Hey guys.
Today I was free roaming in the game and searched for easter eggs like pictures,sounds etc.
I replayed the Devil's house mission where you hear a LOT of foreign Voices. (Chinese, France, Hungarian etc.)
I tried to make out what they say in Hungarian but didnt quite heard it good, because of the other voices.
I started to shoot down the tape players one by one until I could hear Hungarian better.
It said.
Egy. Segíthetek? Három. mennyibe kerül? Elnézést a vonal foglalt kérjük próbálja újra később
Translates: One. Can i help? Three. How much does it costs? Sorry the line is busy please try again later.
I wondering what the other ones can mean, maybe if I would know the others and put them in correct order it could be an easter egg or a message? after all these mgsv secrets I could definetly say that this COULD be an easter egg or some kinda like that.
Thanks for reading and sorry for my bad english
Here's the French one: "Et la météo, la situation sans pire à travers le pays. 38 personnes ont péril depuis le début de cette canicule qui se poursuivra encore pour 3 jours. On vous recommande de rester dans un endroit frais et boire beaucoup de liquide. Et dans le monde des affaires, la Bourse a battu des records aujourd'hui. Les experts s'entendent pour dire qu'ils ne peuvent pas prédire quelle sera la tendance pour demain."
Translation: "And for weather, the situation is getting worse across the country. Thirty two people have perished since the beginning of this heat wave that will still continue for three days. We recommend you to stay in a cool place and drink a lot of liquid. And in the world of business, records have been beat in the stock market. The experts agree to say that they can't predict what will be tomorrow's trends."
Hopefully my translation is not to bad.
The “ending” of MGSV gives us a quote from philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.
There are no facts, only interpretations.
Now it may seem that this is obviously referring to the opening of the game and how we are the Medic and not Big Boss, but I think it refers to something bigger. I think it refers to how we interpret several things in life and more importantly in the game as being facts, when in actuality it is only what is being interpreted through our thoughts on what we know or think we know. I think that certain things that are considered to be the ”truth” are only what characters perceive to be true from the perspective of their mind. What I’m getting at through this is that I honestly don’t believe there are multiple Big Bosses. There is just one Big Boss who can’t fully comprehend his past due to a combination of the trauma of MSF being destroyed and the shrapnel lodged in his head.
One of the biggest clues of this is the Paz side story. Big Boss imagines that Paz did survive the events of Ground Zeroes and she just has a Dissociative Disorder. But in reality, Paz did die and Big Boss was just trying to cope with the loss by imagining that she survived and he didn’t fail to save her. I feel that this is something that we see in the game a lot, Big Boss remembering events differently than they actually happened. There are several moments in the game where he just blacks out and when he awakes something happened that he didn’t see. What happens between Paz blowing up and getting to a hospital, Quiet being caught on fire, and Quiet and Snake being passed out and left for dead before Quiet saves them to name a few. I feel like these memories have something very traumatic to them that Big Boss’s damaged mind is trying to block out or change. And I think that’s what we are seeing at the end of Mission 46. Mission 46 is the “Truth” that Big Boss’s damaged mine has created to try and change what really happened. The question is what was so traumatic that caused his mind to do this. And I think the answer is the death of The Medic during Ground Zeroes. When Paz explodes, the Medic takes the blow of the explosion while Big Boss is saved from a majority of the blast. I think this caused the Medic to be in serious condition while Big Boss was only mildly hurt and still conscience. I believe something happened in between this and them finally getting to a hospital that truly caused Big Boss’s coma. Remember there is a scene of Big Boss in Morpho that is only shown when Kaz is remembering back. Also there is the scene where they are finally in the hospital and they try to revive Big Boss. Kaz asks “What about him?” while looking over at an unseen body. I think this is the medic and the fact we never get an answer to that question makes me think he died or Big Boss at least thinks he died. This is what leads to Big Boss’s mind changing his perception of the past. Big Boss’s mind can’t deal with losing the Medic in a similar fashion to Paz. So his damaged mind begins believing he is the medic. Why would he care so much about a random medic though?
Big Boss has to live with a lot of blood on his hands and I think that adds to his damaged mind. The Boss’s death and the destruction of MSF and all the people who got killed from that are two big events that intentionally or not can be viewed as him causing them. As he tells Kaz towards the beginning of the game, he is already a demon or at least he feels he is one already. Added with the events of The Phantom Pain like the parasite outbreak, him having to kill his own men in cold blood, and having to napalm and potentially kill the people on the island in Kingdom of the Flies that is a lot of heavy sins for one the Boss to have to carry or any man for that matter. And I think that view of him believing he is more a demon with each tragic event is shown through a game play perspective through Demon mode. That’s not how he actually looks, but how he feels. He feels like he is an actual demon and that he can’t wash away the blood of the people he has killed. He even imagines his soldiers doubting if he is truly a legend that should be followed. I think this is the reason he is so traumatized by the Medic dying, he died sacrificing his own life for Big Boss. Big Boss feels he shouldn’t have been saved because of the sins he has done in his past. He feels his soldiers’ lives are just as or even more important than his own. He feels that the medic deserves just as much as him to be this legendary soldier he has been hyped up to be.
With this train of thought though, we are left with a few questions. First off, who was the person who helped Big Boss escape the hospital? Well I have 3 thoughts on this. He is the actual Medic who actually did survive. He is an imagination of Big Boss’s damaged mind. Or he is another character that is important to the story that hasn’t been revealed yet. I’m going to focus on that last thought, because I have a theory that I would like to bring up about it. If it were to be any important character from the series lore, I think it might be Gray Fox. Now the thought that Gray Fox was the bandaged man, isn’t new. I heard about it long before the game came out. However I think it needs revisited. There is dialogue added in the rerelease of Metal Gear 2 that could hint at Gray Fox being that bandaged man. There is also an unused scene in the trailers of the MGSV showing a man being tortured in Camp Omega. And while a lot of people have noted the animation is used in game, I don’t think we should just write it off as just being used for a different scene. I think that the person being tortured is Gray Fox as well or at least the real identity of the bandaged man. I think that scene takes place before Big Boss and Miller get to a hospital and that is when Big Boss enters into a coma. We already know we were meant to play a mission in Ground Zeroes, and it seems to take place before Phantom Pain. Admittedly this is the part of the theory I’m not sure about, because there is just so little info to really infer what was going to happen in that Camp Omega mission or what truly happened between Paz exploding and them getting to the hospital. That’s why I feel there are several possibilities of who that bandaged man really was.
The other big question with my theory is why would Kojima leave us thinking the medic, who we are meant to represent, is the person we have been playing as and not Big Boss? I think it is because he really wanted us to think and act like Big Boss would. He wanted us to truly believe we are playing the game through Big Boss’s perspective. So he left us on a cliff hanger truly believing we were Big Boss.
I think the real Truth hasn’t be revealed yet and I think Nuclear Disarmament is the missing piece to unlocking it. Recently it was found that an icon of Big Boss from an early trailer is in the game’s data. A lot of people just thought this scene was changed for the ending of the game, but now I’m not so sure. I honestly believe there is going to be a future mission that reveals the real truth of what happened and that is where the scene takes place. Now how does Nuclear Disarmament fit into this? Well remember back to the intro of Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake. It states that by late 1990s that the fear of Nuclear War is a thing of the past. The world has renounced nukes. It also says Zanzibar Land invades and steals Nukes from others. That sounds awfully familiar to what we are doing now for disarmament. But that is in the late 1990s. What I feel happens is that Diamond Dogs is able to achieve Disarmament in 1984, but they have to constantly be on the watch to make sure other nations don’t try to hold nukes. Them stealing nukes from others however is seen by the public as a threat, that they want to be this big nuclear power, but in actuality they are trying to keep the peace, not destroy it. So I personally feel like achieving Disarmament will continue the story. This will hopefully unlock either Chapter 3 or the end of chapter 2 being Mission 51 which would then lead to Chapter 3.
I honestly don’t feel Phantom Pain is unfinished, going through several interviews and trailers, it seems that making us feel the game was unfinished was purposeful. I feel one of the biggest clues to the game being finished is the Debriefing video released during the launch of the game. Kojima states his main concern was finishing the game for the fans. And you can argue that Konami had a gun against his head forcing him to say this stuff, but the entire video felt very genuine and heartfelt to me personally. The way Kojima talks about how he knew how he wanted to fill in the gaps of Big Boss’s story since the end of production of MGS4 and saying again that the story could only be done in video games makes me really feel that Disarmament unlocks the rest of the story. And the oddest part to me is the end. Kojima says the game is complete when visiting the family of Sean and the mother says that Sean died 4 days ago. And the video shows he died February 8th, 2015. So the game was completed by February 12th 2015, he even hands the family several copies of the game. Then why was the game released September 1st? My only conclusion is that he meant the main story of the game, and the online components being the FOBs are what weren’t finished at the time. He even mentions tweaking the game play until the very end of development.
So in conclusion, I feel we haven’t seen the real truth yet. I truly feel the game is finished, but we just haven’t unlocked the rest of the story yet. I’ve been trying to type up this theory for awhile, but it’s just been really time consuming. Hopefully you guys enjoy it. And also remember this is just a theory, I could still be completely wrong and the game truly is unfinished, but right now I don’t feel that way.
این بالایی همه حرف های ما را زده
Confirmed with Peeler that they have not spoken about the update besides the new Knife. There is more coming with this patch than they've let us know, and it's not just damage tweaks. So, Be excited.
Also asked:
"These tinfoil hat theories, they were intended to spawn from the story, yes?"
"Well, they've been there since the first one, so I can't imagine the team was surprised when the showed up, I know I wasn't." - Peeler
"To quote an old animation: The games fricking called metal gear" - TK