RP:اون زرنگ خان که در آخرین لحظات عمرش شیفت کرد روی BTS![]()
جونش از هم گسیخته شد , خوب شد زودتر مرحوم شد و این لحظات رو ندید:dVictoria جون (:biggrin1:) که اصلا هیچی از بازیش معلوم نیست:biggrin1:ولی به نظر میاد فعلا BTS رو بورس باشه:biggrin1:
Mulally's name has repeatedly come up as a front-runner in Microsoft's CEO search for the past couple of months, even though Mulally has never publicly spoken about being in talks with the company for the top spot. Other unconfirmed reports suggest that Satya Nadella, the current executive vice-president of cloud and enterprise at Microsoft, could be chosen as its new CEO.
دوستان میشه بگید بازیهای کنسول region free هست یا نه؟
دوستان من از دسته وان خیلی خوشم اومده . این دسته رو 360 کار می کنه ؟
یادش بخیر دسته ps2 رو وصل میکردیم به ps1دوستان من از دسته وان خیلی خوشم اومده . این دسته رو 360 کار می کنه ؟
یادش بخیر دسته ps2 رو وصل میکردیم به ps1
Although Microsoft Victoria commonly appears on Xbox fans' lists of first-party Xbox game developers, the studio does not seem to be a full-fledged game developer, but rather more of a R&D team for Microsoft's device business. On their resume, an engineer at the studio describes working with the incubatory Microsoft team "responsible for Kinect" on "the design and development of a number of prototypes in a variety of areas, including: computer vision, gameplay systems, user-interaction frameworks, and low-level technology in the context of a tight-knit, highly-functioning team." A Microsoft Victoria game designer describes their role as "[leading design of] games and user experiences for selected projects on an emergent future platform." And the only real hint of something that unequivocally sounds like development of a shippable game comes from the CV of Microsoft Victoria's design lead, who says they "Created and balanced character types, weapons, and attributes on an unreleased project."
Former Xbox boss Don Mattrick was instrumental in bringing a Microsoft studio to Victoria, and with his departure to Zynga, I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft Victoria continues to exist in complete obscurity.
http://gamingbolt.com/xbox-one-esra...hs-out-optimization-dying-light-tech-directorA lot has been made out about the Xbox One’s eSRAM. Some have posited that it’s responsible for the limited resolutions being seen in launch titles. However, it has its uses as well. GamingBolt spoke to Techland’s Jakub Klarowicz, Technology Director for Dying Light and asked how the upcoming free run survival horror game takes advantage of eSRAM.
Does it cause any bottleneck or actually help simplify the process? According to Klarowicz, “We haven’t played around with the eSRAM much yet. Currently, we use it for storing the zbuffer and shadowmaps. The full potential of eSRAM, like the Xbox 360′s eDRAM, is yet to be realized but for now, it appears the developer is finding a number of uses for it. “It’s especially helpful because the memory is readily available for any purpose and unit: the CPU, the GPU, textures, render targets, etc. It really smoothes out the optimization process.”
به نظرم اینام استفاده جالبی رو از esramنمیکنند البته فعلا گفته که در حال بررسی هستند اما crytek هم استفاده جالبی رو هم نکرد فک کنم 343بتونه ازش به نحوه ی خیلی بهتری استفاده کنه .به نظرم مایکروسافت باید روی devkitهاش بیشتر کار کنه اللخصوص esramچون فعلا استفاده مفیدی ازش نمیشهنظر مدیر فناوری استودیوی Techland’s سازنده بازیه Dying Light در مورد کار با esram
به هیچ وجه چنین چیزی نباید امتحان بشه وگرنه به Boot loop دستگاه دچار میشه. چنین قابلیتی رو بایستی از طریق Cloud (مثل سونی) یا روش دیگه قرار بدند. ظاهرا بازار داغی داره!To be clear there is no way to make your Xbox One backwards compatible & performing steps to attempt this could make your console inoperable