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Will Final Fantasy XV be at E3? Predict for a chance to win prizes!
With Square Enix surprisingly quiet on the whole since last year’s re-reveal of Final Fantasy Versus XIII as Final Fantasy XV, the current hot topic within the community is what sort of presence it will have at E3 2014 in a few weeks time – if it indeed has a presence at all. The debate has been pretty fierce, with some wondering if the game will go quiet for a little while longer after not being mentioned in earnest in Square Enix’s recent financial reports and forecasts.
We’ve decided to fuel that debate a little bit over on our slowly-growing community forums, Mognet Central – by creating a poll where people can put their prediction down in a more permanent fashion. Better still, those who guess correctly will be entered into a prize drawing to win some FF goodies from our box of tricks that we keep aside. We’ve got all sorts of stuff, from games old and new to plushies, phone charms and all sorts of other goodies… so we’ll put together a nice little prize package for one of the folks who guesses correctly.
First, though, you have to place your bet! We’ve picked four options – that the game will have some sort of live demo, either public or behind-closed doors, that there’ll be a new trailer, that the game will be talked about but no new footage will be shown, or that the game will simply be absent entirely.
All you have to do is head on over to Mognet, cast a vote in the poll and join the discussion. We’ll close the poll a few days before E3, and when the show starts, we’ll pick a winner at random from those who voted on the correct answer, notify them via PM on Mognet, and send them some sweet prizes. Simple. Full conditions can be found in the Mognet voting thread.
But how about making an informed decision? Here’s some things to consider before you cast your vote:
But what do you think? Is history destined to repeat with FFXV dropping off the radar again, or are Square Enix going to come out swinging?
- In February, FF production boss Shinji Hashimoto took to the stage at PS4′s Japanese launch to ask fans to “wait a little longer” for FFXV information, telling them they’d have more to share ‘soon’ – but how soon?
- In an April issue of Famitsu, Hashimoto appeared again to again reiterate that fans should wait while the company prepares a showing for the game that can meet fan expectations.
- In a recently-translated interview from last year, FFXV co-director Tabata said the game was at “an important phase,” suggesting development was finally moving along properly.
- It can’t be that far along, though, as Square Enix nixed leaked 2014 dating for both FFXV and Kingdom Hearts III back in January.
- However, just a few weeks ago, Hashimoto appeared at a convention Taiwan – as reported by Mognet Central user BoN, who was on the scene – and showed a little bit of all-new footage of FFXV at the modestly-sized event. Could this be an indication of things to come?
- Meanwhile, in terms of speculation, Mognet user Starlord is doing some math and believes he’s right in saying that 2015 will be FF15′s release year. If he’s correct, that makes this year the last-but-one E3 it can make an appearance at – and FF13 appeared consistently at E3 in the last few years before its 2010 release.
Head on over to Mognet and drop your thoughts into the thread, or if forums aren’t your bag (but we really hope you’ll join us on Mognet), discuss it competition-free in the comments? Just a few weeks to go – will we get more FFXV information? Nova Crystallis and its sister sites RPG Site and Save/Continue will be on the ground at the show to cover anything that is there, of course – so stick with us.
سوراخ که نه.... black hole ی که دوستان درست کردن لاینآپ PS4 رو نابود کرد + 50 نفر از SMS شوت شدن بیرون + 100 میلیون $ به سونی ضرر خورد و این داستان همچینان ادامه دارد.یکی از مدیران GAF میگه IP جدید Stig که تحت نام Darksider یا یه همچین چیزی بوده، قرار بوده امسال (پاییز) عرضه بشه. به خاطر همینه که الان که یه سوراخ بزرگ تو تقویم برای 2014 وجود داره!ساخت بازی بعد از GOW III شروع شده و در نهایتم دیدیم که کنسل شد.
ما که آخرش هم نفهمیدیم اینا دردشون چی بود! بازی بعد از GoW III در دست ساخت بوده. یعنی چند ماه هم که استراحت کرده باشن، دیگه باید اواسط 2010 شروع به کار کرده باشن. تا 2014 هم حدود 3.5 سال طول میکشه و این همه وقت و هزینه صرف ساخت بازی شده. الآن که شایعه شده قرار بوده پاییز امسال هم بیاد!! یعنی واقعاً توی این همه مدت بازی در حدی آماده نشده بوده که جمع و جورش کنن و منتشرش کنن؟! در این حد افتضاح بوده که بعد از چند سال این طوری ترکوندنش؟!یکی از مدیران GAF میگه IP جدید Stig که تحت نام Darksider یا یه همچین چیزی بوده، قرار بوده امسال (پاییز) عرضه بشه. به خاطر همینه که الان که یه سوراخ بزرگ تو تقویم برای 2014 وجود داره!ساخت بازی بعد از GOW III شروع شده و در نهایتم دیدیم که کنسل شد.