این رو تو این سایت usep دیدم جالبه اینطوری ها هم نیست
اگر بکشیش اینطوری میشه
- Arngeir retracts the Greybeard's hospitality, and it is no longer possible to ask him for the locations of Word Walls.
- Paarthurnax will no longer be around to provide meditation bonuses to certain Shouts.
- The Blades will welcome you once again, enabling the completion of Delphine's recruitment quest.
- Esbern will offer to take bones and scales in order to create a potion which grants a permanent perk for 25% melee damage reduction from Dragons (currently, however, the potion is bugged and does nothing - see Dragon Research bug section for solution).
- The Greybeards will not host a peace treaty, making the Civil War questline mandatory to complete in order to proceed with the Main Quest (if Season Unending has not been completed and the Civil War questline has not already been completed).
اگر زنده بمونه
- The quest will never disappear from the journal.
- Arngeir will still disclose the location of Word Walls.
- Paarthurnax will still provide meditation bonuses for Shout words.
- Paarthurnax will appear for an extra cutscene after Alduin's defeat, wherein he details his plans to rein in the Dragons and teach them to live under the Way of the Voice.
- If you have not brought three people to the Blades already, Delphine's recruitment quest will remain uncompleted.
- Esbern will not offer to create the potion.
---------- نوشته در 12:27 PM اضافه شد ---------- نوشته قبلی در 12:19 PM ارسال شده بود ----------
اقا من راحشو پیدا کردم یه شوت mark of death بزن همون که تو محل برادرهود میگیری بعد dragonrend بزن بعدش بری پشتش ۳ تا ضربه بزنی میمیره
این اژدها ۲ مدل هستم frost , fire من دو مدل گردنبند همراهم هست 60% resis برای هر دو این بندازم اون لحظه واقعا هیچ کاری نمیکنه از جلو دهنش هم میکشمش
دمج این اژدها elder dragon هر ثانیه حدود ۲۲۰ و ancient حدود ۳۲۰
امید وارم کمکی به کسی کرده باشم
حالا خودم یه سوال دارم این belethoor بلک مارکت شهر وایت ران تو جنگ گشته شده جنازش افتاده وسط شهر نمیشه زنده اش کنم بره سره کاسبی