WARNING Fight Club Spoilers Below.
If you haven't seen Fight Club go see it dammit now!
Sorry mods. i know the first rule is we are not supposed to talk about fight club.
Ever watch fight club?
Who is Tyler durden?
we are Tyler durden.
A man develops a split personality in order to achieve the things he wanted but couldn't achieve on his own. Later in the movie her figures it all out. and here is how is other personality explains it to him.
I think this explains a lot about Venom & Big Boss. This can explain the end of the game. Why we stare so long in the mirror. while listening to a tape from ourselves from our other personality. Why we see every version of Big Boss in shining lights. we were slowly coming back into one. We could explain why we say things the way we did. why were treated weirdly by our friends ocelot and kaz. they know about out condition and followed us anyways. same with our soldiers at mother base. "I don't care who you are Boss, Your still my CO." It explains why we Know Paz and the gang. That weird sense we get when giving her a picture.
The same could be said for Tyler Durdens followers. He didn't know who he was. And his followers knew he was nuts but they still followed him and he was never alerted about his condition until he was ready. And when he finally realized what was going on. He smiled. shot his other personality in the face. and carried on bigger and better and achieved everything he wanted all on his own. Isn't that what we are doing here? Isn't that how big boss became a monster. He did it out of necessity. Maybe Big Boss wasnt in a coma, his alter ego was in a coma. Just like in The man who sold the world We are the alter ego we created for ourselves. Just like David Bowies alter ego Ziggy Stardust propelled him and his career to new heights. and once he was there he got rid of his alter ego. Just like we do at the end of the game. We smile and see our true selves all along.
If you haven't seen Fight Club go see it dammit now!
this explains everything.
Also thanks to this post:
This is what got me to thinking about fight club again.
I know fight club posts have been made before right?
"All the ways you wish you could be, that's me. I look like you wanna look, I **** like you wanna ****, I am smart, capable, and most importantly, I am free in all the ways that you are not." - Tyler Durden
All of you newcomers met Big Boss at a very strange time in his life.
"it's only after we have lost everything that we are free to do anything" - Tyler Durden
I am Jacks smirking revenge.
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
At this point of the game it doesnt sound like a tape. It sounds like an internal monolog.
-Internal monologue, also known as inner voice, internal speech, or verbal stream of consciousness is thinking in words. It also refers to the semi-constant internal monologue some people have with themselves at a conscious or semi-conscious level
I want you to really listen to me. My eyes are open.
Open your eyes.
Ismail is your alter ego taking care of you. This explains the hall way scene. how you escape death. your alter ego has been looking after you for 9 years.
In the first mission and truth mission you see it from two different points of view. you and Ishmael are the same. you both make it out of the hospital alive. this explains both ambulance scenes.
GO3 is also your alter ego doing all the bad things you wouldn't do.
The only song that is already in your custom sound track is sands and it sounds like the type of song you would find in the Fight Club soundtrack.
also the skullface scene on the heliport where things get all weird for a second.. distorted camera, seems like a reference to fight club to me.
Some REALLY sketchy stuff I noticed with Ishmael.
Alright so to preface, I know some people are going to blindly hate what I have to say because it may possibly entertain the thought of Venom not being Big Boss. This is a legitimately curious find in my opinion, not something like "The canvas used for the Map in hospital, was issued on April 12th, 1984, and the game is currently set in March of 1984! VR confirmed!"? I'm not trying to change the ending or anything, I just wanted to share some observations I made upon replaying the prologue regarding Ishmael.
Go to 18:57 in this video to give my upcoming wall of text a bit of context.
So yeah, as mentioned above, I noticed a couple of Veeeeeery peculiar things when playing. So first off, there's a moment in the prologue when volgin appears, and both Ahab and Ishmael are sent flying backwards. Venom falls and hits the back of his head, which puts him in this colorblind, concussion state full of lens flares and ringing noises, signifying that he's injured his head. The weird thing here is that during this strange sepia-trip, Ishmael is on fire, flopping around in a panic. He's not even rolling, just lying there patting himself. Towards the end of venom's colorblind state, the camera focuses on ishmael, who's currently on fire of course. Then, there's a flash, and the concussion effect suddenly stops. The weird thing here is that the second the concussion effect stops, Ishmael's fire just suddenly goes out. Yeah, the fire that was completely restraining ishmael during Venom's head injury just goes out, right when venom regains "consciousness" so to speak.
18:57 if you want to see this again
I know you'll probably tell me this a coincidence or something, but that's really far fetched to me. The whole venom concussion state is a one off thing for this game, it never happens again, and it hints at some really strange stuff. Kojima's a good story teller who understand film and camerawork. He's not going to put a scene where that highlights a concussion and it's relationship with a really key character and just disregard it later.
Secondly, and this one is way more obvious there's a VERY similar situation that occurs in the ambulance scene. I always wondered why it slowed down as venom was clutching his head while the helicopter was shooting at him, but now I think I'm understanding it better now. While I'm not sure exactly what's happening, it's quite clear that he is experiencing some sort of head i jury and wincing in pain due to it. Someone said they saw a bullet ricochet off his shrapnel, but I can't see it for some reason.
Anyway, immediately after Venom clenches his face in pain, Ishmael once again goes into a futile and restrained state, Again. Hmm, that's pretty strange considering something just like that happened about 20 minutes ago. It's almost like Ishmael is connected to Venom's head somehow.
Just watch this video again, but at 43:48.
So Venom suffers two head injuries during the prologue, and both of which render ishmael incapable of helping him. That's really strange. Keep in mind, this kinda stuff only happens in the prologue. Venom suffers from head injuries in episodes 29 and 31, nut neither of which have any affect on the environment around him.
So Kojima coincidentally made two instances where Venom's head injury is highlighted, and immediately followed them with ishmael becoming incapable of doing anything worthwhile, and made sure to do so subtly. You could technically argue that Kojima is trying to misguide the player and believe that Ishmael is a hallucination, but then why would he do this so damn subtly, it doesn't make any sense. It's like if in Ground Zeroes the medic wasn't venom, and his face was just being deliberately covered for no plausible reason. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know, cause this is really curious to me. What are your thoughts?
Thanks for reason this if you actually did. I've been waiting to talk about this on NGBO for a while.
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