نظر برخی سایت ها راجع به گرافیک FM همراه با امتیازشون:
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So, with this game being only on current consoles it has the chance to take full advantage of the Xbox Series consoles.
I will say when I first booted it up, I was in awe. This game looks incredible. The RT lighting and reflections look outstanding in motion, and while maintaining the 60fps mode
This reboot of Forza Motorsport is impressive visually.
This is genuinely the best-looking game I have seen in a while.
Metro: 8
A fabulously detailed racing game with a huge car roster and engrossing single-player modes, slightly marred by forcefully encouraging you to perform practise laps before races.
The most involved handling model of any racing game ever. Spectacularly detailed cars and tracks, and rival AI that doesn’t feel as though it’s cheating
Press Start AU: 8
Forza Motorsport’s
tracks feel more alive than ever and sport an incredible ambience compared to most racers, with fog on-track, dust kicking up and details in the world around the racing itself adding to the effect.
There are visual flourishes here that would be an afterthought in most racing games but are absolutely nailed in Forza Motorsport. The dynamic weather in particular looks gorgeous on the Xbox Series X running in its 4K/ray tracing mode and it’s often hard to believe that this is a game running smoothly on a console – again, those first moments in the game’s introduction are a stunning showcase of what’s to come.
COG Connected: 8
با وجود اینکه انتقاداتی هم از بعضی بخش های گرافیک داشته، راجع به کیفیت مدل ماشین ها اینو نوشته:
Let’s get one thing straight, the vehicles in this game are absolutely stunning.
I imagine anyone would be hard-pressed to find a video game with better looking vehicle models. In fact, the overall visual package of Forza Motorsport is top notch. One of the highlights for me was racing a late evening track, and as each lap was finished, the night sky became more and more dark and the stars became more and more bright. It was beautiful. Unfortunately, some of the background scenery can look a bit stale. The crowds and some of the greenery, such as trees, looked a bit… bland. It’s a minor issue, especially since you’ll spend most of the time zooming past, you’d hardly notice.
DailyStar: 10
From the glistening lights of cars behind you trying to catch up at night, to the dusty kick-up of a sandy dirt road, to the beautiful splendour of an Italian sunset -
it’s all an amazing feast for the eyes and about as realistic a video game as I’ve ever seen on console.
Gaming Trend: 9.5
Forza Motorsport leverages the full power of the Xbox Series X,
featuring unmatched visual fidelity and performance. You’ll see the full effects of things like ray tracing and global illumination, while also taking note of how detailed everything is.
But Why Tho?: 9
So, did Turn 10 push the envelope yet again on their graphical prowess? Absolutely.
Forza Motorsport 8 is nearly photo-realistic. The cars feel like they were ripped from real life and plopped onto the different racetracks. Plus, with dynamic lighting and weather, seeing a race change from sunset and the sun glaring into your eyes to a rainy night were breathtaking moments
IGN France: 9
[ترجمه شده از گوگل]
Laguna Seca, Suzuka, Le Mans, Mugello, Indianapolis, Miami and the rest of these 20 circuits are masterfully modeled. They offer real driving sensations and above all,
they have never been as beautiful as in Forza Motorsport. They are magnified by a technique mastered in every way and most impressive!
In reality, it's already one of the most beautiful games that can exist and one of the biggest slaps we've taken on PC. There it is said. We tested the game on PC, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S
It is so impressive that we can already see the Turn 10 teams capitalizing on the title for years and offering it constant support and remastered versions for the next Xbox since
the PC version is proof that the game is already ready for the future of Xbox. Wow!
GamingBible: 9
Everything from the exterior and interior of each car to on-track damage looks and feels great. Even the particle effects look amazing whether it be smoke from a tyre, dust off the track, or rain splashing onto your windscreen.
Forza Motorsport is one of the best-looking games that you’ll play on modern consoles. What’s more, the dynamic weather effects and time of the day during a race not only look pretty, but it can change the course of a race on the fly, in particular when the heavens pour and night falls forcing you to switch your strategy.
Gameinformer: 8.75
Even in a field full of stellar-looking racing games, Forza Motorsport is a visual feast. Each of the 20 tracks features intricate details and weather that make it feel like a lived-in world, but the cars are the true stars of the show. Whether you’re driving around in common street cars from Honda and Ford, supercars from Ferrari and McLaren, or the various racing-tuned speed machines on offer, each vehicle’s impressive look and sound match the uncompromised feel of the on-the-track action
Digital Trends: 8.5
Forza Motorsport remains one of the best-looking games of the current console generation, no matter which graphics setting, car, or track I picked
Gamesradar: 7
Turn 10's new Forza Motorsport for Xbox Series X is arguably the smoothest-feeling racing sim ever made. At its best, when you're driving a grippy, fast car designed for the racetrack, hounding an online opponent at 60fps or shaving tenths off your times in Rivals mode, it's fantastic. Greater, in fact, than its predecessor, Forza Motorsport 7, thanks to the new dynamic weather/time of day cycles and noticeably slicker rendering
. You're looking at not just a showcase for Xbox Game Studios, but for gaming as a whole.
3DJuegos (نمره نداده)
[ترجمه شده از گوگل]
Games like
Assetto Corsa Competizione are already a graphic marvel, but the new Forza
has amazed me .
I think Forza Motorsport is the best car game graphically , especially because of the lighting . It's so good that you don't believe what you're seeing. I'm still surprised by how dazzling the sun is when it hits you, to give you a simple example.
Gamingbolt هم که به بازی ۹ داده و کلا یک
مقاله کامل برای گرافیک FM نوشته.
Forza Motorsport is a strong debut for Turn10 and stands tall as an impressive graphics showcase for the power of the Xbox Series X. Almost every aspect of the visual presentation has seen minor to major changes, and
that results in what is arguably the most realistic looking racer on the market.
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