Fable Legends

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در مراسم GC سال 2013 یک عنوان تاپ دیگر برای XBOX ONE معرفی شد.

این عنوان نسخه جدیدی از Fable است که به نام Fable Legends معرفی شد

بازی دارای coop چهار نفره و بخش آنلاین هست و همچنین از اسمارت گلاس نیز پشتیبانی می کند.

آخرین ویرایش:
قبلا LionHead گفته بود بتای بازی آخر 2014 فعال میشه . پس احتمالش هست که خود بازی اوایل 2015 عرضه بشه و با توجه به علاقه ی لاین هد به Feb ، احتمالا بازی این ماه میاد . . . و این هم یعنی رویارویی فرضی با The Witcher 3 !
اگه این Crap as service و اینارو بردارن, ویچر جلوی این بازی پشمک هم نیست:d
Dynamic Global Illumination in Fable Legends

بدون Dynamic GGI:

با Dynamic GI:

جالبه که خود اپیک نتونسته بود قابلیت Dynamic Global Illumination به UE4 اضافه کنه! اون تکنیک SVOGI که خود Epic ساخته بود برای Dynamic GI و پارسال نشونش داد رو هم بیخیالش شده بودن چون بشدت سنگین بوده از لحاظ پردازشی.
این قابلیت رو Epic به UE4 اضافه کرده.

ی سری عکس جدید ی دشمن جدید را معرفی می کنه Redcaps در صورتی میشه کشتون که کلااز سرشون بی افته به گفته سازنده بازی

توضیحات دربارهی این دشمن :

One of the stranger and less imaginatively named creatures of the forest, redcaps are easily recognised by their well . . . by their red caps. Should they lose their crimson hats, or the cap lose its colour, then a redcap will die*. This threat renders this branch of forest fey both aggressive and highly wary of rain. Finding this limitation to their lifespans to be less than helpful, redcaps have taken to hammering nails into their own heads, thus securing their cap and preventing it from drying out. Fear of sudden death (added to having nails in their heads) has made redcaps a fairly psychotic bunch, prone to fits of violence and villainy.

From the halberd-armed foot soldier and catapult-toting skullchucks, to their will-using shamans, redcaps are a common sight in Rosewood and represent a real danger to the unwary traveller. Indeed fear of Redcaps is so rife, that it’s been known for travellers to meet a misfortunate end simply by wandering into a nervous village wearing the same coloured headgear.

*Of course, Heroes should note that hitting a redcap with a big pointy sword, or a crossbow bolt will do the job just as efficiently.

گرافیک همچین جالب نمی زنه، شاید مثل تصویر پایینی pre-Alpha باشه؟! :-/

ی سری عکس جدید ی دشمن جدید را معرفی می کنه Redcaps در صورتی میشه کشتون که کلااز سرشون بی افته به گفته سازنده بازی

طراحی هنری باری و گرافیک بازی بنظر عالی میرسه!
اما آبجکت خیلی دندونه دار و زخمت بنظر میرسن ک حسابی باید پولیش بخوره ک تا تاریخ عرضه نگرانی هم نداره :)
دوستان يه سوال.
بازى فقط انلاينه؟؟؟مد افلاين نداره؟؟؟

Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using Tapatalk
هنوز خود کارگردان بازی هم نمی دونه که بازی همیشه آنلاینه یا نه :))
کجا خوندی ؟:دی اگه ندونه میشه یکم امیدوار بود که بشه افلاین بازی کرد :دی

یکی از بهترین خبر های E3 می تونه باشه! :bighug:
اسی همین جا خوندی دیگه، نه ؟! :d
News: Is Fable Legends always-online? "I don't know," says game director - Total Xbox.com

"I don't know the answer to that," Eckelberry confessed to us in a Gamescom interview, but added: "The fact that we want to do a lot of things, a lot of systems on a servers, characters on a server...If it's online we can monitor you and make sure you don't edit your character file, or do something nasty there.
"Because if you're playing single player, all your accomplishments in the game are going to eventually matter if you're playing against a villain player, or alongside other heroes," he went on. "If you've somehow cheated your way to victory - so that's a concern for us.
"If you're somehow cheating, online is a way for us to track it, because your performance can be measured in the Xbox Live cloud."
How Fable Legends uses Xbox One's graphics power - new screenshots

The blog explores the developer's decision to make use of fully dynamic lighting in Legends. "We think this is important for a number of reasons," it begins. "It allows dynamic time of day, which adds variation to our world; it massively improves iteration times for artists; and it supports dynamic objects both reflecting and receiving light.

"Dynamic GI can also give higher quality results than baked lighting in some cases, for example, reflections, where lighting needs to take into account the view position."

به نظر میرسه نور پردازی بازی خیلی خوب باشه [خدا به دادمون برسه QB دیگه چی میخواد بشه]


LPV Reflections on Metallic Spheres, Roughness from 0 to 1 (left to right)

Metallic and non-metallic reflections, with Roughness 0.3 and 0.5 respectively

Emissive material light injection (no light required!). Note: Epic’s SSR is also enabled

Sky Light Injection with Directional Occlusion

Source : News: How Fable Legends uses Xbox One's graphics power - new screenshots - Total Xbox.com
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