همه چیز درباره Xbox One (پست اول تاپیک حتما خوانده شود)

اینو دیدین؟:d



^ این دورورا نمی آد؟

Unity هم واسه دولوپر ها مجانی ـه.

The add-on, releasing in 2014 for the Xbox One, will allow registered developers to use the Unity game engine to publish titles on the new console, as well as Windows 8 and Windows 8 devices. Microsoft says this will level the playing field for developers, regardless of their size or location

Xbox One-only Unity Pro licenses will also be offered to qualified developers. Microsoft has already promised to be on the lookout for promising titles that deserve marketing and promotion, but offering Unity free to any developer willing to register is another step in the effort to bring original content to next-gen platforms..

"Microsoft continues to show their commitment to creating opportunity for developers of all shapes and sizes, a commitment shared by Unity," Unity Technologies CEO David Helgason said. "The drive behind the ID@Xbox program is exciting for Unity and the games development community in general. We can’t wait to see the results.”

Unity Will Be Free For Indie Developers on Xbox One - IGN

[h=1]Kinect Sports Rivals runs at 1080p - resolution is "important, but not the whole story", says Rare[/h]
Kinect Sports Rivals runs at 1080p and 30 frames a second on Xbox One, OXM can confirm. According to Rare's executive producer Danny Isaac, earlier versions of Rivals offered a maximum resolution of 720p, but the developer was able to upgrade the game over the months to run at 960 and finally 1080p.
[h=2]"Everybody just wants to compare the numbers," muses executive producer[/h]
[h=1]Square Enix unveils Project FLARE, will "replace the console with a virtual supercomputer"[/h]
نظر چند نفر در مورد ID@Xbox و مجانی شدن Unity

  • David Helgason, CEO, Unity Technologies: “Microsoft continues to show their commitment to creating opportunity for developers of all shapes and sizes, a commitment shared by Unity. The drive behind the ID@Xbox program is exciting for Unity and the games development community in general. We can’t wait to see the results."
  • Dan Teasdale, No Goblin: “ID@Xbox has been great about lowering the bar to entry for smaller developers like No Goblin. Free Unity licenses are another big step towards making Xbox One a no-brainer for independent developers like us.”
  • Dino Patti, Playdead: “It’s definitely great that Microsoft is lifting this cost off of developers. We love when things are hassle free.”
  • Mike Mika, Other Ocean: “In the last generation, we spent a lot of time and resources trying to make games run across multiple platforms. It’s cool to see Microsoft take another step in making life easier for developers. We’re already developing using Unity on Windows 8 and so adding Xbox One to our Unity pipeline makes tons of sense.”
  • Jamie Tucker, Asteroid Base: “As Unity developers, we are excited to hear about this. Anything that makes it easier for indies to get their games into the hands of players is an great thing."
ای بابا، ما منتظر بودیم اعلام کنن 240p :( ای مایکروسافت جهان خوار چرا این کارارو با ما می کنی؟ :(

اینا خود Indie Developerـان؟ :دی
خودت چی حدس میزنی؟:d
پ.ن:بنفش شدنت مبارک!:d
این کنسول ها با اسکین های مختلف چقدر ناجور فتوشاپن:d امیدوارم خشگل تر باشن!:d(ایشالله ببینیم کی 343 240p بودن هیلو بعد رو معرفی میکنه..)
خودت چی حدس میزنی؟:d

بله شرمنده اون اولشو ندیدم :دی

حالا با چه گوشی میشه بازی کرد با این دستگاه 240p؟:d.

تقریبا همه چی ! :دی


[h=1]Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved runs at 1080p native on Xbox One, 720p on Xbox 360[/h]


[h=2]"There's always a balance that needs to be struck between resolution, frame rate, & graphical fidelity"[/h]
ازشون پرسیدن مشکل داشتین تا رزولوشن بازی رو به 1080p برسونین یا خیر.

There's always a balance that needs to be struck between resolution, frame rate, and graphical fidelity. If you want to add a complicated lighting effect, for example, you may need to spend more time per-pixel rendering it. If you want to hit an aggressive frame rate goal without sacrificing your lighting and other effects, you might want to reduce your game's effective resolution.
"Every game has to make trade-offs on these three axes," he continued. "With Fantasia: Music Evolved, we've been able to prioritize resolution and graphical fidelity while running at 30fps, which we feel successfully elicits the magic of Fantasia.

"We've taken the opportunity to push the graphical fidelity of this game as far as we can. The gameplay in Fantasia: Music Evolved only requires us to run at 30fps, which has let us focus on making our frame-to-frame visuals really shine."

Xbox Consoles News: Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved runs at 1080p native on Xbox One, 720p on Xbox 360 - Xbox 360 - The Official Magazine

پ.ن:بنفش شدنت مبارک!:d

ممنون :دی
چند وقت پیش یکی از بچه ها در مورد Codemastersو پروژه بعدیشون یه چیزهایی گفته بود ، حالا GB شایعه در مورد Grid3 در کرده .
مرده شور ریخت Codemasters و مدیر هاش رو ببره :| هم Grid & DiRT رو خراب کردن رفت ... :(
اصلاً این خبر چه ربطی به این تاپیک داشت من گفتم ؟! :|
بعضی وقت ها خبرهای GB خودشون شایعه هم نیستن ، دیگه وای به حال شایعاتش :-" :دی
حالا با چه گوشی میشه بازی کرد با این دستگاه 240p؟:d.
HTC X1 توصیه میشود :دی
آخرین ویرایش:
یک سوال دارم,قصدم هم ترول نیست.:|:d
روزلیشن نسخه AC IV X1 اعلام رسمی شده یا نه؟:-/
رسمی اعلام نشده ولیبه احتمال 90% 720p ــه (طبق شایعات):d

این تاپیک Troll-free ــه:>

اینا خود Indie Developerـان؟
اولی که مدیر Unityــه
دومی به بعد ایندی تشریف دارن (NoGoblin ) (Other Ocean Interactive) (Astroid Base) (PlayDead)
آخرین ویرایش:
به نظرم بهتر ماکرو کینکت رو حذف کنه و کنسول300دلار بفروشه..ضعیف تر و گرونتر از رقیب چطور میتونه موفق بشه؟؟الان از همین اول بازی های مولتی رو ps4بهتر اجرا میشن سونی هم که تو انحصاری معروفه پس حتی تو عرضه بازی هم نمیتونه باهاش رقابت کنه.مدیریت ماکرو توحلقم..
واقعا ناراحتم من عاشق فورتزا.و دسته اکس باکسم ولی خریدش اصلا عاقلانه نیست

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

تبلیغات متنی

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن