
کجا دیجیتال فاندری چنین ادعای کرده ؟
Normal Mode: The standard way to play Devil May Cry on both PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X systems is to use the normal mode, which operates with native resolution rendering at full HD - 3840x2160. It's an impressive boost over PS4 Pro, which used image reconstruction techniques to hit 1800p, with Xbox One X also using reconstruction to target 4K. Gameplay on the new systems is mostly at 60fps or higher, but there can be drops below - and cutscenes are especially impacted. In normal mode, Xbox Series X is consistently faster than PlayStation 5 but only in single digit percentage terms - around eight per cent
8 درصد برتری سری x
High Frame-Rate Mode: This mode retains a 3840x2160 target resolution, but achieves it using image reconstruction techniques - effectively smart upscaling from a smaller native resolution. In fairness, Capcom's solution here is excellent and the increase to frame-rate is substantial. Across a range of content tested in this mode, both consoles delivered a 100fps average. However, the average does not tell the real story. Xbox retains an advantage in cutscenes and in some gameplay content, but again, the boost is typically small. Meanwhile, in many of the gameplay areas we tested, PS5 is significantly faster and more consistent that Series X overall. It's conjecture on our part, but there is the sense that there's a graphics API bottleneck here that impacts performance on the Xbox side in some scenarios, while PS5 simply powers on
برتری مطلق با PS5 بعضی صحنه ها تا 50 فریم
Ray Tracing Performance Mode: This runs at native 1080p on both platforms, with full ray traced reflections plus frustrum-aligned voxel fog, which transforms the lighting. Broadly speaking, dropping resolution allows RT to run at similar frame-rates to the normal mode, albeit with a big resolution penalty. In matched like-for-like content such as cutscenes, Xbox Series X enjoys a very small performance advantage - but this seems to be even lower than it was in the normal mode. And again, perhaps it's down to the dynamic nature of gameplay where like-for-like, pixel-for-pixel matched content is not possible, but there do seem to be some areas where PlayStation 5 enjoys its own tiny lead. The overall takeaway here is that both systems are essentially like-for-like.
نمی شه گفت برتری با کدوم و تقریبا مساوی
Ray Tracing Quality Mode: This ramps resolution back up to 3840x2160, but it's using the same image reconstruction technique used in the high frame-rate mode in order to boost performance. The impact of RT is pretty large, however, and much of the experience plays out beneath 60 frames per second. On paper, Xbox has a lead - but it is vanishingly small - and in matched like-for-like content, PS5 actually manages to match Xbox performance for much of the duration, while in other scenes it's just 2-3fps behind. However, while difficult to pinpoint exactly owing to the lack of exact like-for-like gameplay, Xbox's gameplay performance advantage seems to open up here.
تقریبا مساوی 2 یا 3 فریم اختلاف برتری سری X
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