1. [2010-11-13 03:33PM] <*****> is it possible to spoof our current drives to appear as samsung drives and bypass ap25
2. [2010-11-13 03:34PM] <c4eva> *****sig is checked as part of ap25
3. [2010-11-13 03:34PM] <********> I spoofed 4 o 5 Slims to diferent drives, and only 2 times it don't works with Kinect (Play DVD) However, other slims read all (unless Fable 3 xD)
4. [2010-11-13 03:36PM] <c4eva> ********:new dash at some point checks slim drive fw, once it has spoof will cease to work
5. [2010-11-13 03:36PM] <*****> c4eva will LT+ firmware be available to hitachi v79 drives?
6. [2010-11-13 03:37PM] <c4eva> *****:maybe
7. [2010-11-13 03:38PM] <******> C4eva have u tested AC brotherhood?
8. [2010-11-13 03:39PM] <c4eva> yes, i have ac:b, all is good!
9. [2010-11-13 03:44PM] <c4eva> lt+ testing begins this weekend, not long now!
10. [2010-11-13 06:24PM] <******> unless u have a hitatchi drive or a sammy, but sammys seem to be hit and miss, works for some and not for others
11. [2010-11-13 06:25PM] <c4eva> ******:ap25 is checking osig
12. [2010-11-13 06:26PM] <******> +c4eva - what is osig?
13. [2010-11-13 06:27PM] <c4eva> original drive signature for motherboard
14. [2010-11-13 06:31PM] <c4eva> osig is interesting, they took out kernel check due to rrod repairs, now ap25 had to have it,otherwise everyone would be a sammy, now rrod repairs may not boot if osig wasnt updated!
15. [2010-11-13 06:35PM] <c4eva> its gone past just live, they want no backups booting period!
16. [2010-11-13 06:37PM] <*******> I read somewhere that this ap 2.5 can be different for each game ... so every new game might not work the same way as the previous one and may need a new fw update?
17. [2010-11-13 06:38PM] <c4eva> fw will be fine!
18. [2010-11-13 06:39PM] <******> it'll work for any AP2.5 challenge he said