"The most surprising thing at the Sony conference was The Last of Us", says Kojima, "I'm very interested in how the game was put together, like at what point do you get controlled by the AI, and when do you get control. The Last of Us is in a different direction to what I want to accomplish, but it was very impressive".
PS3 Feature: Kojima confused by The Last Of Us' secret punch lasers - ComputerAndVideoGames.comMinkoff returns the compliment. "It's cool since we all spent about a zillion hours on Metal Gear Solid, so it's good to see he's interested. It (The Last of Us) is fantastically complex, but it's finally coming together, and I think that's what Kojima is recognising. We have this intense game, with all this brutal combat and fascinating stealth that's being achieved at a level that has not yet been done, since we finally have the technology to do it."
http://kotaku.com/5916309/survive-the-last-of-us-by-smashing-peoples-faces-in-with-bricksThe Last of Us was the best game I saw personally at E3. Naughty Dog looks to be taking great lengths to create compelling characters—a post-apocalyptic-born brave girl, and a damaged father figure—with strong companionship. It looks beautiful and it sounds frightful. And I haven't even met the parasitic enemies yet.

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