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من آپدیت کردم مشکلی ندارهآقا یکی بیاد بگه ما این آپدیت رو انجام بدیم یا نه ؟؟؟
احتمالش که کمتر میشه ولی ممکنه بازم ماکرو lt روی دستگاه رو شناسایی کنه در ضمن 3 ساله که کسی رو بن نکردهاگه بازی اورجینال بگیرم بخوام انلاین بازی کنم باز بن میشم؟
دستگاهم التی 3 هستش
دوستانی که زبانشون خوبه ببینید چی میگه؟
Nothing is wrong with LT+. If you read the LTU/PCB post, you'll see it notes that LTU is based on LT+ v3.0. LT+ will still exist on its own and will still be updated if/when needed for drives that can use it. LTU is simply for drives that absolutely require the PCB (DG-16D5S and DLN10N), but can also be used for DG-16D4S+new PCB if so desired. But if you have a DG-16D4S (with original board or v1.0/v1.1 PCB), you can just keep on using it with LT+. When necessary, any changes made or features added to LTU will also be mirrored to LT+ and vice-versa
درود، پندار عزیز چه قدر خوب میشد شما که زبانت خوبه پستهای جدید C4 رو با ترجمه میگذاشتی اینجا که انقدر سوال بیجا نشه. البته تا همینجا هم کلی زحمت کشیدی. ممنون. اگه وقت کری این هم ترجمه کن.
I purposely don't attest to whether any particular update is safe or not until it's 100% factual. The standard practice is checking if backups work offline and on LIVE across the different drives and fw's, as well as with xk3y. Those initial tests help to rule-out different things that would signify an update is potentially unsafe, but cannot account for any changes on a system level between the 360 and the drive itself that might be deemed unsafe. That latter portion (the "LIVE logs") is strictly done by c4eva. People have the choice of whether they wish to go ahead and update based on the fact that nothing appears wrong and that backups still work, or to wait for the thumbs-up from c4eva. If or when he does a log is entirely up to his discretion. In most cases though, any changes that affect backups, fw, or detectability which would make it unsafe are usually caught during the basic tests and analysis — well before a LIVE log is even done.