Dragon Age : Inquisition | PC [پست اول خوانده شود]

سومین شماره از عنوان CRPG استدیوی Bioware یعنی Dragon Age در اکتبر ماه پارسال به طور رسمی توسط Mark Darrah به نام Inquisition معرفی شد.
بازی تایید شده است که از انجین Frostbite 3 استفاده میکند و سازندگان بازی ابراز رضایت کامل در استفاده از این انجین کرده اند.
همچنین طبق شایعات بازی برای کنسولهای نسل بعدی نیز آماده می شود.
داستان بازی به طور کامل مشخص نیست پیرامون چه موضوعی اتفاق می افتد اما با توجه به نام بازی داستان به احتمال بسیار زیاد ادامه در گیریهای Mageها و Chantry است.
نام Inquisition در بازی به گروهی بسیار قدیمی اطلاق می شود که در زمان دور هنگام Blight اول در مقابل جادو و مرتدان به Maker ایستادگی کردند.در حال حاضر دو گروه Seekers of Truth و محفل Templar Order از Inquisition مشتق شده است.
آرت ورکهای متشر شده از بازی:

توسعه دهندهBioware
پلتفرمPC,Xbox One,PS4,PS3,X360
تصاویر بیشترتصاویر Dragon Age: Inquisition
تاریخ انتشار 2014
تاپیک امتیازات----------
پیش‌نمایش بازی----------
نقد بازی---------

بزرگترین دانشنامه Dragon Age به زبان پارسی

Minimum System Requirements
CPU: AMD quad core CPU @ 2.5 GHz, Intel quad core CPU @ 2.0 GHz
VGA: 512 MB VRAM, AMD Radeon HD 4870, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT
DX: 10
OS: Windows 7 or 8.1 64-bit
HDD: 26 GB

Recommended System Requirements
CPU:AMD six core CPU @ 3.2 GHz, Intel quad core CPU @ 3.0 GHz
VGA:3 GB VRAM, AMD Radeon HD 7870 or R9 270, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660
OS: Windows 7 or 8.1 64-bit

آخرین ویرایش:


7th Day
عضو تحریریه
Feb 2, 2013
معرفی یکی از شخصیت ها "Cole: The Spirit”:

He is a ghost in the shadows, walking unnoticed through crowds. He can slit an enemy’s throat before they even realize he’s there, and slip away, never to be seen again. Those few who do notice him soon forget he ever existed… and Cole isn’t certain that he does exist. He is a spirit, impossibly caught between the immaterial realm of the Fade and the confusing realities of our physical world, but does that make him real? Does it make him human or a demonic pretender, as some believe

All Cole knows for certain is that the world is full of pain and he must find his place within it. Those who wish to restore order and help the helpless will find him a strange but unwavering ally. Those who use their power for selfish reasons may never see Cole again—if they remember that he was there to begin with

هنوز مشخص نیست که Cole یکی از افراد Party هست یا نه ولی به احتمال زیاد خودی ـه! :d


کاربر سایت
Feb 27, 2014



Vae Victus
کاربر سایت
Aug 23, 2010
یه سری اطلاعات جدید از Leliana منتشر شده:


She has many names. Most know her as "Sister Nightingale” or “the Left Hand of the Divine.” To the rare friend, she is Leliana. They say she found faith amid darkness, and that her devotion to the Maker is matched only by her devotion to Divine Justinia V, a woman who is both mentor and savior. Those who have earned her loyalty know her as a steadfast ally. But enemies of the Divine know to fear her, for she is the shadow behind the Sunburst Throne—the one who watches and waits, who strikes when her mark is most vulnerable and least suspecting.

Dragon Age Inquisition


کاربر سایت
Jul 26, 2012
یه سری اطلاعات جدید از Leliana منتشر شده:


Dragon Age Inquisition
واقعا با دیدن این تصویر از چهره لیلیانا از کل چهره پردازی شخصیت های بازی ناامید شدم...
تنها چهره درست حسابی ای که نشون داده بودن(تازه اونم تو تریلر)همین لیلیانا بود که اونم این بلا رو سرش اوردن...
آخه یکی نیست بهشون بگه تو رو خدا این لب و دهن چیه واسه این درست کردین...!!!صورتی کمرنگ...!!!:-<
امیدوارم از 2 بدتر نشه فقط...


7th Day
عضو تحریریه
Feb 2, 2013
واقعا با دیدن این تصویر از چهره لیلیانا از کل چهره پردازی شخصیت های بازی ناامید شدم...
تنها چهره درست حسابی ای که نشون داده بودن(تازه اونم تو تریلر)همین لیلیانا بود که اونم این بلا رو سرش اوردن...
آخه یکی نیست بهشون بگه تو رو خدا این لب و دهن چیه واسه این درست کردین...!!!صورتی کمرنگ...!!!:-<
امیدوارم از 2 بدتر نشه فقط...

تو این عکس بد افتاده...! :-"



کاربر سایت
Jul 26, 2012
تو این عکس بد افتاده...! :-"


اون عکس سمت چپی که گذاشتی که ماله تریلر بازیه...تریلر مهم نیست خیلی مهم تو خود بازیه...گرچه تو اون دو تا سمت راستی خیلی بهتره...امیدوارم هر چی هست او عکسی که نقل قول کردم نباشه...بایوور بازی رو با این شخصیت های درب و داغونی که درست کرده نبره تو باقالیا هنر کرده...

Safety & Peace

ارباب مطلق سوزوران
کاربر سایت
Sep 4, 2011
تونی آلمِیدا
یه گیم پلی از بازی اومده (16 دقیقه) و نکاتی که میشه ازش برداشت کرد به این صورته:

1- محیط نشون داده شده توی تریلر شباهت غیر قابل انکاری به محیط های جنگلی اسکایریم داره ولی به لطف موتور گرافیکی FB3، به مراتب گرافیک بهتری رو شاهد هستیم. شاید بعد از اسکایریم، با یه بازی دیگه با محیط کاملا پویا و زنده روبرو باشیم.
2- نور پردازی فوق العاده هست. دورنماها به بهترین نحو ممکن کار شدن و همچنین وسعت نقشه به مراتب خیلی بزرگ تر شده. به طور کلی در حیطه گرافیکی بازی در بهترین حالت خودش قرار داره.
3- مثل اسکایریم، جونورای مختلفی توی جنگل پرسه میزنن ولی چیزی در رابطه با شکار کردنشون نشون داده نشد.
4- قابلیت پریدن به بازی اضافه شده.
5- شما هر موقع خواستین میتونید با سوت زدن، اسب خودتون رو صدا بزنید و مسیر رو سواره طی کنید.
6- گیم پلی دستخوش تغییرات زیادی بوده که در راسش نبود حالت تکتیکالی نسخه اول هست که میتونه نکته منفی حساب بشه. بازی شدیدا شبیه به بازی های HnS شده، ضربات سرعتی و با فشردن هر دکمه به دشمن وارد میشه (مثل Witcher 2)
7- قابلیت آهسته کردن زمان برای یکی از شخصیت ها وجود داره.
8- سوییچ کردن بین شخصیت ها به سرعت انجام میشه و همانند نسخه های قبلی میتونید وسط مبارزه بازی رو استاپ کنید و به تحلیل موقعیت بپردازید.
9- اژدهایان با قدرت تمام در این نسخه حضور دارن و مبارزه باهاشون از تنوع بهتر و بیشتری برخوردار هست.
10- قابلیت ساخت یا به اصطلاح Craft کردن همچنان در این نسخه حضور داره.
آخرین ویرایش:


7th Day
عضو تحریریه
Feb 2, 2013
تریلر خیلی خوب بود! :d
دوستمون Safety & Peace بالا توضیحات لازم در مورد تریلر رو داد... فکر کنم حالا لازمه برای TW3 نگران بشیم! :)):d
یه سری اطلاعات تکمیلی:

Character creation

-Described as "really in depth"
-You'll create your Inquisitor before the big opening cut-scene
-Can change inner and outer iris colors*
-Can have scars*
-Qunari horns are customisable
-Male Qunari player model will be smaller than Iron Bull (party member) model
-There are "a lot" of lip options
-There are no 'body type' choices
-Your Inquisitor will also be referred to by his or her surname. (Not clear if the surname will be set and voiced like Shepard in Mass Effect.)
-Your background depends on your race/class choice. No dwarven mages


-Follower's armour will change colour as you equip new gear. Dyes are "still being looked at" for them
-"You can use different materials to change how items look and the stats of the items, enchant them, make potions etc," wrote Lee
-"Find the template of the new armour you want to look like, then make it from materials which give it the look and stats you want. You wouldn't modify the original armour," added Lee
-Qunari don't wear helmets - they have a different head slot
-Mage Inquisitors can wear heavy armour as Knight Enchanter by crafting it and then summoning weapons
-Level-cap is 25-30
-There are three specialisations for each class, and specialisations can affect moments in the story
-Specialisations (filled out by Wiki): Knight Enchanter, Necromancer, Rift Mage (Mage); Artificer, Assassin, Tempest (Rogue); Champion, Reaver, Templar (Warrior)


-There will be colour-coded loot according to rarity
-Mounts will be earned through quests


-You can hug "some" of them
-"Major characters all track something similar to approval, but the system has changed to put more focus on what you are doing and what you say instead of grinding by constantly giving them gifts. Each follower does have their own set of goals they want to achieve and if you help them, they will appreciate it. And if you piss them off, they might just leave," wrote Laidlaw
-It matters "a lot" who you take with you on quests
-Solas' voice is Welsh
-No Mabari (dog) companion
-No Shale. "Maybe later. No current plans," wrote Darrah

Voice actors

-There's a British and American option for both the male and female Inquisitors, it sounds like
-The male Inquisitor can be voiced by Harry Hadden-Paton (British) or Jon Curry (American)
-Jon Curry voiced Zevran, a character who won't be in Inquisition (but not for that reason)
-Harry Hadden-Paton is less well known
-The female Inquisitor can be voiced by Alix Wilton Regan (British) or Sumalee Montano (American)
-Alex Wilton Regan was Mass Effect 3's Comm Specialist Samantha Traynor
-Sumalee Montano voiced the Enchantress companion in Diablo 3
-Darrah said "you may indeed see Gideon Emery again". Emery voiced Dragon Age 2 follower Fenris. His IMDB page doesn't mention Inquisition


-Eight romances
-Two have racial preferences
-"There will be romance scenes, but not necessarily just focused on ***," wrote Laidlaw
-There will be "at least one" romance option outside of the Inquisition
-One will be Lady Josephine Montilyet - AKA Scribbles - who's bi***ual


-Combat settings will range from easy to nightmare, as in previous Dragon Age games, but there is not (yet, at least) a story mode*
-Rogues can set traps
-Stealth had to fit with party combat so sneaking up on people outside of combat and backstabbing them didn't fit the bill
-No flailing with fists if you don't have a weapon
-"Having control over Fade rifts may provide some interesting possibilities in combat," wrote Lee
-You can control abilities individually
-There are "lots" of abilities and spells from previous games but a "ton" of new ones too
-"Destruction and environment plays a part in combat," wrote Lee
-"The tactical combat is more like DAO with the tactical camera (extra improved) and the real-time combat is slower with more weight behind the attacks, defence, hits etc. You can swap between these modes whenever you like and as always you can swap between party members at any time," wrote Lee
-There will be cross-class combos possible, as expected. "A lot of abilities can capitalise on states like frozen, or stunned, encouraging teamwork, yes"


-As an Inquisitor you're considered holy, to a degree
-But how the Chantry - the world's religious organisation - regards you after you walk out of a Fade rift, BioWare doesn't want to say. A major plot point?
-Also: "I think the best villains are the ones you can relate to," teased Lee.
-"You'll see a lot of Morrigan in Inquisition," added Lee
-You can 'judge' people in the world


-There's "a goodly dose" of side missions that are contextualised to make sense as something the Inquisition would be getting involved with, "to either win the hearts of people or otherwise grow the Inquisition's power", for example

Good or evil or joker?

-"The overall tone is more neutral," wrote Laidlaw, "until you hit what we call a 'reaction' hub, where you can respond more strongly, often to questions, by being pleased, stoic, angry, sad, etc."


-Allows custom plot markers
-Can choose which quest is active quest
-There's a mini-map
-You'll experience snow and rain and dust storms
-You can fast-travel but only to Inquisition camps you've set up and populated
-Your Inquisition HQ is big - much bigger than any base you've had in Dragon Age games so far


-"There will be some Red Jenny. Because I've wanted to answer 'who ARE they?' for a while now," wrote Laidlaw
-Morrigan's Witch mother/dragon Flemeth may return, but you can't visit her shack. "Yep there's a number of recurring NPCs", wrote Lee
-Female Dragon Age: Origins dwarf Dagna "does appear" at some point
-You can jump but that doesn't mean jumping puzzles*
-No flying mounts*
-No capes*


-"Plans aren't firm yet. Nothing at launch," said BioWare - answer not attributed to anyone in particular.

Dragon Age Keep

-Dragon Age Inquisition's web presence and social glue
-It will be available before launch
-It's in beta now


-"Definitely not at launch"
We will continue to explore options, but there are significant challenges," wrote Laidlaw


چیزی که از تریلر مشخص بود اینه که بازی Origins II نیست! (البته قرار هم نبود باشه!).
طرح کلی بازی تقریبا بیشتر به DA II می خوره ولی خب کلی تغییر مثبت داشته. بازم متاسفانه خبری از دوربین ایزومتریک نیست! =(( ظاهرا فقط وقتی بازی رو Pause کنیم میشه از تاکتیکال ویو استفاده کرد... :|
ولی خب نکات مثبت هم داشت. مثل وسعت محیط بازی و طراحی خوبش.
چیزی که مشخصه بعیده در حد Origins ظاهر بشه ولی خب مطمئنا از DA II خیلی خیلی بهتره! :d فکر می کنم در بهترین حالت مقایسه ی این بازی با شماره ی اول بشه یه چیز مثل Dark Souls یک و دو. منظور: احتمال این وجود داره که بازی فوق العاده بشه ولی حس شماره ی اول رو نداره... همین! :d
آخرین ویرایش:


کاربر سایت
Sep 30, 2011
آن مرد !
دوستان داستان این نسخه با نسخه های قبلی ارتباط زیادی داره ؟
میشه بدون بازی کردن قبلی ها اینو بازی کرد یا نه ؟

U n i t e d

کاربر سایت
Jun 4, 2013
دوستان داستان این نسخه با نسخه های قبلی ارتباط زیادی داره ؟
میشه بدون بازی کردن قبلی ها اینو بازی کرد یا نه ؟

برای فهمیدن کلی داستان و دنیای DA بهتره حداقل نسخه اولو که شاهکار هم هست بازی کنید! پشیمون نمیشی


Vae Victus
کاربر سایت
Aug 23, 2010
Gamingbolt اومده یه مصاحبه‌ای با creative director بازی، آقای Mike Laidlaw در مورد Skills Tree انجام داده که ایشون گفتن بیش از 200 اسکیل مختلف که خیلی‌هاشون مختص یک کلاس خاص هستند، برای بازی در نظر گرفته شدن.
There is a wide range of them. When you add together all the upgrades, all the abilities, all the passives and everything you put towards your combat to make it all better there is an excessive of 200. The player will be able to purchase them, actives of course can be mapped so people can use them and other ones that permanently take less damage from arrows from the front are passive.”
“And of course, they do divide by class, so your Warriors have a different tree from the Rogues, different trees for the Mages. In addition to that, there are specializations as well. We’ve actually doubled-down on it being “special” because you have one now and you have too choose. The specializations are more robust than they’ve been in the past, they offer few more talents and really kind of push your character in a different direction than they would otherwise.”​
“We’ve talked about some options such as the Assassins who’s a classic damage dealer, big hits, single target kind of vibe for the Rogue, great with an Archer and works well with daggers too. Then the Articifer is more of a trap-master, he is the guy who sneaks up and knows that everyone’s doomed as soon as they start walking to his direction. Letting you feel like there is a distinct play-style that you can adopt and say “oh ok, cool. This is how I am gonna pursue my class and my character and build my party.” I think is really intriguing.

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