Pcsx2 Ver: 1210 ميشه اين بيلد را بذاريGame Title: God of War 2توجه: شما بايد از اين patch براي اجراي درست بازي استفاده كنيد.(با تشكر از كلنگ عدالت)
Serial: SCUS_974.81
Status: Ingame
My PC:
CPU: Amd Phenom Triple Core
VGA: ATI 3870 DDR4 512MB
Ram: 4GB DDR2
Operation: XP SP3
Pcsx2 Ver: 1210
Note: new versions *will* have higher speed.
Bios: USA 2.20
Graphic: Gsdx9 1194
Render(D3D9 Hardware) – Interlacing(None) - Native(no) - Texture ******ing(yes) - Wait vsync(no) - Edge anti-aliasing(no) - Enable output(no) - Logarithmic Z(yes) - Alpha Correction(no)
Note: new versions *will* have higher speed.
Sound: Spu2-X 1.1.0: Default
Cdvdrom: Linuz ISO CDVD 0.9.0 or P.E.Op.S. CDVD (CDDA Mode) 1.3.0
Frame Limiting(Normal) - EERec(yes)- VU0rec(yes) - VU1rec(yes) - Multi threaded(yes)
Game Fixes:
FPU Compare Hack(no) - FPU Mul Hack(no) - VU Add Hack(no) - Vu Clip Hack(yes)
Speed Hacks:
EmotionEngine(Use x2) - VU Cycle Stealing(Large speedup) - INTC Sync Hack(yes) - Enable IOP x2(yes) - WaitCycles Sync Hack(yes) - Idle Loop(yes)
EE Recs Options: Round Mode(Positive) - Clamp Mode(None) - Flush to Zero(yes) - Denormals are Zero(yes)
VU Recs Options: Round Mode(Chop/Zero) - Clamp Mode(None) - Flush to Zero(yes) - Denormals are Zero(yes)
مشكل مه در بازي با پلاگين گرافيكي كه Master عزيز دادن برطرف ميشه: