choices and options that it feels overwhelming; before you learn to take things in stride
• During melee - you have an attack button, a dodge button and a block button. If you time your block at the moment of impact, you will perform a counterattack. This applies to swords and knives as well
• The music is amazing - both the score and the radio stations
• It really feels like playing a tabletop RPG, in terms of the player's freedom of choice, character creation, options available, mission choices/consequences and stat management
• Choices feel meaningful and not just fluff. There is a palpable weight to your choices
• Character models are impressive - but nothing Earth-shatteringly next-level
• The world feels alive - living and breathing. This is due to the atmosphere, NPC animations/ chatter and the lighting & textures
• Most everything in the trailer was from the prologue of the game
• The devs took notes of bugs during play-sessions to add to the list of things to fix before release
• Blessing Adeoye Jr. thinks the game might get delayed again...?
• Driving feels great - slightly GTA-ish, but weighty
• At least 10 radio stations
• There is a Rock music station
• You can hear live police reports through the radio
• Side-quests are extremely varied
• The map is obscenely packed with things to see and do
• You can enter most every building
• Katanas aren't Pink by default?
• Lots of attribute perks with trees of upgrades attached to each one
• Corpo Life Path begins with your boss asking you to break the law
• Blessing Adeoye Jr. theorized that all 3 Life Paths may lead to 3 mostly different game types for the entirety of the game
• Blessing Adeoye Jr. thinks the game might get delayed again...?

نه تروخدا...
یـ سری هایلات از پیش نمایش های بازی :

• There are no loading screens aside from the initial load time
• You can kill civilians - both in and out of vehicles
• Waste someone near a cop or local gang - or cause enough trouble and the law/local gang will deal with you...harshly
• Movement is a lot smoother than in The Witcher 3
• The player is nearly always in control of the camera, even during dialogue scenes
• There is a lot of dialogue
• It is nothing like Grand Theft Auto
• There are a ton of customization options
• You can choose between circumsized and non-circumsized penis
• You can get through the entire game without killing anyone
• One of the quests has 7 different outcomes
• The more you use a weapon, the more you specialize in it
• You can skip time to pass time for quests
• 1 real time hour = 8 in-game hours
• There are no loading screens for fast-travel
• Combat feels more like Rage than Destiny
• It's not a first person shooter; it's an RPG
• Game ran smoothly, but bugs were present
• Quests had a lot of optional tasks that change the outcome
• You don't feel like the centre of the universe
• Companions are actually useful in combat
• Characters weren't heard speaking repeated lines of dialogue
• Your UI is determined by what enhancements you have equipped
• There are a lot of likeable characters in the game, definitely less edgy than previous demos
• The side characters are very interesting
• The open-world is stunning. Everyone gushes about the world design, atmosphere and lived-in look and feel of it
• The game doles out a lot of interesting lore while being very subtle and casual with it
• There are no lore dumps given to the player - everything is experienced or sought-out by the player
• The world is very well fleshed out and believable
• Due to the changing allegiances of characters; you feel suspicious about every single character you meet
• XBD's or illegal Braindances are found on the Black Market, or at certain Night Markets sold by seedy individuals
• There are a TON of cybernetics to equip and use
• Lot of focus on verticality
• There is fall damage
• There are children in the game. You cannot kill them
• When selecting Corpo as a Life Path, you begin the game at Arasaka Tower
• When the tutorial ends, it's 6 years later and it starts where the E3 2018 gameplay demo began; with the "No Future" elevator
• Trauma Team will tase/shock you if you do not comply with their orders
• Dialogue is delivered very well - nothing B-Movie like or cheesy
• There are animals - but very few of them. It is implied that they are all artificial
• You cannot pilot AV's [Aerodynes/flying cars]
• Some YouTube Influencers are in the game - both voice and face
• A humorous talk show is playing on a TV in V's apartment elevator
• You can talk to everyone - even NPC's
• You can get side-missions from NPC's
• Lots of NPC's in the Watson area - the city feels alive
• Parris didn't like the handling of the V-Tech Quadra - he said it was too sensitive. The dev said they are still working on that
• Misty and Jackie are an item
• The Life Path you choose has significant effects on your playthrough. Choices and characters are completely different depending on your selection
• Yorinobu Arasaka has the Johnny Silverhand chip
• Gun Shops can offer you missions
• Parris adored the Braindance mechanic. He did one to trace back through a woman's memory to locate an item in Yorinobu's penthouse
• Judy Alvarez is the Braindance tech at Lizzy's Bar
• The weather effects are stunning
• The lighting effects are next-level
• The Maelstrom Flathead mission played similar to the old demo - except that Royce isn't given the chip and he shot him in the head, so no boss fight since...he's dead. The original Maelstrom gang leader is in the building somewhere
• if you don't intervene when Jackie is arguing with the Maelstrom ganger, shit goes down early
• There is a roaming CyberPsycho NPC killing police with a high-powered sniper rifle
• The streaming hands-on had lag and streaming issues - which is to be expected
• Parris loved the hacking mechanic
• Night City is HUGE
• 4 hours is beyond barely scratching the surface
• Lots of reviewers just watched the world and found it mesmerizing
• The No-Tell Motel is in the game
• There are so many choices and options that it feels overwhelming; before you learn to take things in stride
• During melee - you have an attack button, a dodge button and a block button. If you time your block at the moment of impact, you will perform a counterattack. This applies to swords and knives as well
• The music is amazing - both the score and the radio stations
• It really feels like playing a tabletop RPG, in terms of the player's freedom of choice, character creation, options available, mission choices/consequences and stat management
• Choices feel meaningful and not just fluff. There is a palpable weight to your choices
• Character models are impressive - but nothing Earth-shatteringly next-level
• The world feels alive - living and breathing. This is due to the atmosphere, NPC animations/ chatter and the lighting & textures
• Most everything in the trailer was from the prologue of the game
• The devs took notes of bugs during play-sessions to add to the list of things to fix before release
• Blessing Adeoye Jr. thinks the game might get delayed again...?
• Driving feels great - slightly GTA-ish, but weighty
• At least 10 radio stations
• There is a Rock music station
• You can hear live police reports through the radio
• Side-quests are extremely varied
• The map is obscenely packed with things to see and do
• You can enter most every building
• Katanas aren't Pink by default?
• Lots of attribute perks with trees of upgrades attached to each one
• Corpo Life Path begins with your boss asking you to break the law
• Blessing Adeoye Jr. theorized that all 3 Life Paths may lead to 3 mostly different game types for the entirety of the game

این تعریفا شبیه wet dream یه فن rpg. نه یه بازی واقعی. :|
یـ نکته دیگه اینکه اگه براتون سوال پیش اومده چرا خیابون های نایت سیتی اینقدر خلوت بود دلیلش به خاطر اینه که برنامه ریز شبانه روز واسه NPC ها گذاشتن دیگه مثل ویچر 3 ساعت 4 نصف شب وسط نویگراد NPC ها جلون نمیدن خیلی هم عالی ....

پیشنهاد میکنم این پیش نمایش گیم اسپات رو کامل ببیند خیلی قشنگ تفاوت تو نحوه بازی کردن رو توضیح میدن یکیشون نکات خیلی جالبی در مورد برخورد تصادفی با NPC ها میگه که به شخصه انتظار نداشتم تا این حد عمق داشته باشه بازی !!
آخرین ویرایش:


یـ نکته ای که متوجه شدم جفت ورژن های شرغی (ژاپنی) و غربی سانسور شدن |:

شرغی (ژاپنی)

تو این تصویر زیاد پیدا نیست ولی قسمت مورد نظر رو شطرنجی کردن ! تریلر رو یـ دور کامل ببیند متوجهش میشید

حالا ورژن شرغی رو میگیم هیچی ولی غربی رو دیگه چرا سانسور کردید ؟ امیدوارم صرفا به خاطر یوتیوب باشه این شطرنجی کردن وگرنه باید گفت از کی تا حالا CDPR تو این زمینه ترسو شده ؟
آخرین ویرایش:
View attachment 150524

View attachment 150525

یـ نکته ای که متوجه شدم جفت ورژن های شرغی (ژاپنی) و غربی سانسور شدن |:

شرغی (ژاپنی)
View attachment 150526

View attachment 150527
تو این تصویر زیاد پیدا نیست ولی قسمت مورد نظر رو شطرنجی کردن ! تریلر رو یـ دور کامل ببیند متوجهش میشید

حالا ورژن شرغی رو میگیم هیچی ولی غربی رو دیگه چرا سانسور کردید ؟ امیدوارم صرفا به خاطر یوتیوب باشه این شطرنجی کردن وگرنه باید گفت از کی تا حالا CDPR تو این زمینه ترسو شده ؟
والا اون تریلری که من از بازی دیدم نصفش پورن بود :D
همون بخاطره محدودیتهای یوتوب هست
چون گیمپلی اول تو توییچ بدون سانسور بود
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Reactions: Imaginative
خدا کنه کل بازی اینقدر خفن باشه.
اولش یک تیکه ایی هم انداخت:دی
It was way better than last of us part2:))
لعنت به این بزغاله های مارکتینگ بازی...به این خدا نمیدونم چرا اینطوری میکنن:|
بازی کلی بخش های خفن داره که درست و حسابی نشونش نمیدن:|

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن