راهنمایی جامع در بازی The Elder Scroll : Skyrim

چند ساعت از وقت با ارزشتونو پای این بازی با ارزش گذاشتی

  • تا 50 ساعت

    رای‌ها: 204 23.9%
  • تا 100 ساعت

    رای‌ها: 127 14.9%
  • بالای 101 ساعت

    رای‌ها: 524 61.3%

  • مجموع رای دهنده‌ها
ممنون من تو یه مامریت به باگ بر خوردم تو دزدها ولی حل نشد تو گوگول گشتم یه سایت اینها رو نوشته بود ولی من به خاطره زبان خوبم نفهمیدم :blushing: اگه شما میفهمین بگید باید چیکار کنیم :
  • Entering the Twilight Sepulcher, hearing the first of Gallus's dialogue, and then leaving will cause the door to the Pilgrim's Path to stay closed and never open upon returning. This will be caused by "Nightingale Sentinel" being replaced with "Gallus" after exiting dialogue with him. Speaking with the "Gallus" version of the sentinel with all topics will not cause the door to open because he does not have the proper permissions.
    • Solution: If you go to the right around the door of the Pilgrim's Path, you will see a glitched area that can appear blue. You will also see the inside of the Pilgrim's Path. Use the Whirlwind Sprint Shout to jump the gap and gain entrance to the path. Falling will either return you to the entrance area or kill you, depending on how you fall. The objective will not reappear until you talk to Nocturnal near the end of the quest.

  • After going through the well and dropping into the main chamber, Karliah may not show up at all, show up and leave promptly, or show up late. It may help to wait a few hours before dropping into the well in order to have Karliah show up. It may also be helpful to NOT loot Anders upon dropping into the well. Karliah needs to be present for the whole conversation with Nocturnal, so ensure you save the game prior to dropping into the well and load up each time until it works properly. As the conversation ends, she may try to leave, so ensure that you are next to her and ready to speak as soon as Nocturnal goes away and your quest updates to "Speak with Karliah". If the quest doesn't update after Nocturnal tells you to drink from the Ebonmere, simply wait a few hours and the quest should update.
    • {If Karliah is not showing up, it is possible to finish the quest with the console: While Nocturnal speaks, spawn Karliah with player.placeatme 1B07F. When Nocturnal is finished, you may need to update the quest with setstage TG09 60.

  • This quest may halt after you are able to receive one of the three abilities and Karliah has spoken to the ghost. Her dialogue says she will return to Nightingale Hall, but she stays there for 24 hours, then ends up in Snow Veil Sanctum, where she poisoned you in the last quest. She also states that a portal will exist in Nightingale Hall, but none is there; in fact, nothing changes at all. Brynjolf shows up in the Thieves Guild (with his old Thieves Guild gear on, not the Nightingale gear) but just says "I'm busy, talk to me later."

  • At the end of the quest, after Nocturnal speaks to you, you're instructed to speak to Karliah. However, in some cases all she says is "Yes, fellow nightingale?" and gives no dialogue options.
    • This seems to be caused by completing Hard Answers a second time.
    • It helps to wait for a few hours after inserting the key. The game will reload upon completion of the wait with Karliah where she needs to be.

  • It would be beneficial to complete the series of additional quests to restore the guild from Delvin and Vex prior to completing this quest. If they are, then once this quest is completed, the Under New Management quest should begin without incident upon immediately returning to the Thieves Guild (part of the Karliah bug is that she will walk out of the chamber at any time, suggesting proper operation). If there is no trigger upon returning, then you've missed dialogue with Karliah and should revert to an earlier save to ensure the Thieves Guild questline is complete, the Guild Master armor obtained and the achievement unlocked.
    ما با ps3 بازی میگنیم امید هست؟؟؟
آخرین ویرایش:
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این که karliah از آب بیرون نمیاد
باید خودتو اون قدر بکوبی بهش که از آب بیرون بیاد.
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کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

تبلیغات متنی

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن