نميدونم چرا همه دارن ميگن اين بازی ترسناك نيست!!:biggrin1: شايد اينها هم بازی رو تموم نكردن و تو اون غاز تاريك (كه دوستان گفتن!) نرسيدن!! عجب....
اين زير بخشی از نقد اين مجله آلمانی هست كه سايت rehonnor(بازم گير بديد باشه!) به انگليسی فرستاده:
Just as we expected, the german GamePro indeed is the first magazine on earth to completely review Resident Evil 5. Unlike the previous reviews from magazines like OPM US, GamePro was able to play through the whole game and therefore is world-exclusively reviewing Resident Evil 5. The playthrough happened at the secret event in Hamburg i mentioned in a previous news post.
Here are a few details (minor spoilers included):
- GamePro could only make their own screenshots of the first three chapters. The later ones, they had to use Capcom's images due to an embargo
- It is all about the Progenitor virus
- Resident Evil 5 changes locations more often than Resident Evil 4 and the pace moves on immensly, especially after the first 10 minutes.
- The game is about 18 hours long.
- There's no location that is as big as the castle area in Resident Evil 4.
- The game is divided in 6 big chapters, each of them again divided into 3-4 areals.
- After the refinery, the game goes more for darkness (pyramids)
- GamePro counted 1 (!!!) real puzzle in Resident Evil 5.
- The emphasis is clearly on Co-Op. When a character is investigating something alone it usually deals with finding a key or moving something. GamePro says that these are the most intriguing situations as you wish your partner would be with you and help you fight the hordes of enemies.
- A few classic enemies are indeed in Resident Evil 5 (like the Licker)
- GamePro found the fights with Wesker very cool. They are absolutely dramatic and stunning.
- The visuals and audio are top notch.
- The PS3 version suffers a few glitches here and there, but they are not heavy.
- Resident Evil is gone, long live Resident Evil.
They describe the game as an extremely entertaining, quick Tour de France with less horror.
- The overall review score is 93% for both PS3 and Xbox360 versions. Added to the PS3 graphics score was a note that the PS3 version suffers minor issues. GamePro's usual, separate multiplayer score for the game is 10/10.
- After completion of the game graphic ******s, unlimited ammo, alternate costumes and an "arcade mode" among other things become available.
- The review doesnt contain many new or interesting screenshots, but here are the article pages. My scanner stopped to work therefore i had to use my digi-cam.
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PS: I love how GamePro made it very clear that this is not Survival Horror, instead labeled it "Terror-Action-Game" or just "Action-Game"
منبع اين زير:
http://www.rehonnor.net/v20/ :biggrin1: