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من بعد از چند وقت دوباره هوس Titan Quest: Immortal Throne کردم حالا میخوام بدونم برای این بازی چنتا patch اومده و اگه امکان داره لینک دانلودش رو بدید
من برای Titan Quest: Immortal Throne تنها کرکی که پیدا کردم مربوط به نسخه 1.00 میشه پس بهتر هست که پچ نصب نکنی بدون پچ هم مشکلی نداره خودم تموم کردم به مشکلی برنخوردممن بعد از چند وقت دوباره هوس Titan Quest: Immortal Throne کردم حالا میخوام بدونم برای این بازی چنتا patch اومده و اگه امکان داره لینک دانلودش رو بدید
Asmodeus fears no single lesser archdevil
(except possibly Mephistopheles), but even the Prince
of Nessus dreads the day when the other archdevils
unite against him. Asmodeus carefully fosters
rivalries and distrust among the other archdevils to
prevent such a day from ever coming to pass.
The archdevil Asmodeus, Prince of Evil, personally
rules over Nessus. On the rare occasions that he
appears in person, he takes the form of a red-skinned
humanoid with small black horns dressed in bejeweled
robes and affecting an urbane manner. He is a
calm, chillingly reasonable creature whose modest
appearance is completely at odds with his true power.
Asmodeus commands the loyalty of a number of able
archdevils, including Alastor (executioner of Nessus),
Baalberith (chancellor of the Nine Hells), and Phongor
the Inquisitor. He is also served by scores of pit fiends
and war devils.
The world (sometimes called the mortal world or the
natural world) of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® game is
only one piece of a much larger cosmos. The world is
surrounded by the Feywild and the Shadowfell, parallel
dimensions that lie tantalizingly close at hand. It
stands on foundations of matter drawn from the seething
Elemental Chaos that preceded creation. And yet, at
the same time, the mortal world drifts as a lonely speck
of light and life in the eternal expanse of the astral
Tiandra, the Summer Queen, is one of the mightiest
of the archfey. With a smile, she can ripen a crop,
and with a frown, summon wildfires. Noble eladrin
infused with the spirit of summer, count themselves
as her barons. Other spirits of growth and good favor
follow her banner. Her court and its followers are
known as the Summer Fey.
Tiandra appears as an eladrin of great beauty, with
honey-colored skin and hair that shimmers through
all the colors of autumn leaves. Her eyes shine golden,
like the sun. Her gaze alone can drive people mad.
The Summer Queen’s Court, in the palace of
Senaliesse, is a reflection of her unearthly beauty,
and the court can appear frivolous. Fairies flit at her
side. Every inch of her throne room is decorated with
flowers, fountains, and fine silks. This vivid and rich
sensual imagery is all merely a distraction from her
fierce intelligence.
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