کجاست عکسه؟اون عكسي كه نماي كاكپيت فورزا رو نشون ميده ببينيد گرافيك و نورپردازي و جزئيات چشم ادم رو كور ميكنه !!
A game hasn't been shrouded in this much stubborn, hype-whipping mystery since... well, since Bungie and Destiny, really. Okay, so it's actually quite a regular occurrence. But it's harder to engage the hype-throttle when you're talking about a game with no details, from a company that no one's really heard of.[/QUOTE
[sarcasm/] اسم بازی برگ برندست ظاهرا":d[sarcasm]
Feature: Just what exactly is Black Tusk Studios working on? - Xbox 360 - The Official Magazine
from a company that no one's really heard of
Black Tusk is one of five new studios that Microsoft is investing in for Xbox One-exclusive
فیل اسپنسر از طریق حساب کاربریش در توی*تر, در جواب فردی که پرسیده بود: آیا ما شاهد ریبوت یا ادامه ای از KAMEO خواهیم بود ؟؟
اسپنسر : این چیزی نیست که ما در حال حاضر روش کار میکنیم.
:d"Developers, developers, developers!"