Dragon Age : Inquisition | PC [پست اول خوانده شود]

سومین شماره از عنوان CRPG استدیوی Bioware یعنی Dragon Age در اکتبر ماه پارسال به طور رسمی توسط Mark Darrah به نام Inquisition معرفی شد.
بازی تایید شده است که از انجین Frostbite 3 استفاده میکند و سازندگان بازی ابراز رضایت کامل در استفاده از این انجین کرده اند.
همچنین طبق شایعات بازی برای کنسولهای نسل بعدی نیز آماده می شود.
داستان بازی به طور کامل مشخص نیست پیرامون چه موضوعی اتفاق می افتد اما با توجه به نام بازی داستان به احتمال بسیار زیاد ادامه در گیریهای Mageها و Chantry است.
نام Inquisition در بازی به گروهی بسیار قدیمی اطلاق می شود که در زمان دور هنگام Blight اول در مقابل جادو و مرتدان به Maker ایستادگی کردند.در حال حاضر دو گروه Seekers of Truth و محفل Templar Order از Inquisition مشتق شده است.
آرت ورکهای متشر شده از بازی:

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 500, align: center"]
[TD]توسعه دهنده[/TD]
[TD]PC,Xbox One,PS4,PS3,X360[/TD]
[TD]تصاویر بیشتر[/TD]
[TD]تصاویر Dragon Age: Inquisition[/TD]
[TD]تاریخ انتشار[/TD]
[TD] 2014[/TD]
[TD]تاپیک امتیازات[/TD]
[TD]پیش‌نمایش بازی[/TD]
[TD]نقد بازی[/TD]

بزرگترین دانشنامه Dragon Age به زبان پارسی

Minimum System Requirements
CPU: AMD quad core CPU @ 2.5 GHz, Intel quad core CPU @ 2.0 GHz
VGA: 512 MB VRAM, AMD Radeon HD 4870, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT
DX: 10
OS: Windows 7 or 8.1 64-bit
HDD: 26 GB

Recommended System Requirements
CPU:AMD six core CPU @ 3.2 GHz, Intel quad core CPU @ 3.0 GHz
VGA:3 GB VRAM, AMD Radeon HD 7870 or R9 270, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660
OS: Windows 7 or 8.1 64-bit

آخرین ویرایش:
در مورد Sera!
It’s on the streets of Orlais that the Inquisition finds Sera—or rather, she finds them.
Sera‘s an outsider, a rogue elf who senior writer Luke Kristjanson describes as a “troublemaker.” She brings to the Inquisition the perspective of the little people caught between powerful factions as the world spins out of control.
“Sera is brash and fun,” Kristjanson says. “She takes nothing seriously until it deserves to be taken seriously, and not much does. She’s only seen power from the underside, a view that gives her an almost complete lack of respect for the arrogance behind authority.”
The Inquisition is the fastest Sera's ever seen someone “in power” move. She's never had the chance to get in early and make sure those heading to the top stay humble. But there are also big questions that she needs to answer for herself—“hole in the sky” big—and the Inquisition seems like the place to do it.
“The phrase I keep going back to is ‘she's not about what's right, she's about what's right now’,” Kristjanson says. “Doing something for the ‘greater good’ makes her angry, because she thinks that's shorthand for ‘let's hurt people who don't deserve it because it's easier.’ But she's got her own reasons for helping too. Play nice with the vulnerable and you’ve always got friends, and friends are better than power.”
خب نمیدونم اصلا کسی ب این موضوعات COSPLAY علاقه‌ایداره یا نه ولی خب به هر حال "بایوور" توی آخرین پست بلاگش character guide و پرینتهای کاستوم لیدی[:دی] موریگان رو گذاشته ک افرادی ک قصد دارن cosplay موریگان رو بسازن و بپوشن [برای کانتستای بایوور یا کمیک‌کان] ازشون استفاده کنند.

اینم یه فایل PDF هست شامل "کاراکترگاید" [لباس] موریگان ک البته توی لینک منبع بصورت تفکیکی قسمتای مختلف لباس رو دقیق تر گذاشتن.

آقا مجتبی به غیر از اون تریلر هیچی از گیم پلی منتشر نشد ؟

تریلر آخر تو این پست که لقمان گذاشته!
خوب تایید شد ایشون هم همونجور که گفتم یه مجیستره به اسم Dorian!

در مورد Iron Bull

[DRAGON AGE]: What was The Iron Bull’s life like before the Inquisition?
[PATRICK WEEKES]: The Iron Bull was a Ben-Hassrath internal agent on an island controlled by his people, the Qunari, but threatened by rebels and agitators. Imagine the Dragon Age equivalent of a federal anti-terrorism unit, and you’ve got the basic idea. When things got hot, he was the one the Qunari sent to handle the situation.

[DA]: Sounds like demanding work. Although, judging by his character design, he seems up for the task.
[PW]: True, but nobody can handle a job like that forever. When The Iron Bull burned out, his superiors moved him to what most people outside the Qunari think of when they imagine the Ben-Hassrath: spy work in other countries. He was told to set up a mercenary company, take jobs from nobles, and pass information back to the Qunari.

[DA]: How does he end up with the Inquisition?
[PW]: The official reason The Iron Bull joins the Inquisition is that his Qunari superiors want to know what the Inquisition is doing. Qunari have a pretty dim view of uncontrolled magic, and a giant hole in the sky is about as uncontrolled as you can get.

[DA]: And unofficially?
[PW]: Unofficially, The Iron Bull sees demons attacking innocent people, and he wants to help. He knows the Inquisition’s agents would uncover his ties to the Ben-Hassrath, so he’s opted to save time and be completely up-front about his work. If the player can handle The Iron Bull sending reports, the Qunari agent can get the Inquisition valuable information in return from his spy network.

[DA]: How would you describe The Iron Bull’s character?
[PW]: The Iron Bull is casual, friendly, and confident. There are very few things in the world that he can’t kill if he needs to, which puts him at ease most of the time. He’s got no need to compete with anyone or prove himself, and he doesn’t need his ego stroked. What he does need are people he can trust to watch his back and friends he can laugh with. After surviving years of ugly, nasty fighting, The Iron Bull has learned not to take anything too seriously. Unless it involves demons.

[DA]: Why demons?
[PW]: The Iron Bull has a thing about demons.

[DA]: What sets The Iron Bull apart from the other followers in Inquisition?
[PW]: The Iron Bull really loves life outside the demands of the Qun, now that he’s gotten used to it, and he does everything big. He overeats, drinks himself sick, and will hop into bed with anyone he’s reasonably sure he won’t break. He’s been close to death enough times to appreciate life whenever he has the chance.

[DA]: How does he get along with his fellow companions?
[PW]: The Iron Bull is a relaxed, friendly guy who gets along with just about everyone. He loves talking shop with Cassandra after battles, for example, although he’s a lot more enthusiastic about chopping people in half than Cassandra is. He also gets along surprisingly well with Vivienne, who keeps him in line when he gets too boisterous.

[DA]: You said “just about everyone.” Are there people that he doesn’t get along with?
[PW]: The only folks The Iron Bull has trouble with are those who go looking for fights about the Qunari. He isn’t trying to convert anybody, but he’s not going to apologize for his way of life, and people like Varric, who saw the Qunari at their worst in Kirkwall, might take that the wrong way.
این کاراکترای جدید چرا ریختشون اینطوریه؟:d:-/
این سبیله چیه دیگه؟!!:d
کلا طراحی شخصیت ها و چهره شون مناسب نیست... کساندرا رو که می بینم یاد زامبی های والکینگ دد میوفتم:| ... جالب اینجاست که بایوویر قبول هم نمی کنه که چهره ها زشتند...
کلا طراحی شخصیت ها و چهره شون مناسب نیست... کساندرا رو که می بینم یاد زامبی های والکینگ دد میوفتم:| ... جالب اینجاست که بایوویر قبول هم نمی کنه که چهره ها زشتند...
حالا من نمیگم که زشتن و بدن و از این حرفا
ولی کلا طراحی کراکترها به نظرم یه جوریه...مثلا این پیچ سیبیلای یارو آدم رو یاده این شعبده بازا که از کلاشون خرگوش در میارن میندازه:d
تا اینجا بهترین و نرمال ترین چهره ای که به نظرم نشون دادن,لیلیانا بوده...
چتا نکته:
یعضی از رومانس های باز مخصوص یه نژاد خاص هستن و برای باقی دسترسی ندارن. (احتمالا Iron Bull)
میتونین با سوت زدن اسبتون رو احضار کنین!
استفاده از تاکتیکال ویو نقاط قوت و ضعف دشمن رو نشون میده!
Iron Bull کاراکتری یکم شوخ داره!
در مورد ویوین:
[DRAGON AGE]: What was Vivienne's life like before she met the Inquisitor?
[MARY KIRBY]: She was, and still is, the official enchanter to the Imperial Court. Now, mages in Thedas can't hold political power, so the post was almost like a glorified court jester—someone to do magic tricks on command.

[DA]: That sounds a bit humiliating for someone with her power. How did she deal with it?
[MK]: Vivienne took the job and turned it into an advisory position for the Empress. She claimed her place as a respected, and sometimes feared, member of the court instead of as an oddity, and she got used to telling the most powerful nobles in the world what to think about magic and mages.

[DA]: All’s well that ends well, right?
[MK]: And then the Circle shattered, a war started for the Orlesian throne, and someone ripped the sky open. So… could be better.

[DA]: How does she come to join the Inquisition?
[MK]: Vivienne is not the sort of person who would sit back and watch while the world crashed down around her. The Inquisition is the only group even trying to stand against the chaos. So she resorts to the only logical course of action for a courtier: she throws a party for them.

[DA]: What was your favorite part about writing her character?
[MK]: Vivienne was fun to write because she let me play around with different ways for a character to be powerful. Any mage can destroy their enemies with fire and ice, but Vivienne can rip apart her opponents verbally, politically, socially—and make ice seem like the gentlest option.

[DA]: Does her personality conflict with her fellow companions, or does she fit right in with the Inquisition?
[MK]: She takes great pride in her work, and her interactions with a certain unnamed Inquisition mage can be a little… explosive. In a good way. Mostly.

[DA]: Vivienne doesn’t sound like someone you’d want to tangle with. Can you share an example of how she interacts with people who get on her bad side?
[MK]: Certainly.

در مورد Blackwall:
[DRAGON AGE]: What is Blackwall's life like before he meets the Inquisition?
[SHERYL CHEE]: The Blight is ten years past. The Grey Wardens' prominence is decreasing again. The Wardens are known for their vigil; they keep watch for the darkspawn, for the Blight. But Blackwall isn't interested in just watching. He is absolutely invested in the idea of the Grey Wardens of legend: those who place themselves between the people of Thedas and the oncoming Blight, acting as their shield.

[DA]: Would you say that he sees himself as a defender of the people?
[SC]: To him, that's a Grey Warden, someone who protects others, who takes a hit so someone else doesn't have to. And if that's a Grey Warden, then it's his moral imperative to act, even when there's no Blight. There's more evil in the world than just the darkspawn, and he believes it's his duty to do something about it. He lives by that old saying: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

[DA]: How does he become involved with the Inquisition?
[SC]: When the Inquisition tries to get in contact with the Grey Wardens, they find Blackwall. He's traveling on his own, a bit of a loner. But with the world spiraling out of control, Blackwall sees the Inquisition as Thedas's last hope to restore order, and he realizes that he'll probably be able to do more good with its backing than by himself.

[DA]: How would you describe Blackwall's character?
[SC]: He's a veteran. He's been through many battles, many conflicts, and he knows their price. He's aware that in wars, the people who call the shots are often safe in their fortresses. It's the soldiers who die. He's seen people with power abuse it and use it to manipulate others, and he absolutely hates that.

[DA]: How does he view himself in the hierarchy of war?
[SC]: He's not going to put himself above the rank and file. He's not better than them. At the end of the day, after all the talk about good and protecting people, he's going to want to have a round of drinks with the rest of the troops and share stories.

[DA]: What was it like for you to write his character in Inquisition?
[SC]: I had a great deal of fun writing Blackwall. At least part of it was asking why someone might find the Grey Wardens appealing. Why choose to be part of that? A heroic sacrifice is still a sacrifice. What sort of person could decide that dying for something is better than just living?
And I would love to say more, but I won't. Ask me again in October.

[DA]: Being good and just can sometimes rub other characters the wrong way. How does Blackwall fit in with his fellow companions in Inquisition?
[SC]: There are definitely characters that Blackwall enjoys the company of more than others. While he always keeps a close watch on his conduct, he loosens up around certain people. There's also the possibility that his relationships may change over time.

خب از 9 تا همراهمون 8 تا تایید شده که از هر کلاس سه تا هستن و از این سه تا هم یکی زن!
Iron Bull
Cassandra (مونث)
Sera (مونث)
این یارو مو سفیده که معرفی نشده هنوز، شاید Cole باشه!
Vivienne (مونث)
مجتبی نیست تاپیک زیر خاکی شده! :d
Angry Joe یه مصاحبه داشته با تهیه کننده ی بازی مهم ترین نکته ای که بهش اشاره میشه اینه که بازی تقریبا 20ـتا اژدها داره. :d مدت زمان بازی چیزی بیشتر از 100 ساعت هستش که تقریبا نصف این زمان رو main questـها تشکیل دادن. بازی به بزرگی Dragon Age: Origins + Awaking ـه و مدت بازی هم حداقل 40% از Dragon Age II طولانی تره.
یه سری اطلاعات دیگه از یه interview دیگه:

  • Sera is really sassy.
  • Vivienne’s personality might clash with Morrigan’s, she's a real ice queen.
  • The world master system not only influences wildlife populations and resources, but also bandits and factions’s presence in a region. Kill one faction or group and another might come in and replace them.
  • Crafting mechanics functions through a template. Use nug leather and your hilt will look different than if you use dragon scales. Deepest crafting system BioWare has ever done.
  • The more you fight a specific enemy, the more information you’ll get about them through the tactical camera.
  • The beginning of the game is paced in a way for newcomers to learn more about the world.

و اما Dragon Age Keep:
همون طور که BioWare قول داده بود سیستمی رو به وجود آوردن که شما حتی اگر نسخه های قبلی سری رو بازی نکرده باشید می تونید انتخاب های موجود رو انجام بدید و به Inquisition انتقال بدید تا تاثیرش رو ببینید!

The Dragon Age Keep | BioWare Blog

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رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
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