اینا چیزایی هست که بچه های GTPlanet گفتن. راست و دروغش پای خودشون ! بعضی وقتا جوگیر میشن الکی هرچی به ذهنشون میرسه مینویسن
Size: 301 Mb
Arcade car order swapped
Blue tick in both dealerships on purchased cars
Car ballast adjustment
Controller steering sensitivity in driving options
Corner camber in course maker
Fully adjustable gear ratios
Multi-screen option
Multi select (car garage, photo album, replay theatre)
Performance point system
Restart race confirmation
Engine power limiter (50%-100%)
Car already owned are marked in UCD
Indy back to 97500 cr. But XP up! For all off line races?
change your tyres from the settings menu
new Bonus Races in the Seasonals
Type of race has been added to online setting: Race for fun, Race for real, Drift, Free run, Race type has been added to online ****** results as well
30 cars in online dealership
options now for multi Monitors
Remote Race just below the lounge icon in GT Community
New paddock animation on lead-in to the game
All cars online available
TCS is now adjustable again during race
Restarts race confirmation
Own made tracks on-line available
New tracks in Seasonal
Can turn fuel depletion and tyre wear off in an online race
You can schedule races to start at set times
The pop up message when you first start up the game is gone
u can race online ur b specs drivers against the B spec drivers of ur friends
menu is now a lot faster
TV camera when entering pits
You can choose different tires for front and rear
change what car your watching in the replays without going to black screen
AI little smarter?
U can use the online-cars of your friend
BOB’s more agressive
Sound improved
You can also now share Bob's with friends
Old tracks made by yourself are converted to new standard
Vettel challenge bronze target time increased
چند نفر هم گفتن سایه ها بهتر شده. Replay هم در بخش دو نفره وجود داره. توی عکسهای Photo Mode (و فکر میکنم Replay) میشه با زدن دکمه مثلث زوم کرد.
مثل اینکه توی Seasonal Events هم مسیرهای کاملآ جدید دیده میشه. مسیرهایی که با Course Maker ساخته شده ! بالاخره PD فهمید میتونه از اینا هم استفاده کنه

چیزای جدیدتر فهمیدم اطلاع میدم !