God Of War 2


کاربر سایت
Nov 27, 2006
High Definition Mode
This code is entered any time before the "Sony Computer Entertainment Presents" screen. The letters on that screen will turn purple if done correctly.
Cheat Effect
L1, L2, L3, Circle and Square simultaneously High Definition Mode


کاربر سایت
Nov 27, 2006
a. Urn of Gaia - this urn is found on the first level of the game, The
Rhodes. In the puzzle room with a button on one side
of the door, then the door, and finally a button on
the other side of the door. Within that room, there's
a block underneath a statue bird. Break the bird and
push the block to the button so Kratos is facing and
standing on the button; and the block is between you
and the door. Once the button is pushed down, the
door should be open. Charge up your kick so Kratos can
kick the block into the next room. From there, make
sure the door is open all of the way and evade underneath
the door using the right analog stick. Kratos should
do a roll. Now at this point, push the block to the
furthest point to the right. Now, simply jump atop the
block and jump onto the ledge with three chests. Grab
your well-earned treasures.

b. Urn of Gorgons - Once you recieve the Golden Fleece from the cerebus
outside of Eurayles Temple. Backtrack to the conveyor
belt right after the giant spinning wheel. On the conveyor,
there are stoning gazes coming out of the wall. (The
gaze that turns you to stone.) Use your Golden Fleece
on all of the gazes to break the wall revealing
treasures. Including the Urn of Gorgons.

c. Urn of Olympus - After you obtain the Spear of Destiny, grab the
Statue of Fate (time slowing); and push it down the
stairs. From there, push it to the edge of the water
from the pathway you came. After you've done that,
get to the other side of the path by running and
swimming through the water. Once you are on the other
side, slow time (L1 + R1), but make sure you're in a
straight line from the statue so you can activate
the slowing of the time. Once the time is slowed,
hurry up and backtrack to the large button floor,
cross the water that is in the way by grappling it
using R1. Once you are to the button floor, head
through the door and gather your treasures, of that
including the Urn of Olympus.

d. Urn of Prometheus - When in Atlas, after the room with the flaming
minotaur. You should be inside a room with a bunch
of hornets. To begin with, attack and destroy the nests
first, then take care of the hornets. From there,
Spread your Icarus Wings above the vent allowing you to
reach the wall. Destroy the first spike that comes down
when you're on the ceiling. (This one isn't actually
blocking your way.) Anyways, destroy it and head into the
hole to obtain your well-earned red orbs and your
newly gained Urn of Prometheus.

e. Urn of Fates - Unlock Challenge of the Titans by beating the game
on any difficulty, then from there, beat CotT with
a ranking of Mortal or better to recieve the Urn of Fates.

f. Urn of Poseidon - Unlock Challenge of the Titans by beating the game
on any difficulty, then from there, beat CotT with
a ranking of Spartan or better to recieve the Urn
of Poseid


کاربر سایت
Nov 27, 2006
این ارن در مرحله اول بازی پيدا ميشه
داخل اطاق پازل با يه دوکمه در يک قسمت در و سپس دری ديگر و در آخر يه دکمه در قسمته ديگره در.
در آن اطاق يه مجسمه پرنده هست
پرنده را بشکونيد سپس ببرينش جايی که 3 تا باکس بالاش هست
اولين اورن رو اونجا ميبينيد


کاربر سایت
Apr 21, 2006
یه نفر فارسی توضیح بده چه جوری hd mode فعال میشه:eek:
ببین این کد رو L1, L2, L3 ( Pull it Down), Circle and Square قبل از اینکه صفحه Sony Computer Entertainment خود بازی نه کنسول! Load بشه به صورت پشت سر هم و سریع وارد کن بعد اگه درست زده باشی همون صفحه SCEA صورتی میشه..و این مدل بیشتر روی TV های HD گرافیک و شفافیتش معلومه نه TV معمولی...Have Fun

Naughty Kitty

کاربر سایت
Jul 27, 2006
سلام! بچه ها تو رو خدا کمک کنید! :((
دیروز این همه راه رفتم ولیعصر ؛ که از "وست گیم" نسخه کامل بازی رو بگیرم ، با اون همه ذوق و شوق رفتم تو گفت: تموم کردیم!!!!!! :((
حالا میشه بگید از کجا می تونم نسخه کاملشو پیدا کنم؟؟؟؟ :(


کاربر سایت
Feb 12, 2007
سلام! بچه ها تو رو خدا کمک کنید! :((
دیروز این همه راه رفتم ولیعصر ؛ که از "وست گیم" نسخه کامل بازی رو بگیرم ، با اون همه ذوق و شوق رفتم تو گفت: تموم کردیم!!!!!! :((
حالا میشه بگید از کجا می تونم نسخه کاملشو پیدا کنم؟؟؟؟ :(

من از اریاشهر گرفتم 1000 تومن کامل اگه خواستی ادرس کامل رو میدم


کاربر سایت
Nov 27, 2006
Urn of Gorgons
وقتی که fleeceرو گرفتين
برگردين به اونجا يی که از 3 جا نور سبز ميومد که آدمو سنگ می کرد
اون ديوار ها رو بشکونيد پشته وسطی دومين اورن قرار دارد

کاربرانی که این قسمت را مشاهده می‌کنند

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
or ثبت‌نام سریع از طریق سرویس‌های زیر