اين يعني اينكه روي PSN هم مياد ؟!
انگار اره واقعيت داره اينطوري خيلي خوب ميشه
The Last of Us stunned me. Not in any one aspect, but through its collective polish and crisp attention to the smallest details. And it’s unlike any
adventure I’ve embarked upon.It’s not an action game. It’s not survival. It’s not horror. But it is pretty damn special
:JoystiqUncharted is a relentless parade of set-pieces, but Naughty Dog's new game breaks the action up with moments of surprising serenity
The Last of Us is a crafty, tense experience in which my attempts to attack bandits and disfigured creatures head-on usually resulted in a gruesome death
After having played the demo 4-5 times, I am convinced that The Last of Us is an excellent example of an upcoming big game. Atmosphere, people, graphics, sound, control, and the whole thing is the setting for a great gaming experience