Multi Platform Cyberpunk 2077

تاریخ انتشار
December 10, 2020
  1. PC
  2. PlayStation 4
  3. PlayStation 5
  4. Xbox One
  5. Xbox Series X|S





>>>>>Concept Art<<<<<

Cyberpunk-2077_2018_06-12-18_026.jpg Cyberpunk-2077_2018_06-12-18_027.jpg

http___images.gamersyde.com_image_cyberpunk_2077-39064-2618_0001.jpg http___images.gamersyde.com_image_cyberpunk_2077-39064-2618_0002.jpg http___images.gamersyde.com_image_cyberpunk_2077-39064-2618_0003.jpg

>>>>>Concept Art<<<<<





>>>>>Key Art<<<<<

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>>>>>Concept Art<<<<<


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تاریخچه مختصر دنیای سایبرپانک 2077- بخش اول
تاریخچه مختصر دنیای سایبرپانک 2077- بخش دوم
تاریخچه مختصر دنیای سایبرپانک 2077- بخش سوم
تاریخچه مختصر دنیای سایبرپانک 2077- بخش چهارم
تاریخچه مختصر دنیای سایبرپانک 2077- بخش پنجم و آخر
تاریخچه تشکیل شهر نایت سیتی
افسانه جانی سیلورهند
تاریخچه شرکت آراساکا

با تشکر از @mobin.hb96

تاریخچه بازی بخش 1
تاریخچه بازی بخش 2
تاریخچه بازی بخش 3
تاریخچه بازی بخش 4
تاریخچه بازی بخش 5
تاریخچه بازی بخش 6
تاریخچه بازی بخش 7
تاریخچه بازی بخش 8
تاریخچه بازی بخش 9

با تشکر از @armin_shadow


نگاهی بر Cyberpunk 2077 بخش اول

با تشکر از @darksider666
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آره، امیروان به اون خوشگلی همون اول ویدئو تگ داره :D
هیچی اصلا الان رفتم نگاه کردم CDPR قابلیت اضافه کردن زیر نویس رو واسه تریلر بازی فعال نکرده حیف شد وگرنه میشد به صورت دستی زیر نویست رو بهش اضافه کرد
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ادامه :

• Huge variety of weapons. Even similar weapons have entirely different stats and abilities

• Some side-missions can affect things in the Golden Path

• Most players really liked the Braindance segments - some found it boring

• Excitement for November 19th was unanimous among all players at the hands-on events

• This game redefines what an open-world game can be. It may change how RPG's are made

• It is 100% an RPG first, shooter second

• Cyberpunk 2077 is Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and Revolution on steroids

• Most players liked the shooting mechanics

• Vehicles all have unique interiors

• This game is very much an RPG, where you actually have to role-play as the character you want to play. Example is building a scrawny Netrunner and having to talk your way out of fights, due to your low physical constitution that isn't conducive for taking damage. You have to use your mind; as a Netrunner would. But, you can also play a Strong or Fast Solo and still have Netrunning abilities and mix & match your stats based on that

• Grenades have a dome-shaped area of effect displayed while aiming before you release them

• Braindance functions like Rick Deckard's Esper computer in Blade Runner; were you can take an event and cycle through it - zooming in-and-out searching for clues. The advantage to Braindance, is that it can be played at normal speed, rewound, fast-forwarded and slowed down; as well as applying different filters such as infrared and thermal to root out any possible details or clues that may be evident in the footage. Audio can be triangulated and pinpointed to asses any audio clues as well

• Similar to Grand Theft Auto, you can undertake "Vigilante" missions to help out the Night City Police Department by foiling crimes and arresting gangers, thugs and CyberPsychos. I guess this means that you can roleplay as the Cop class after all ;)

• There are "Bounty" missions in the game. One of which has you tracking down an infamous and extremely dangerous gang of CyberPsychos

• Sometimes when you gain a level - you'll get an attribute point. No word on how often this happens, as you don't get one everytime you gain a level

• Your perk skill levels can not be higher than the corresponding attribute level; so for example if your governing skill for Stealth is 6, you're Stealth skill perks cannot go above 6 - unless you increase that governing attribute's number to 7 or higher

• Every skill in the game has between 20 and 30 perk options?

• Street Cred is not a morality system - it can only go up

• There are some items in stores and from vendors that you can only buy if you are well renowned in Night City

• There are Witcher Easter Eggs in the game. A Ciri Easter Egg was mentioned by Parris on the cover of a magazine he saw in the Arasaka Tower while playing as a Corpo

• You can go on Grand Theft Auto style "Rampages"

• You can add Cybernetic enhancements to your circulatory system

• Parris said there is a definite graphical upgrade from both the 2018 & 2019 gameplay demos

• None of the bugs experienced were severe and should be fixed before launch

• The gunplay wasn't as impressive as it could be, as their character was just starting out and at a low level

• Cutscenes are in real-time and you can interact with them at all times - even changing the many possible outcomes based on your actions and observations

• There is a "Metriod-esque" trope at the start, where after the tutorial if flashes 6 years later and all your Cyberware and abilities are stripped away; forcing you to start from scratch

• No official confirmation of a photo mode

• RTX is a game changer with reflections and lighting - especially at night

• Sound effects are cinematic in quality - the game has a very expensive sound design

• There is a very Japanese/Blade Runner style side street with electrical cables hanging above you between the buildings and rows of vendors and noodle bars!??

• You can watch commercials on TV

• You still can't customize your apartment

• Every building you enter is insanely detailed

• Your jaw will drop when you see the Skill Perk Tree - it is like a humongous spider web - far larger than the Attribute Tree shown last year

• Auto-Aim can be toggled on and off. It was set to "On" for everyone's hands-on experience

• You can steal cars, trucks and motorcycles - even shooting the driver and then taking the vehicle

• You can no longer select a wardrobe item off a hanger from the closet in your apartment. That is done via the character equipment menu. You can see your clothes in the closet - you just can't take it off the hanger like in the E3 2018 demo

• Aside from the Mantis Blades, you can also get forearm missles that pop out and then retract after use [or at your command] like Iron Man

• You can take enemy weapons and use them

• Although after the tutorial players could do whatever they wanted, they were confined to Watson. Andy Kelly from PC Gamer said that Watson was under a Police lock-down and nobody could leave the district; similar to how in most open-world games you are confined at first to a large starting area

• Andy Kelly also mentioned that you see your outfit a lot in cutscenes, where the camera will often swing down to show your torso/shirt, legs/pants and feet/shoes as well as your arms & hands - so you do see your customization efforts!

• There is a food vendor near where V's apartment is that sells hot Pork Buns

• Main attributes can be leveled up to 20

• When you open up the map and press the "Legend" button; these are the categories you can see on the map:

Main job
Side job
Gun For Hire
Search And Recovery
Agent Saboteur
Merc Needed
Special Delivery
Assault In Progress
CyberPsycho Sighting
NCPD Scanner Hustles
Clothing Stores
Weapons/Gun Shops
and other side quests

• You can pet a cat

• Fast travel spots are unlocked as you pass them while exploring. The reviewer found three or four while exploring the Watson district

• There are 3 types of Cyberware - Active, Passive and Triggered

• There are 20 modification slots for Cyberware and 11 overall body slots you can replace. There are 3 slots for active weapons that are available via a wheel

• The Braindance headset is called a "Wreath"

• Vigilante Missions - you can scan an NPC to see if they have a warrant - or hack into the NCPD database to see who has warrants and bounties

• There are cell phones in the game. You can call, video call and text people. You can also send files via the data plan on the cell phone to complete quests

• There was a poster for an adult film called "Milfgaard" - an obvious reference to Nilfgaard from The Witcher

• The PlayStation Access guys loved the Braindance mechanic

• There are "Stashes" of loot in the world that occasionally pop-up on the world map

• You can pick up weapon mods and attachments by purchasing them, finding them out in the world, crafting them and by looting them from downed enemies

• There is a very diverse selection of music on the radio

• One of the radio stations was called "Pacific Dreams"

• Parris saw "A full-on shootout between a gang and the NCPD"

• Night City doesn't revolve around V - the NPCs mill about, going through their daily routines and the city feels alive and lived-in - it feels like it's really been around for a long time

• You can summon your vehicle to you anywhere. If you have multiple vehicles in your garage, you can select which one you want and it will self-drive to your location. You can't do this at the top of a building, obviously

آخرین باری که این مدلی چیز میز از بازی بیرون میومد RDR2 بود که قشنگ هر دفعه که پیش نمایش داشت یـ خروار جزئیات از سمت خبرنگار ها منتشر میشد خلاصه که پنج ساعت ملت بازیش کردن هنوز اطلاعات از بازی بیرون میاد خود بازی خیلی ترسناک خواهد بود خیلی
ادامه :

• The length of the story depends on your origin, side quests, characters you side with, your story choices and preferred play style

• As far as relationships go, it's supposedly an insane evolution in portraying the human psyche. Both one night stands and longer relationships are present, but conveyed in realistic ways. Just being the player doesn't open all doors for you - NPC's have their own preferences and relationships are layered - from antagonistic, neutral, through friendship all the way up

• Paweł Sasko and many designers took great inspirations from Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines. He was a GM for the tabletop version of World of Darkness for a long time

• The Badlands is a fully explorable part of the game, not just a prologue area

• Every brand in the game is said to be rooted in the lore. Food brands, car brands, fashion brands and also military brands. For example guns have their own evolution & origin stories you can read through

• The game will warn players if they approach a point in the story that might cut off the possibility of accessing some side content

• The build the media played wasn't the latest one, if they encountered some kind of bug or glitch, developers knew about it and offered a solution to get past it

• Shooting felt like Borderlands

• Driving felt more like Sleeping Dogs/Watch Dogs than Grand Theft Auto

• The only loading screens [after the initial load] were only after death

• The game is full of little details - like Jackie's leg twitching when he was nervous before asking Dex a question about the heist. He visibly calmed down after he got an answer

• "Ritual FM" is a Heavy Metal radio station featuring many known/famous Heavy Metal artists. People will be surprised who CD Projekt Red managed to hire??

• You can steal a car only if your Body stat is high enough

• Your apartment is similar to Adam Jensen's - it's not customizable, but it is interactive

• Fixers can contact you, but it depends on your Street Cred level

• The Life Path you select is not only important for the prologue and dialogue options you get with it; but also the endings may differ

• They are not sure how long the game will be, it was easier to measure in The Witcher 3. It depends on your play-style [stealth or combat]

• Life Path origin stories in the prologues are not the same length [The Corpo prologue is shorter than the Nomads', for example] but it's balanced so that there are more elements to Corpo play-style in later parts of the game

• Non lethal playthrough was confirmed, but sometimes you might have to hurt someone

• Paweł Sasko said they realized the main storyline in The Witcher 3 was too long, so they shortened it for Cyberpunk 2077. CD Projekt Red put more work into the side quests so they are longer and deeper. He said it will be revolutionary in the way that side quests can modify the main quest and even the endings

• The NCPD might not intervene when you commit a crime in gang controlled area

• MAX-TAC can hunt you down if you go too far, but Paweł didn't specify when exactly they will intervene

• There's no Gwent-like mini-game; but there is one mini-game as a part of the Netrunner's play-style to upgrade your abilities

• The game will give you a clear message when you are closing in on the endgame, so you will have time to finish side quests. Also you will be able to come back to before that endgame state to continue playing

• There are a limited number of slots to install Cyberware; but it's possible to replace already installed Cyberware

• Paweł compared Cyberware to smartphones nowadays, sure there are people without them, but it's harder to live like that. It's the same with Cyberware - you might choose not to install such upgrades, but you will be weaker

• They upgraded some things from Cyberpunk 2020 so that it's not outdated and to be understandable for people not familiar with the lore

• Braindance is available in different forms; the one we saw is called "Flatliner"

• A Ciri cameo was HEAVILY hinted at. Paweł said to keep your eyes open?

مورد اول اینکه گفتن Main Stoty بازی کوتاه تر از ویچر 3 هستش سر ویچر 3 براشون درس شده که زیاد داستان رو کش ندن مورد دیگه اینکه انگار بعد پایان بازی دیگه نمیتونیم برگردیم به بازی بلکه مثل ME3 بهمون اخطار داده میشه بعد تموم کردن بازی هم دوباره برمیگردیم به قبل مرحله پایانی که خوب این احتمال رو میده مثل همون ME3 قرار دنیای بازی اخر کار نابود بشه ؟!
طراحی اولیه Fem V خیلی Bad A*S و جذاب بود. برداشتن تغییرش دادن بیخودی..
امیدوارم یه گزینه دم دست باشه موقع ساخت کرکتر برا انتخابش، شیش ساعت نشینم طراحیش کنم از اول که آخرشم مثه خودش نشه باز.. :-"

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به خلاقیت و سلیقه خودت تکیه کن و شخصیت های خفن تر و کیوت تر بساز ...

من که با استریت کید میرم ..‌.. خیلی کول به نظر میرسه ... همزاد پنداری بهتری هم با این قشر از جامعه دارم
آخرین ویرایش:
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وقتی 3 تا بک گراند استوری بازی معرفی شد با خودم گفتم چه گزینه های غیرمتعادلی!
حالا دارم میبینم هر کدوم تقریبا به یه اندازه طرفدار داره!
خودم انتخابم قطعا Corpo مونث خواهد بود.
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ای کاش cdpr از ترک های حماسی بلیدرانر استاد Vangelis هم استفاده کنه مخصوصا وقتی شب بارونی داری توی شهر نایت سیتی راه میری آدم روحش جلا پیدا کنه .
من امید دارم ترک اخر بلید رانر (tears in rain) رو برا یه صحنه خاص بازی استفاده کنن که دیگه کامل همه جادو شیم...
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