Looking for a new car? Something exotic and luxurious? Money is not an issue? Then Herrera, a spanish manufacturer of luxery cars for the upper class, might just have what you're looking for.
Combat knife that can hold cartriges filled with neurotoxin.
Malorian Arms handgun
Oilfield on the northern outskirts of Night City.
Outdoor market in Wellsprings (subdistrict of Heywood)
Car manufacturers Archer (top) and Thorton (bottom).
Aldecaldos and Wraiths.
Tiger Claws gang
Militech troops in South America (Juli 2022)
Kabuki (subdistrict of Watson)
Vista del Rey and The Glen (subdistricts of Heywood)
Need an insurance?
Corpo Plaza
Braindance editing glove
Japantown in Westbrook
This picture of the Arasaka building looks menacing af.
Muy picante!
Visualization of the data flow in the Net.
"Welcome to North Oak! If your not rich or famous, please leave at once."
Luxurious apartment with Braindance station in the living room...... Oh yeah, and there's a Tiger too.
Kabuki (subdistrict in Watson)
Mr Richard Night
Ranch Coronado (subdistrict of Santo Domingo)
Weapon manufacturers are exploiting the general feeling of uncertainty in modern society to boost their sales numbers.