The Last of Us [پست اول حتماً خوانده شود]

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کدامیک را بعنوان شاخص ترین مورد در TLOU پیش بینی میکنید ؟

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برادر من اگه من الان بشینم بازی کنم اینقد فکرمو مشغول میکنه فردا جای اثبات قضیه میشینم نقد این دمو رو مینویسم:d عایا نوشتن نقد این بازی به جای اثبات قضیه کاره درستیست؟؟؟ نه شما بگو کاره درستیست؟؟
من اگه جای تو بودن کلا درسمو حذف میکردم:lol:
درس رو همیشه هست ولی دمو TLOUخیر

با توجه به اینکه build بازی مال خیلی وقت پیشه و این همه دنگ و فنگ داره ، فکر کنم تا زمان عرضه بازی باید صبر کنیم!
کپی باز ها دلشون رو خوش نکنن خیلی بعیده بیاد واسشون!
جان خودم دو روز بعد هکه چه دمو چه خود بازی با خیال راحت DL میکنیم

خدایی هر کی بازی کرد یه صوابی بکنه چند تا عکس بگیره تمیز امپر هایپ سنجمون بچسبه
دوست خوبم اگه بخوای گرافیکش رو با آنچارتد 3 مقایسه کنی چی میتونی بهمون بگی؟

تم بازی کاملاً Real ، محیط کاملاً بی رحم و طبیعیه بنابراین انتظار رنگ بندی درخشان و شاد(مثل آنچارتد3) رو نداشته باشید.
اما جذابیت گرافیک و کیفیتش به اینه که در اوج طبیعی بودن و رنگ بندی های تیره ، بسیار دیدنیه و محو طراحیشون میشید.پیش پا افتاده ترین معماری ها و آبجکت ها اون قدر عالی و دیدنی هستند که تبدیل میشن به جذاب ترین اجزای دیداری.
خیس شدن لباس در مکس پین3 و آنچارتد3 رو فراموش باید کرد.زیر باران برید تا پویا ترین(دینامیک ترین!:d)افکت ها و عکس العمل هارو ببینید.
پ ن:به خاطر ذوق زدگی،خیلی به کیفیت بافت ها ریز نشدم!(توجه نکردم!) ولی اگر اشکالی هم هست،در نسخه نهایی OK میشه!:d
پ ن 2: لامصب زیر بارون یک سکوت و یک نوای عجیب به گوش میرسه که..!(خودتون تجربه کنید لذت بخش تره!:d
تم بازی کاملاً Real ، محیط کاملاً بی رحم و طبیعیه بنابراین انتظار رنگ بندی درخشان و شاد(مثل آنچارتد3) رو نداشته باشید.
اما جذابیت گرافیک و کیفیتش به اینه که در اوج طبیعی بودن و رنگ بندی های تیره ، بسیار دیدنیه و محو طراحیشون میشید.پیش پا افتاده ترین معماری ها و آبجکت ها اون قدر عالی و دیدنی هستند که تبدیل میشن به جذاب ترین اجزای دیداری.
خیس شدن لباس در مکس پین3 و آنچارتد3 رو فراموش باید کرد.زیر باران برید تا پویا ترین(دینامیک ترین!:d)افکت ها و عکس العمل هارو ببینید.
پ ن:به خاطر ذوق زدگی،خیلی به کیفیت بافت ها ریز نشدم!(توجه نکردم!) ولی اگر اشکالی هم هست،در نسخه نهایی OK میشه!:d
پ ن 2: لامصب زیر بارون یک سکوت و یک نوای عجیب به گوش میرسه که..!(خودتون تجربه کنید لذت بخش تره!:d

از نگاه کلی گرافیک نسبت به آنچارتد پیشرفت قابل ملاحظه داشته که دیگه خیالمون کاملا راحت بشه :d
لعنت به اين دانلود شبانه! اينترنتم كلاً تركيد ديگه! )x توى نيم ساعت گذشته فقط ٢٪ جلو رفته دانلودم! الان فقط ٥ دقيقه است دارم زور مى زنم كه اين صفحه رو باز كنم و اين پيام رو بنويسم! شايد يه نفر نخواد رايگان دانلود كنه، اين چه وضعشه آخه! :-s خلاصه فكر نكنم تا فردا بتونم بازى كنم! :( الان كه چند تا از دوستان بازى كردن و هايپمون كردن حسابى! منم مى ذارم فردا هايپ مى كنم كه هايپ خونمون پايين نياد يه وقت! ;)*
دمو دقیقا همو دمویی هست که تو pax ملت بازی کردن . یکی از کاربران تو neogaf ویدیوی full hd که خودش بازی کرده بود رو تو یوتوب گذاشت .
زمان دمو یه چیزی بین 15 تا 20 دقیقه هست
صدا گذاری بازی فوق العاده هست .پیشنهاد میکنم با headset بازی کنین تا ببینین به کوچیک ترین نکات دقت شده . اتمسفر بازی هم به شدت گیرا هست . اوجایی که وارد ساختمون میشن به شدت حس ترس به ادم دست میده .
گرافیک و گیم پلی هم که دیگه جای تعریف نداره . خشونت تو بازی موج میزنه . مبارزات به شدت خشن و نفس گیر هستن .
چند تا شات هم گرفتم میزارم براتون





به احتمال زیاد تا فردا لینک تورنت دمو هم میاد . چون اون فایل 131 مگی لینکاش اومده . گفتن به زودی اون فایل 2gb هم میاد .
ما كه بيدار ميمونيم ببينيم چي ميشه يه چند نفر ديگه هم دانلود كنن ببينيم بازي چطوره... :d
بيخيال امتحان :d

به قول داریوش یاور همیشه مومن به تو می گن :d
یکی دیگه از کامنت ها : :bighug:

This is one of the BEST GAMES I've ever played....THANKS NAUGHTY DOG
دوستانی که فقط 132 مگ اول رو دانلود کردن، می تونن از یه چیز خاص لذت ببرن!
برید توی منوی PS3 و روی آیکون TLOU بمونید اما توی بازی نرید. موسیقی که پخش می شه، واقعاً فوق العاده است. این Track توی موسیقیهایی که قبلاً منتشر کرده بودن، نبود (حداقل من نشنیده بودم) و یه چیز جدید و فوق العاده بود. اگه 132 مگ اول رو دانلود کردید، حتماً بهش گوش بدید.
كسي دانلودش تموم نشد؟
الان كلي درس ميتونستم بخونم :d ناسلامتي امتحان پاياني علوم دارم 14 بخش :| :d

- - -ویرایش - - -

هم اكنون ساعت 4 بامداد بنده در حال انتظار :|

- - -ویرایش - - -

4:15 ...

- - -ویرایش - - -

4:30 ديگه خسته شدم شب بخير
بر و بچ سلام .:)

بعد از عرضه دمو یه سری از سایت ها اومدن و این دمو رو نقد کردن . خوندش نه تنها خالی از لطف نیست . حتی توصیه هم میشه .:d
"This might be a bold statement but this is my game of the year ALREADY, its “actually” a action survival horror, and compared to what they call survival horror these days, this is top notch ive seen an hour of this game and its brilliant the scavenging is great and you are rewarded for exploration not punished like most games now day, you either scavenge for goods or use what you can find at the moment shit hits the fan, Ellie’s AI seems so fluid as ive never seen in a game before she seems never to be in the way but never to far when you really need her the most. the little bits of audio as Ellie and Joel talk when then are sneaking around makes you feel connected to this world and really feel their emotions and pain, to the satisfying sound when you crack a 2*4 or a metal pipe across your enemies head, creeping around listening to enemies shout out your location while they try to corner you sounds real and gives you a since of fear for whats to come. Joel crafting items, a pipe with scissors taped to the top makes a good melee weapon to take out the infect/human, a board found on the ground can help you get from roof top to rooftop to escape your enemies or attack them from above this game just has so many possibility’s i cant wait to see what the full game brings.I am really excited for this game"

I've just played through the 'Last of us' demo included in the GOW: Ascension pack and I thought I'd give my initial impressions of it and what I predict for its place in the industry.
First of all I'd like to point out the demo was short, VERY SHORT. But it didn't really matter that it was short it showed me what I needed to know as a player. The graphics excelled through both the lighting and character animations though some of them might be familiar due to the engine used. The thing is it wasn't the graphics themselves that mattered it was the attention to detail of the actual environment , a ravaged landscape of broken buildings, broken civilization. It became immediately clear as I tread through the swamp like remnants of this 'city' that I felt an instant connection to the world. I looked around with the camera taking in every detail of this carefully crafted environment, an environment that didn't need the extravagance of some other game worlds of late to stand out, simplistic imagery with polished detail.

The second thing therefore I'd like to mention is the sound quality. The soft music in the background only adds to the beauty of the world being explored, creating tension with a soft build up to a crescendo in the action packed sequence when I was spotted by the runners (basically a type of infected) before lowering back down as I hid away creating an ominous silence that created tension. Whilst I'm on the topic of sound I may as well talk about the voice acting which is again from what I can tell top notch, Naughty Dog excels at creating a game which uses a cast of characters that appear to resonate with each other, which is all the more enjoyable for the player as we immerse ourselves in the game's world.

Finally and most importantly, the gameplay. Those of you going into this experience expecting Uncharted are very wrong. Some of the shooting mechanics are reminiscent of Uncharted, if not a lot more refined. What matters though is the difference in how you will actually play the game. First off obviously the jump button is gone from Uncharted because this game isn't a platformer. Next is the tactical nature of combat. As stated this demo was only about an encounter long but it gave me a grasp of what should be expected. You have to be careful to sneak around and preserve your bullets because there are hardly any, I ran out real fast when the clicker (other infected more difficult than the runners, only respond to sound) noticed me. It required two shivs to the face and a couple of gunshots (the gun only had 6 bullets) to the face to stop it attacking me, the clickers are no joke and I got killed by it the first time through. Unlike many other games which are about survival these days, Last of us seems to excel in creating tension and having you think on your feet as I found myself asking how best to adapt to the situation as I played through the second time on hard mode. Of note is the 'sound' mode which allows you to see through walls the sillhoutes of the infected to plan a tactical route. This adds a layer of depth to the game because this is not your typical run and gun this is a game which requires strategy.

I've only played about 15 minutes but from this I can tell the 'Last of us' will be something special when it ships June 14 and I believe at the moment that it may well become my new GOTY. If you have had TLOU off your radar I ecommend trying it out somehow, it will be out in a couple of weeks and will be a great way to top off your E3 week. I am absolutely excited for this game and will give my full impressions on the week after E3 as well as my thoughts on M*****ft, Sony's press conferences and Nintendo's Direct!
آخرین ویرایش:
بر و بچ سلام .:)

بعد از عرضه دمو یه سری از سایت ها اومدن و این دمو رو نقد کردن . خوندش نه تنها خالی از لطف نیست . حتی توصیه هم میشه .:d
"This might be a bold statement but this is my game of the year ALREADY, its “actually” a action survival horror, and compared to what they call survival horror these days, this is top notch ive seen an hour of this game and its brilliant the scavenging is great and you are rewarded for exploration not punished like most games now day, you either scavenge for goods or use what you can find at the moment shit hits the fan, Ellie’s AI seems so fluid as ive never seen in a game before she seems never to be in the way but never to far when you really need her the most. the little bits of audio as Ellie and Joel talk when then are sneaking around makes you feel connected to this world and really feel their emotions and pain, to the satisfying sound when you crack a 2*4 or a metal pipe across your enemies head, creeping around listening to enemies shout out your location while they try to corner you sounds real and gives you a since of fear for whats to come. Joel crafting items, a pipe with scissors taped to the top makes a good melee weapon to take out the infect/human, a board found on the ground can help you get from roof top to rooftop to escape your enemies or attack them from above this game just has so many possibility’s i cant wait to see what the full game brings.I am really excited for this game"

The Last Of Us 1HR Demo REVIEW | The Game Xaminer

I've just played through the 'Last of us' demo included in the GOW: Ascension pack and I thought I'd give my initial impressions of it and what I predict for its place in the industry.
First of all I'd like to point out the demo was short, VERY SHORT. But it didn't really matter that it was short it showed me what I needed to know as a player. The graphics excelled through both the lighting and character animations though some of them might be familiar due to the engine used. The thing is it wasn't the graphics themselves that mattered it was the attention to detail of the actual environment , a ravaged landscape of broken buildings, broken civilization. It became immediately clear as I tread through the swamp like remnants of this 'city' that I felt an instant connection to the world. I looked around with the camera taking in every detail of this carefully crafted environment, an environment that didn't need the extravagance of some other game worlds of late to stand out, simplistic imagery with polished detail.

The second thing therefore I'd like to mention is the sound quality. The soft music in the background only adds to the beauty of the world being explored, creating tension with a soft build up to a crescendo in the action packed sequence when I was spotted by the runners (basically a type of infected) before lowering back down as I hid away creating an ominous silence that created tension. Whilst I'm on the topic of sound I may as well talk about the voice acting which is again from what I can tell top notch, Naughty Dog excels at creating a game which uses a cast of characters that appear to resonate with each other, which is all the more enjoyable for the player as we immerse ourselves in the game's world.

Finally and most importantly, the gameplay. Those of you going into this experience expecting Uncharted are very wrong. Some of the shooting mechanics are reminiscent of Uncharted, if not a lot more refined. What matters though is the difference in how you will actually play the game. First off obviously the jump button is gone from Uncharted because this game isn't a platformer. Next is the tactical nature of combat. As stated this demo was only about an encounter long but it gave me a grasp of what should be expected. You have to be careful to sneak around and preserve your bullets because there are hardly any, I ran out real fast when the clicker (other infected more difficult than the runners, only respond to sound) noticed me. It required two shivs to the face and a couple of gunshots (the gun only had 6 bullets) to the face to stop it attacking me, the clickers are no joke and I got killed by it the first time through. Unlike many other games which are about survival these days, Last of us seems to excel in creating tension and having you think on your feet as I found myself asking how best to adapt to the situation as I played through the second time on hard mode. Of note is the 'sound' mode which allows you to see through walls the sillhoutes of the infected to plan a tactical route. This adds a layer of depth to the game because this is not your typical run and gun this is a game which requires strategy.

I've only played about 15 minutes but from this I can tell the 'Last of us' will be something special when it ships June 14 and I believe at the moment that it may well become my new GOTY. If you have had TLOU off your radar I ecommend trying it out somehow, it will be out in a couple of weeks and will be a great way to top off your E3 week. I am absolutely excited for this game and will give my full impressions on the week after E3 as well as my thoughts on M*****ft, Sony's press conferences and Nintendo's Direct!

My thoughts on the Last Of Us demo! - Blog by c0mmandershepard - IGN

Holy shit !
این بازی باور نکردنیه
یکی مختصر و خلاصه توضیح بده این IGN چی گفته ؟؟؟

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

تبلیغات متنی

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن