باندل inFAMOUS :
حالا زیاد 60 با 80 فرق نداره . هر چی شد .![]()
یکی بیاد فرق بین ریجن ها رو کامل توضیح بده ( میدونم بازی ها قفل منطقه ای نداره ، برای پیدا شدن PSN کارد و اجرا شدن بازی های PS2 می گم . )

Model***** PS2 Compatibility..*Harddriv***Release Dates****Region Suffixes
CECHA*****Hardware------------*60GB-------Nov,2006Aug2007--00 01 06 07 12
CECHB*****Hardware------------*20GB-------Nov,2006Apr2007--00 01 x 07 12
CECHC*****Software------------*60GB-------Nov,2006Aug2007--02 03 04 08
CECHE*****Software------------*80GB-------Aug,2007---------01 05 06 11 12
Code******Region****First Model Released****PS2Region
O2--Australia-New Zealand-CECHC02------****----PAL
03----------U.K. /Ireland-CECHC03------****----PAL
04Europe MiddleEast/AfricaCECHC04------****----PAL
05--------South Korea-----CECHE05------****-NTSC-J
12------Hong Kong---------CECHE12------****-NTSC-J
PS2 games are divided into four main regions (NTSC-J, NTSC-U/C, NTSC-C, PAL) and two formats (NTSC or PAL) locked.
Note that the PS2 game discs can be single or double layer, although there are very few dual-layer PS2 games (like Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance). The PS3 supports both.
How to tell if your PS3 can play PS2 games
tep 1
The quickest way to tell whether your PS3 can play PS2 games is to look at the number of USB ports on the front of the console. If your PS3 has 4 USB ports, it's probably (but not always!) a model with backwards compatibility for PS2 games. However, if your PS3 has 2 USB ports, it is NOT backwards compatible.
Step 2
Check the back of the console for more precise information about your model. On the back, there will be a label which includes your PS3's model number. This model number begins with the letters "CECH".
Step 3
You have backwards compatibility for PS2 games if your PS3 has a model number beginning in CECHA, CECHB, CECHC, or CECHE. All other models are incapable of running PS2 software.
Step 4
Furthermore, these four model numbers can be further divided by the type of PS2 support they provide. CECHA and CECHB models include special hardware that allows PS2 games to run exactly how they would run on an actual PS2.
Step 5
CECHC and CECHE model numbers, however, use software emulation to play PS2 games. This means that support for PS2 software is imperfect. You may run into glitches when playing some PS2 games on these consoles.
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