Gears Of War For Pc

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باید بگم که من GRAW 2 را به راحتی با 6200 بازی کردم
میگی که رو 360 30 فریم بیشتر نمیده ولی من با 8500gt تونستم 35 فریم بگیرم

شما چطور بازي كه هنوز نيمده تونستين 35 فريم بگيريد . gears of war مگه براي pc اومده كه شما 35 فريم گرفتين !!!!!!
اينجا تاپيك gears oa war هست نه چيز ديگه .
شما چطور بازي كه هنوز نيمده تونستين 35 فريم بگيريد . gears of war مگه براي pc اومده كه شما 35 فريم گرفتين !!!!!!
اينجا تاپيك gears oa war هست نه چيز ديگه .

یه چیزی را میدونی ***خیلی باهوشی***
اگه چند تا پست قبل را نگاه کنی میبینی که من lost planer را میگم
هي بكس . خدايي توجه كردين توي هر تاپيكي ميريم حداقل يكي دوتا دعوا هست ؟
اونم سر بحث هاي خاله زنكي كه به نظرم مال حموم زنونه است نه بازيسنتر.
تمومش كنين ديگه .

من اينجا شاخ شدم مي خوام امروز يعني البته امشب تم مربوط به GoW رو بزارم .
ملت بريزين اينجا بردارين . تم مفتي ميدن :biggrin1: . راستي هر كي بر مي داره برا سلامتي اريكسون و اريكسون بازاش صلوات . of war

در مورد بازي هم بگم كه من يكي بي صبرانه منتظر اومدنشم . با اون گرافيكي كه داشت من هم بعيد مي دونم بازي dx10 ساپورت نكنه . تازه اگه اشتباه نكنم توي كليك نوشته بود گرافيك نسخه ي PC از نسخه ي X360 بالاتره .
ماكه بيش از اين نمي دونيم . الله اعلم . :biggrin1:/:)
توپیک لاست پلانت کدوم وره؟ دوستان میبینم که شما اینجا بحث لاست پلانت میکنین میخواستم بدونم نسخه ی پی سی اضافاتی نسبت به نسخه ی 360 داره؟ چون من تو ویکیپدیا خوانده بودم که میتونی با فرانک وست و مگامن بازی کنی همچنین میتونی تمام کات اسکین های بازی رو از اول تا آخر ببینی .من خودم بازی رو تموم کردم اما همچین چیزی ندیدم.
خدا كنه كه منحصرا مال dx10 نباشه كه من يكي خداييش پولش رو ندارم برم سيستم بخرم . dx10 رو ديگه كجاي دلم بزارمش ؟

حالا يه خبر جديد دارم . فيلم gears of war قراره سال 2008 بياد . شركت new line cinema حقوقش رو خريده . (اگه خبر قديميه ببخشيد ديگه)
هر كار كردم سايت imdb نذاشت اطلاعات زيادي درباره ي فيلم كسب كنم . منجمله نام بازيگر اصلي رو .
ولي اينا رو تونستم از سايت new line cinema كش برم .

New Line Cinema Acquires Feature Film Rights to Award-Winning Video Game Gears of War
Stuart Beattie (Pirates Of The Caribbean) Tapped To Pen Film Adaptation Of The Popular Video Game
LOS ANGELES (March 22, 2007) – New Line Cinema has acquired the feature film rights to Epic Games’ award-winning video game, Gears of War, with writer Stuart Beattie attached to adapt the project and Temple Hill Entertainment set to produce. The announcement was made jointly today by New Line Production President Toby Emmerich and Epic Games’ VP and co-founder Mark Rein.
Since its debut in November 2006, Gears of War has broken sales records on the Microsoft Xbox 360, selling more than 3 million copies worldwide, and has received numerous awards including Gamespot’s “Game of the Year” and the Interactive Achievement Awards’ “Overall Game of the Year.” The game thrusts players into humankind’s epic battle for survival against the Locust Horde, a nightmarish race of creatures that surface from the bowels of the planet. The story unfolds as a ragtag group of soldiers use every last ounce of strength to survive the onslaught from the forces of evil, which begins on the historic Emergence Day.
Beattie previously penned Collateral, and is credited with the screen story for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. He has also written the screenplay for the upcoming Tom Clancy thriller 30 Days of Night and 3:10 To Yuma, a film staring Russell Crowe and Christian Bale. Cliff Bleszinski the lead game designer for “Gears of Wars” worked in conjunction with Beattie to define a treatment for the film, which will target existing fans of the video game and captivate a whole new audience. Bleszinski will executive produce the film on behalf of Epic Games.
Gears of War is being produced by Marty Bowen and Wyck Godfrey (iRobot, Daddy Day Care) through their Temple Hill Entertainment production company. The project is being overseen for New Line by production executives Cale Boyter and Jeff Katz.
Creative Artists Agency represents Beattie, Bleszinski, and Epic Games. Beattie is also represented by Joan Vento-Hall of the Law Offices of Joan Vento-Hall.
Epic Games, Inc., based in Cary, NC and established in 1991, develops cutting-edge games and game engine technology for PC and console. The company has created multiple million-selling, award-winning titles in their Unreal® series and their latest game, Gears of War®,broke sales records on Xbox 360 selling more than 3 million copies worldwide in the first ten weeks and awarded overall Game of the Year for 2006 by the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences, Game Developers Choice Awards, Gamespot, Gamepro and many others. Epic is also responsible for the Unreal Engine, which is the underlying technology for a wide range of games including, Console Game of the Year winner, “Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell TM” by Ubi Soft; PC Gamer’s Game of the Year, “Deus Ex” from Ion Storm/Eidos; “America’s Army: Special Forces,” by the United States Army, and “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” (PC) by Electronic Arts. Epic’s Unreal Engine 3 is the current holder, and three-time consecutive winner, of Game Developer magazine’s Front Line award for Best Game Engine. Epic Games was also awarded Studio of the Year at the 2006 Spike TV Video Game Awards and Developer of the Year by Official Xbox Magazine. Additional information about Epic can be obtained through Epic’s Web site at
About New Line Cinema Corporation:
Celebrating its 40th anniversary year, New Line Cinema is the most successful independent film company in the world. Its mission is to produce innovative, popular and profitable entertainment in the best creative environment. In addition to the production, marketing and distribution of theatrical motion pictures, the fully-integrated studio has divisions devoted to home entertainment, television, music, theater, merchandising and an international unit. In 2005, New Line partnered with HBO to form Picturehouse, a new theatrical distribution company to release independent films. A pioneer in franchise filmmaking, New Line’s Oscar-winning The Lord of the Rings trilogy is one of the most successful film franchises in history. New Line is a division of Time Warner, Inc. (TWX).

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