امتیازات Ori & the Will of Wisps

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از این زاویه نگاه کن که کیفیت بازی تضمین شده هست، حالا چه بهتر که امتیاز بالاتری هم بگیره :D

امتیاز بالاتر گرفت که خب چه بهتر اصلا 100 بگیره :دی ولی یسری بازیها رو تو لنگه‌اش رو اصلا نمیتونی پیدا کنی و متای آنچنانی هم نمیگیرن نمیشه گفت اینا بی کیفیت هستن که :دی متا رو نمیشه خیلی جدی گرفت بخصوص برای سنجیدن کیفیت بازیها نسبت به هم دیگه :دی خیلی موارد اثر گذار هست رو متا که بازی به بازی هم متفاوت هستن، فقط انتظار اولیه ملت از یه IP یا بازی خودش میتونه روی متا اثر گذار باشه دیگه باقی المانها بماند. برای همینم اصلا مهم نیست این معیار بالای 90 یا پایین 90 و ...
مصاحبه توماس مالر کارگردان بازی با یوروگیمر آلمان در مورد همکاریشون با مایکروسافت:

Eurogamer: Forgive me for saying that, but you're a weird studio, aren't you? Your games serve indie sensitivities, you work decentrally and are scattered around the world. In 2015, you operated an orphaned genre - Metroidvania - with the first Ori before it was chic again. In short: You seem indie through and through, but you are still a first-party developer to whom a platform holder strengthens your back. Are you what you call "Triple-I"? And how does that feel?

Thomas Mahler:
I think we fall into the definition of this triple I thing quite well. I don't blame you for calling us strange because it really is. Everything has grown organically as it is now. How does it feel? I still feel like I'm the happiest game developer in the world.

In the end we are in a position where we can realize our dream projects and have a big publisher who says, 'do it!' It's just sensational that we have this creative freedom and can do our thing. Microsoft was always excellent there and - yes - it's a lot of fun.
Even though it's a lot of work, I haven't had much sleep, especially in the past two months. It's really, really hard and super-busy. But in the end I have to say it's a super cool job and I hope we make a lot of people happy with our games.

But you're still independent, aren't you? Who owns the brand?

Thomas Mahler:
We are completely independent, but Microsoft owns the Ori brand.

So nobody sends you creative? What is Microsoft doing for you? Quality assurance?

Thomas Mahler:
Microsoft helps us a little with QA, but they have their own department for that. Or user research ... we can have people test Ori every now and then. But basically Microsoft has a lot of confidence about Moon Studios and trusts that we know what we're doing. With our first game we achieved almost 90 points on Metacritic. I think every time Microsoft plays something of ours, they know that we really care about quality. If I have to, I work until four in the morning until I have something in front of me that I know is really good to play.

So you're happy with the collaboration?

Thomas Mahler:
Yes, Microsoft has always been good to us, but I want to be honest: When we started with Moon Studios at the time and had to decide whether we wanted to work with EA or Microsoft or other major publishers, we were already asking ourselves whether they would talk us in and how it would be. None of the fears have come up with Microsoft. Basically, it's a partnership, Microsoft supports us, keeps us free, and secures our finances so we can play the games. In the end, they want us to do our thing. Microsoft are big fans themselves, our executive producer has two children with whom he plays Ori and for whom he is the rock star because he himself was involved. Yes, it's just a really good partnership.

با این رضایتی که از مایکروسافت دارن بعنوان ناشر بعیده دیگه بازی بعدیشون که Action RPG هست سمت ناشر دیگه ای برن و بازی بعدیشون هم احتمال زیاد انحصاری مایکروسافت هست:D
در کل

اینا با این بازی شاهکارهای دنیای بازی هستن کاش از این دست بازی های خلاقانه و هنری و احساسی بیشتر ساخته بشه
مصاحبه توماس مالر کارگردان بازی با یوروگیمر آلمان در مورد همکاریشون با مایکروسافت:

Eurogamer: Forgive me for saying that, but you're a weird studio, aren't you? Your games serve indie sensitivities, you work decentrally and are scattered around the world. In 2015, you operated an orphaned genre - Metroidvania - with the first Ori before it was chic again. In short: You seem indie through and through, but you are still a first-party developer to whom a platform holder strengthens your back. Are you what you call "Triple-I"? And how does that feel?

Thomas Mahler:
I think we fall into the definition of this triple I thing quite well. I don't blame you for calling us strange because it really is. Everything has grown organically as it is now. How does it feel? I still feel like I'm the happiest game developer in the world.

In the end we are in a position where we can realize our dream projects and have a big publisher who says, 'do it!' It's just sensational that we have this creative freedom and can do our thing. Microsoft was always excellent there and - yes - it's a lot of fun. Even though it's a lot of work, I haven't had much sleep, especially in the past two months. It's really, really hard and super-busy. But in the end I have to say it's a super cool job and I hope we make a lot of people happy with our games.

But you're still independent, aren't you? Who owns the brand?

Thomas Mahler:
We are completely independent, but Microsoft owns the Ori brand.

So nobody sends you creative? What is Microsoft doing for you? Quality assurance?

Thomas Mahler:
Microsoft helps us a little with QA, but they have their own department for that. Or user research ... we can have people test Ori every now and then. But basically Microsoft has a lot of confidence about Moon Studios and trusts that we know what we're doing. With our first game we achieved almost 90 points on Metacritic. I think every time Microsoft plays something of ours, they know that we really care about quality. If I have to, I work until four in the morning until I have something in front of me that I know is really good to play.

So you're happy with the collaboration?

Thomas Mahler:
Yes, Microsoft has always been good to us, but I want to be honest: When we started with Moon Studios at the time and had to decide whether we wanted to work with EA or Microsoft or other major publishers, we were already asking ourselves whether they would talk us in and how it would be. None of the fears have come up with Microsoft. Basically, it's a partnership, Microsoft supports us, keeps us free, and secures our finances so we can play the games. In the end, they want us to do our thing. Microsoft are big fans themselves, our executive producer has two children with whom he plays Ori and for whom he is the rock star because he himself was involved. Yes, it's just a really good partnership.

با این رضایتی که از مایکروسافت دارن بعنوان ناشر بعیده دیگه بازی بعدیشون که Action RPG هست سمت ناشر دیگه ای برن و بازی بعدیشون هم احتمال زیاد انحصاری مایکروسافت هست:D

احتمالا مایکروسافت برای خیلی از استودیوهاش همینطوری عمل کرده ولی یسریشون به اون موفقیتی که باید میرسیدن نرسیدن :دی اما در کل این روش درستی هست به نظرم، آزادی عمل و پشتیبانی رو بده به بازیساز و اونها هم عاشق کارشون هستن و به طور طبیعی میخوان یه محصول و کار خوب ارائه بدن و اگر کار بلد باشن، ایده خوبی هم داشته باشن و درست هم پشتیبانی بشن (از نظر فنی و مالی و زیرساختی و ...) میتونن موفق بشن در نهایت :دی
مصاحبه توماس مالر کارگردان بازی با یوروگیمر آلمان در مورد همکاریشون با مایکروسافت:

Eurogamer: Forgive me for saying that, but you're a weird studio, aren't you? Your games serve indie sensitivities, you work decentrally and are scattered around the world. In 2015, you operated an orphaned genre - Metroidvania - with the first Ori before it was chic again. In short: You seem indie through and through, but you are still a first-party developer to whom a platform holder strengthens your back. Are you what you call "Triple-I"? And how does that feel?

Thomas Mahler:
I think we fall into the definition of this triple I thing quite well. I don't blame you for calling us strange because it really is. Everything has grown organically as it is now. How does it feel? I still feel like I'm the happiest game developer in the world.

In the end we are in a position where we can realize our dream projects and have a big publisher who says, 'do it!' It's just sensational that we have this creative freedom and can do our thing. Microsoft was always excellent there and - yes - it's a lot of fun. Even though it's a lot of work, I haven't had much sleep, especially in the past two months. It's really, really hard and super-busy. But in the end I have to say it's a super cool job and I hope we make a lot of people happy with our games.

But you're still independent, aren't you? Who owns the brand?

Thomas Mahler:
We are completely independent, but Microsoft owns the Ori brand.

So nobody sends you creative? What is Microsoft doing for you? Quality assurance?

Thomas Mahler:
Microsoft helps us a little with QA, but they have their own department for that. Or user research ... we can have people test Ori every now and then. But basically Microsoft has a lot of confidence about Moon Studios and trusts that we know what we're doing. With our first game we achieved almost 90 points on Metacritic. I think every time Microsoft plays something of ours, they know that we really care about quality. If I have to, I work until four in the morning until I have something in front of me that I know is really good to play.

So you're happy with the collaboration?

Thomas Mahler:
Yes, Microsoft has always been good to us, but I want to be honest: When we started with Moon Studios at the time and had to decide whether we wanted to work with EA or Microsoft or other major publishers, we were already asking ourselves whether they would talk us in and how it would be. None of the fears have come up with Microsoft. Basically, it's a partnership, Microsoft supports us, keeps us free, and secures our finances so we can play the games. In the end, they want us to do our thing. Microsoft are big fans themselves, our executive producer has two children with whom he plays Ori and for whom he is the rock star because he himself was involved. Yes, it's just a really good partnership.

با این رضایتی که از مایکروسافت دارن بعنوان ناشر بعیده دیگه بازی بعدیشون که Action RPG هست سمت ناشر دیگه ای برن و بازی بعدیشون هم احتمال زیاد انحصاری مایکروسافت هست:D
یه جورایی یاد مصاحبه ی NT افتادم وقتی که مایکی برای خرید رفته بود سراغشون و اون ها هم تا اونجایی که تونستن شرط و شروط گذاشتن تا اونجایی که حتی پیش خودشون فکر کرده بودن الانه که مایکی بزنه زیر همه چیز و بگه برید باوو که مایکی ریلکس و شیک میگه OK قرارداد رو بدم امضا کنید یا نه :D که حتی کرک و پرک خود NT ریخت سر این ماجرا =))
به نظر وضعیت فعلا خوبه و امیدوارم با همین فرمون XGS رو پیش ببرن
از moon و رفقا هم انتظار داریم که خواهشا یهویی وسط ماجرا فیلشون یاد هندستون نکنه :D
گیم اسپات چقدر تو چرک تشریف داری ...:-&:-&:-&
دقیقا یه نگاهی میکنیم‌ به امتیاز این سایت های جفنگ به death stranding
100 egm death stranding
Ori 80
gamer.nl death stranding 95
ori 70
gamespot death strandins 90
ori 80
واقعا کافیه یه اسم‌بزرگ‌پشت‌یه بازی باشه تا این‌سایت هاجان فشانی کنن.

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

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