Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain is the apex of the series and a fitting way for Kojima et al to bow out: as one, as best, as Big Boss.
I don't know if MGSVTPP is the best game ever, but it's certainly the greatest. It's too large in scope and design to inspire anything other than awe -- even Metal Gear haters can surely appreciate the majesty of the game.
یعنی هیترا منتظر بودن 95 بشه 94 تا از خودشون شورش دَر وَکِنَن:dدوباره که شد 95 میرن مخفیگاه هاشون تا دفعه بعد:d
حالا ۹۴ یا ۹۵ هیچ فرقی نداره:dکیفیت بازی ثابت شده.ای بابا متا هم منتظر هست تا یک نمره 8 - 7 بیاد سریع بیاد پایین اما هر چقدر 10 میگیره انگا نه انگار
mousenjoypad: 72
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD
برای نسخه xone ثبت شد.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain took the bold step of moving away from a linear set of maps and storyline to an “open world” setting. In theory that sounds like a fantastic idea but the execution left me feeling bored after the first few hours of play.
The plot of Metal Gear games have always been pretty far out there in terms of reality, believability and are usually pretty hard to follow past a certain point. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain’s plot is probably the biggest let-down of all for me. I won’t go into the details of the plot to avoid spoilers but suffice to say: There are a lot of loose ends and the tale we were promised (watching Big Boss turn from the hero to the villain) simply never arrived. I unlocked the “True ending” which made me feel as if I had just wasted 60 hours of my life. If you manage to meet the conditions for the True Ending…. You will know what I mean.
The plot is disjointed and will insist on showing you credits after every mission, almost as if Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain was supposed to be episodic.
به نظر من کل داستان سری متال گیر چیزی فراتر از یک داستان کلیشه ای سیاسی نظامی نیست! تنها تفاوتش هم برمیگرده به مانور روی شخصیت هاش. انچه که متمایزش میکنه شخصیت پردازی های خوبش هست که البته بعضی موقعه ها اتقدر تخیلی و فانتزی هست که حال ادمو بهم میزنه! مثل رایدن تو متال گیر 4!
بحث های این چند صفحه را خوندم. واقعا طرفدران متال گیر خیلی بی منطق هستند! فکر میکنند فقط متال گیر داستان داره و بقیه بازی ها بوق!
فکر میکنند فقط متال گیر داستان داره و بقیه بازی ها بوق!
احتمالاً Metacritic هم قصد پائینکشیدن نمرات رو بهصورت زیرپوستی داره.ای بابا متا هم منتظر هست تا یک نمره 8 - 7 بیاد سریع بیاد پایین اما هر چقدر 10 میگیره انگا نه انگار![]()
اگه فرانچایز رو در نظر بگیریم ( منظور بازی ای که سری و داستانش ربط داره ) 100% همین طورههمه بازی ها تقریبا بوق ـند![]()
در حالت معمولی هم که نسخه ای حساب کنی به ندرت بازی پیدا می شه که قابل مقایسه باشه
توی این نقد بهشدت از داستان انتقاد کرده متاسفانه. از اونجایی که انتقادهاش خیلی طولانیه، نقل نمیکنم؛ خودتون برید بخونید.Got Right
- + Deep customisation
- + Mother Base development
- + Great gameplay fundamentals
- + Nice balance between action, stealth
Got Wrong
- - Story lacks cohesion
- - Moments of visual beauty let down by bugs and an unstable engine
- - Repetitive missions
نمیدونم منتقدها چهجوری باید آقای Kojima رو متوجه کنن که شما فقط یک عضو ساده از یه تیم بزرگ هستی؛ اینقدر مغرور نباش.True to form, 'Phantom Pain' has a sometimes puzzling, sometimes profound narrative. Heartfelt monologues about the nature of combat and the profession of soldiering are juxtaposed with weird, melodramatic cutscenes and over-the-top supernatural characters. Sometimes the drama is a bit too much, like in the torturously slow prologue. Kojima is an eccentric storyteller to say the least. The game has a habit of providing credits at the beginning and end of every single mission, for some reason.
Though the Metal Gear saga is ridiculous and convoluted, The Phantom Pain is direct in a way that, while initially refreshing, is ultimately disappointing.
here are some standout moments, particularly those involving Boss and Revolver Ocelot, but taken as a whole the story is weak and unsatisfying.
That said, as someone who spent the last month playing through nearly every single Metal Gear Solid game: thank god there isn’t a cascade of cutscenes for every five steps you take. Instead, The Phantom Pain mostly delivers piles upon piles of exposition through optional cassette tapes you can listen to during your missions, a mechanic that is partially responsible for the story’s weakness as well as the astonishing success of its open-world design.
Kidnapping plays an important part in the game, with you knocking soldiers out and transporting them to your base via fulton balloon. There you assign them to one of several departments that can help you out by developing new weapons or feeding you crucial information during missions. It is kind of silly that the soldiers you kidnap just go “ok, I’ll work for you!”