یه مصاحبه هست با لید ساند دیزاینر ناتی داگ، یه بخشیش غیر مستقیم مربوط میشه به کرانچ...
Phillip Kovats is Naughty Dog’s Audio Lead, whose most recent project is the highly successful “The Last of Us”
As I said, this is just my personal philosophy; to me mediocrity is the enemy. If I’m not pushing myself, or, sorry to say this guys, pushing the people who are working with me around me, to some degree and taking them out of the comfort zone, that extends to myself, then I don’t think we’re doing the best job we possibly can. Games are inherently more challenging, because you have to strip away a lot of what you would do in linear media, because you can’t just make this huge movie unless you’re working on the cinematic. You have to break it down into its working parts, and let it be interactive and trust the technology is going to take care of your sound and make it sound ok. Yeah I would honestly say that the last of us is the most challenging, just because of the level of work we were trying to achieve in the game. The level of believability that we had to keep up to keep the player immersed in this world. The challenge to make the player care for these characters in any given situation, and the power to have that tension come across and have the player invest themselves at that very moment when you think the clicker is going to find you. That took a lot of work, it’s great that it worked out, but boy oh boy there were moments when were like “oh god is this working, are we just completely falling on our faces” I think when you have that when you feel that, when you push yourselves to succeed in that sort of way there’s really no stopping your success. For me I love going on YouTube and watching walkthroughs now and seeing how people are responding to the game. There’s those moments that I know of in the game where it was like “hmm did we get that is it working?” and seeing people’s reactions to it, just from something very simple, for example some guy picked up the modded pipe in Bill’s town for the first time, and he swung it and he goes “whoa that sounds dangerous!” something as simple as that, makes you feel good about the work, and creating an experience that the player will enjoy, and that’s what it’s about right.
نه یکی نیست به این بفهمونه، تو نت میگن شما در عذابید، هر روز شلاقتون میزنن، خون از چشماتون میچکه....چرا بر علیه این همه ظلم سکوت کرده اید، چرا شورش نمیکنید... چرا بازی رو خراب نمیکنید، فیل بشه، ما کسایی که هر روز دعا میکنیم بازی تون فیل بشه، از درد و رنج شما آب شدیم...
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