دوستان من مشکل سیو در بازی دارم یعنی بازی سیو میشه ولی لود نمیشه داخل صفحه لودینگ هم که میرم نه کاراکتری وجود داره نه سیوی ! با کوئیک سیو هم مشکلم حل نیمشه ! توی انجمنهای خارجی که یه چرخی زدم دیدم بعضیها مشکل مشابه من داشتن و با این روش مشکلشون حل شده البته انگلیسیم بد نیست ولی نمیدونم چرا منظورشو نفهمیدم !
Attic Lion wrote...
I was actually refering to KevSteele's post just a little ways down the page. It seems that when your My Documents directs to a root drive instead of a directory within the drive that ME can't create certain folders within the \\\\Bioware\\Mass Effect dirctory. Notably the Profile folder and the ones it creates for new characters. It still creates the game saves, they just get stored aimlessly under \\\\\\\\Mass Effect 2\\\\\\\\Save instead of under the \\\\[char name]_XX_[profession name]_XXXXXX folder they're supposed to go to. So the game can't associate any of your saves with a given character.
Here's what I did step-by-step.
1. Created a folder named "My Documents" under C: (I'm personally using XP, I believe for Vista you would need to name it just "Documents" and I don't know about Windows 7)
2. Redirected the "My Documents" link under the start button to the new directory. Without moving any of the old files over.
3. Started ME, logged into the EA network, and started the game.
4. As soon as all those bloody unskipable cut scenes were over, saved the game.
5. Redirected "My Documents" back to its orignal position, again without moving anything.
6. Copied and pasted the C:\\\\\\\\My Documents\\\\\\\\Bioware\\\\\\\\Mass Effect 2 folder whole cloth into the \\\\\\\\Bioware folder I had in my original My Docs drive.
I suspect that if I ever want to make another new character I'll have to do the whole dance over again.