Multi Platform Street Fighter 6

تاریخ انتشار
  1. PC
  2. PlayStation 4
  3. PlayStation 5
  4. Xbox Series X|S
حتما همه در جریانید که سر قضیه Capcom ID ، بازی های آینده ی کپکام تقریبا کنسل هستن...مخصوصا مثل همین استریت فایتر که پینگ خوب هم براش اوجب واجباته ...

بچه ها یه نامه ای نوشتن، و دارن پخشش میکنند که همه ایمیل بزنند به کپکام و این قضیه رو برداره...
مخصوصا که خیر سرشون قرار شد این نوع تحریم ها برای ایران برداشته بشه...

به هر حال ، اگر میتونید خودتون حتما ایمیل بزنید، و به هرکی و هرجایی(کامیونیتی چه ایرانی و چه خارجی) میشناسید این رو برسونید تا اونا هم ایمیل بزنند، شاید فرجی شد!


I hope this email finds you well.

I’m writing to you today in regards to the recent changes made to the Capcom ID policies, specifically the restrictions about its availability in certain regions, namely Iran.

I understand that due to Iranian government’s policies, the country has been subjected to many sanctions, including internet based services and platforms by many countries, including United States of America. I also understand that when providing these services from a region like U.S., Capcom needs to adhere to these laws and restrictions.

With that in mind, I wanted to highlight that after last year’s freedom protests in Iran that were met with brutally violent crackdown by Iranian’s government, U.S. has decided to lift the restrictions on Internet based services and platforms provided to Iranian people, in hope of giving them more access to these services, despite the censorship from Iranian’s government. You can read the following statement issued by U.S. Department of the Treasury on the matter:

I, and many other Capcom fans in Iran, hope that after seeing this statement, you would reconsider the restriction put on Iran in regards to the availability of Capcom ID in this region.

Many of us here really love Capcom franchises like Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Monster Hunter, etc. and grow up on them. Despite the lack of official release in this regions, we’ve tried our best and supported our favorite Capcom games legally throughout the years and we would love to be able to do so, especially in these trying times.

So once again, we humbly ask that you reconsider this restriction and remove Iran from the list of restricted regions for Capcom ID.

Thank you.


از اینجا اقدام کنید برای فرستادن پیام بهشون :

CAPCOM ID | Inquiries - Submit a Question


این تنها کاریه که میشه برای این قضیه انجام داد، بتشد که نتیجه بخش باشد...
حتما همه در جریانید که سر قضیه Capcom ID ، بازی های آینده ی کپکام تقریبا کنسل هستن...مخصوصا مثل همین استریت فایتر که پینگ خوب هم براش اوجب واجباته ...

بچه ها یه نامه ای نوشتن، و دارن پخشش میکنند که همه ایمیل بزنند به کپکام و این قضیه رو برداره...
مخصوصا که خیر سرشون قرار شد این نوع تحریم ها برای ایران برداشته بشه...

به هر حال ، اگر میتونید خودتون حتما ایمیل بزنید، و به هرکی و هرجایی(کامیونیتی چه ایرانی و چه خارجی) میشناسید این رو برسونید تا اونا هم ایمیل بزنند، شاید فرجی شد!


I hope this email finds you well.

I’m writing to you today in regards to the recent changes made to the Capcom ID policies, specifically the restrictions about its availability in certain regions, namely Iran.

I understand that due to Iranian government’s policies, the country has been subjected to many sanctions, including internet based services and platforms by many countries, including United States of America. I also understand that when providing these services from a region like U.S., Capcom needs to adhere to these laws and restrictions.

With that in mind, I wanted to highlight that after last year’s freedom protests in Iran that were met with brutally violent crackdown by Iranian’s government, U.S. has decided to lift the restrictions on Internet based services and platforms provided to Iranian people, in hope of giving them more access to these services, despite the censorship from Iranian’s government. You can read the following statement issued by U.S. Department of the Treasury on the matter:

I, and many other Capcom fans in Iran, hope that after seeing this statement, you would reconsider the restriction put on Iran in regards to the availability of Capcom ID in this region.

Many of us here really love Capcom franchises like Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Monster Hunter, etc. and grow up on them. Despite the lack of official release in this regions, we’ve tried our best and supported our favorite Capcom games legally throughout the years and we would love to be able to do so, especially in these trying times.

So once again, we humbly ask that you reconsider this restriction and remove Iran from the list of restricted regions for Capcom ID.

Thank you.


از اینجا اقدام کنید برای فرستادن پیام بهشون :

CAPCOM ID | Inquiries - Submit a Question


این تنها کاریه که میشه برای این قضیه انجام داد، بتشد که نتیجه بخش باشد...
علت این تحریم کردن های اخیر چیه دقیقا؟ دخالتشون تو اوکراین؟
چون علاوه بر کپکام ۳-۴ تا شرکت دیگه هم تو یکی دو ماه اخیر همین کارو کردن.

واقعا خیلی نگران کنندست. تا الان ترس داشتیم بی دلیل بزنن از سمت داخل فیلتر کنن یا پورت ببندن، الان باید بترسیم ناگهانی از سمت خودشون تحریم کنن. :-<
آخرین ویرایش:
لطفا کسایی که میتونن بدون اشتباه بنویسن خودشون نامه رو بنویسن و کپی پیست نکنن چون اگه تکراری نباشه بیشتر احتمال خونده شدن و توجه داره.
فک کنم از این لینک هم خوب باشه تو متنتون استفاده کنید:
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Reactions: Destro and Akiba
View attachment 287536
کاپکام ای دی برای ۷ کشور از جمله ایران تحریم شد !
یحتمل باید بازیا ریفاند کنم :)
البته 3 تاش استانهای اوکراین اشغال شده توسط روسیه هست .با این حال فقط این 3 استان رو تحریم کرده نه کل روسیه رو
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Reactions: MaTrix PouYa
به من یه جواب از سر باز کنی دادن که انگار فقط میخواسته جواب داده باشه و هیچ اطلاعی هم نداره از چیزی
Thank you very much for always using CAPCOM ID.
This is CAPCOM ID Support.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

We will use the valuable opinion that you have kindly shared with us on this occasion as a reference for our products and services in the future.

We always strive to better our services, and moving forward if you have any other thoughts or suggestions we would be very happy to hear them.

Thank you once again for sharing your views.

We hope you will continue to use CAPCOM ID.
Thank you for your inquiry.
به من یه جواب از سر باز کنی دادن که انگار فقط میخواسته جواب داده باشه و هیچ اطلاعی هم نداره از چیزی
Thank you very much for always using CAPCOM ID.
This is CAPCOM ID Support.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

We will use the valuable opinion that you have kindly shared with us on this occasion as a reference for our products and services in the future.

We always strive to better our services, and moving forward if you have any other thoughts or suggestions we would be very happy to hear them.

Thank you once again for sharing your views.

We hope you will continue to use CAPCOM ID.
Thank you for your inquiry.
اینجور جوابا که طبیعیه به طور کلی...
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موجی که تو ماهیچه ها ایجاد میشه خود واقعیته دیگه

کون، منظورم کونه

View attachment VID_20230330_200842_703.mp4

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

تبلیغات متنی

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن