Free Discussion About Games

You have a point , but that's like comparing apple to orange.They both have different characters and different abilities

I prefer thomas too. He was a nice guy and a family man, besides his face was like christian bale's who is one of my favorite actors! :biggrin1: i always choose thomas in every chapter, but in some chapters of the game, we are forced to play with a certain character and i hate those levels! :biggrin1:
The last word is: THOMAS RUX! :love:
i agree waht you said about new's true that it's made because of the movie but this game is not like every game made for movies like robinhood and xmen and avatar
do you know what i mean?
i believe that styles of the enemy have become too bad and we cannot expect a game like ww
but even t2t and pop:2008 werenot as bad as what some friends say.
there were something in new prince (2008) that made me fell it's really a good game.
and ubisoft is a great company and wont make its important game bad.
Thats the reason that I stopped playing games recently
. im 17 and I have important exams to take in june
and I was really addicted to BFBC 2
but now I stopped playing games for 2 months
and I havent played many great games that came recently like GOW3
but I dont regret it because I have more important goals to achieve
and thats the reason that I could stop playing games easily .
and i can't find any other way to waste my time D
i'm sure you didnt looked for
cause there are thousands of ways out there
Gaming doesn't need a reason
oh you're jokin right?!
everything you do needs a reason
Gaming was sort of a ritual for me, and it eased me. Now that I gave up playing, I can see what I've lost.
everyone will find that out one day
and the sooner the better
And you are all idiots :P
what the...?!
آخرین ویرایش:
dont get me wrong pals ! i didnt say dont play games at all . i just said dont spend immense amount of time on it . playing games as the friend above said can make you forget about the annoying happengs of your life .

lets focus on recent anouncements :

the other day pes 2011 was anounced and konami promised drastic changes in this series and ..... blah blah !!!
you know what they say konami : '' once bitten twice shy'' you cant fool us yet again . shame on you konami . i used to be a huge fan of we and pes series but this year i gave up hope of playing a decent pes game again . ofcourse ive got to confess that pes 2010 was better than its previous version . but its like comparing an appaling and disastrous game with a lesser evil !

by the way they have promised to have atleast 1000 new animations in 2011 version ! last year it was about 300 new animations which honestly coulnt easily be recognized !!!

. after a loooooong time new screenshots of the carmacks project ''rage'' was released . dont get too excited coz there werent more than 4 of them . and if you are in the habit of scrutinzing the screenshots of games , you are going to get dissappointed by some of its low res textures . i hope you wont consider it nitpicking coz we as gamers expect john's games to be the best looking games ever .never mind . you can resort to dreaming about its gameplay till the year 2011( yeah you read right we have to wait another year ) , if you have found the graphics not up to scratch ( satisfying ).

. and this week alan wake is going to be released . every body s looking forward to this game since the devolopers behind it are the same guys who produced maxpayne1,2 . everything is going smoothly for alan wake to become a big hit as its receiving positive reviews from the dedicated videogame websites , except for one review from eurogamers which gave this game the score of 7 !!! as a matter of fact i didnt even take a perfunctory glance at the reviews context coz i didnt want to get a negative impression of alan wake . maybe after purchasing a xbox 360 and playing that game i will deign to read it !!!

. and finaly some new screenshots of gears of war 3 scaned from a non-english magazine , emerged on web showing some new enemies and new environments ..... . again we should wait for a '' better , bigger and more badass '' (as clif said ) gow .

its your turn guys .....

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